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Turkey most popular country among Arab nations, poll finds


Mar 20, 2011
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Turkey most popular country among Arab nations, poll finds


Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu received a hero’s welcome in Tahrir Square in the rebel-held Libyan city of Benghazi on July 3.

Turkey is the most favorable country among Arab nations and is touted as a state that is contributing to peace and stability in the region the most, a survey has shown.

A poll published by Arab American Institute on Wednesday inquires perception of Iran in the region, and finds that Iran’s current and future role in the region is rated overwhelmingly negative among Arab public, while Turkey’s rating was the highest.

The institute said the key finding of the poll is that a substantial majority of Arabs believe that Iran plays a negative role in both Iraq and the Arab Gulf region. It said the survey was conducted during the first three weeks of June by Zogby International and over 4,000 Arabs were surveyed in six Arab nations.

According to the survey, Turkey receives the highest favorable ratings in most Arab countries, with the US receiving the lowest rating in every country but Saudi Arabia, where Iran is lowest.

Turkey is viewed as favorable in Morocco (80 percent), Egypt (64 percent), Jordan (45 percent), Saudi Arabia (98 percent) and United Arab Emirates (62 percent), while Iran’s rating is low except in Lebanon. Turkey’s rating in Lebanon is 93 percent, while Iran’s is 63 percent.

Surprisingly, Lebanon’s Shias, who are known as being favorable to Iran, gives higher credit to Turkey with 93 percent, while this number in Iran is 83 percent. 96 percent of Sunnis and 90 percent of Christians in Lebanon consider Turkey as a favorable country.

Asked if they agree that Turkey’s foreign policy contributes to peace and stability in the Arab world, 82 percent of respondents from Morocco, 65 percent from Egypt, 85 percent from Lebanon, 58 percent from Jordan, 76 percent from Saudi Arabia and 61 percent from the UAE said “yes”.

Only in Lebanon, 57 percent of respondents said Iran contributes to peace and stability in the Arab world, while the US receiving the highest 24 percent in Saudi Arabia. The poll found in every country but Lebanon, significant majorities say that Iran does not contribute to peace and stability in the Arab world. Overall, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are viewed as making the most positive contribution to peace and stability.

Among Lebanon’s religious communities, while Iran is believed by Shias to be contributing to peace and stability in the Arab world with 79 percent, this number is 90 percent regarding Turkey. While Lebanon’s Sunni and Christian population rated Turkey as the chief contributor to peace and stability in the region with 87 and 79 percent, only 42 and 46 percent of them thought the same with respect to Iran, respectively.

The survey said majorities in five of six countries agree that the Middle East would be more secure if it were a nuclear free zone. In Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Morocco there is little support for Iran becoming a nuclear power.

Respondents overwhelmingly pointed to Egypt and then Turkey when asked which country they would prefer if they had to choose one nation, other than Israel, to be a nuclear power in the Middle East. Only Lebanon, with 33 percent, believed that Iran should have a nuclear weapon other than Israel, while 26 percent of Lebanese said Turkey should have a nuclear weapon.

Turkey most popular country among Arab nations, poll finds
maybe because its the only democracy there?

haha lol, i think you only read the title and commented... what about israel? arent they a democracy? it isnt about democracy or not. it is about how well we are doing. we have what they dont have. we can do what they cant.
haha lol, i think you only read the title and commented... what about israel? arent they a democracy? it isnt about democracy or not. it is about how well we are doing. we have what they dont have. we can do what they cant.

LOL Israel poular with Arab nations? Now there's a good one, we are pretty far down the poularity list in Arab countries, FYI.
Deen in it's own place, Duniya in it's place - what's there not to like?
Turkey is surely a well respected country throughout the Muslim world, here in Pakistan, Turkey is considered as one of the best friends :D
turkey has amazing culture went there back in 2002 i really liked the masoulem of mevalana rumi so much to see so much to do there such amazing amazing culture we had back then wow really recommend visiting there !!
It is popular alright..... Arabs even name their kids..... TURKEY
Turkey is popular among all Muslim majority countries. I dont know any Muslim majority country that has problems with Turkey.

Even in our region, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh greatly admire Turkey.

Bring back the Ottomon Empire, Turkey.

Turkey is popular among all Muslim majority countries. I dont know any Muslim majority country that has problems with Turkey.

Even in our region, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh greatly admire Turkey.

Bring back the Ottomon Empire, Turkey.


Turkey is the nearest thing the Muslim world has to a role model. Strong economy, more or less separation of state and religion(less lately) and their women are surprisingly hot.
Kudos to Turkey.:cheers:
Turkey is popular among all Muslim majority countries. I dont know any Muslim majority country that has problems with Turkey.

Even in our region, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh greatly admire Turkey.

Bring back the Ottomon Empire, Turkey.


Yeah take over all Arab lands again :P
It was Turks that defended the major Muslim Holy sites I pray Turkey will Lead the Muslim world. with the declining West and the rising East it's only a matter of time.

overambitious but admiringly hopeful to say the least. The muslim world is divided in its core. Even two political parties in Palestine seem to be killing each other(Fatah And Hamas). Not to mention, the recent break up North and South Sudan, Gaddafis crime against humanity and many more. Your statement is undoubtedly true that the west is declining, but a notion that all muslims will unite in the sometime future seems a bit delusional to me based on the last hundred or so years. Matter of fact, the only two Countries on the East which are growing are both non Muslim: India and China.

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