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Turkey's Relationship/Maintenance of Historically Armenian Landmarks


Jun 17, 2012
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Before all else, I'd like to express hope that this thread will not be subject to flame bait/war. Therefore, if I could make the request of posters to refrain from making comments about the Armenian Genocide, NKR, or any other Armenophobic sentiments, that would be greatly appreciated (otherwise, I will have to respond to them :)) I will in turn not mention PKK, ASALA, and the likes.

What is the condition of landmarks/cities such as Mt. Ararat, Van, Lake Van, Ani, and Tigranakert (Diyarbakir). Are there any Armenians left? Are they in hiding? Any particular sentiment towards them?

Are there any preservation projects being done to historically Armenian architecture?

Is there any emotional/cultural connection that Turks have to such landmarks.

Anything else notable?

Thanks in advance.

PS - feel free to ask questions about Armenia/NKR:D
Before all else, I'd like to express hope that this thread will not be subject to flame bait/war. Therefore, if I could make the request of posters to refrain from making comments about the Armenian Genocide, NKR, or any other Armenophobic sentiments, that would be greatly appreciated (otherwise, I will have to respond to them :)) I will in turn not mention PKK, ASALA, and the likes.

What is the condition of landmarks/cities such as Mt. Ararat, Van, Lake Van, Ani, and Tigranakert (Diyarbakir). Are there any Armenians left? Are they in hiding? Any particular sentiment towards them?

Are there any preservation projects being done to historically Armenian architecture?

Is there any emotional/cultural connection that Turks have to such landmarks.

Anything else notable?

Thanks in advance.

PS - feel free to ask questions about Armenia/NKR:D

Before all else, I'd like to express hope that this thread will not be subject to flame bait/war. Therefore, if I could make the request of posters to refrain from making comments about the so-called armenian genocide, North Cyprus, or any other Turkophobic sentiments, that would be greatly appreciated (otherwise, I will have to respond to them :)) I will in turn not mention traitorship to 700 year old neighbours, Armenian gangs' actions during WW1, and the likes.

Christian's Relationship/Maintenance of Historically Ottoman Landmarks

What is the condition of landmarks/cities in Bulgaria , Greece , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Romania , Serbia , Tunisia , Algeria , Crimea , South Cyprus , Hungary , Moldavia , Albania , Kuwait and Palestina? Are there any Turk left? Are they in hiding? Any particular sentiment towards them?

Are there any preservation projects being done to historically Ottoman architecture?

Is there any emotional/cultural connection that Christians have to such landmarks.

Anything else notable?

Thanks in advance.

PS - feel free to ask questions about Turkey/Cyprus:D
I know Turkish people living in Armenian homes in Turkey. Why shouldn't they live there? Armenians don't live in Turkey any more because of their own actions. Turkey is historical Turkish land now. 50% of Armenia was Muslim before WW1, now Muslim population in Armenia is almost close to zero. I don't think we should be nice to people who are not nice to us but we should be twice as harsh and hard to our enemies. Never forget, never forgive, eye for an eye. It is life or death. Today Armenia doesn't recognize Turkey's borders. Do you know what this means? Why should we be friendly to such a country on that bases? And don't let me start about Karabagk, historical Azeri land. It will be returned one way or another to Azeri.
PS - feel free to ask questions about Turkey/Cyprus:D

Again, not interested in the cookie-cutter propaganda you were taught in school while kneeling before a statue of Ataturk.

Judging from your inability to answer a single one of my questions OR come up with a sentence structures of your own, I will not be asking you any questions. It appears that I know a great deal more about Turkey/Cyprus than you anyway.
The bottom line for Armenia is cut out this GENOCIDE Baloney and work out and resolve its differences with Turkey. Armenia has more to gain from a normalized relationship with Turkey than to harp on the same old tired useless revisionist history.

Come to 21st Century , Armenian Friends.
The bottom line for Armenia is cut out this GENOCIDE Baloney and work out and resolve its differences with Turkey. Armenia has more to gain from a normalized relationship with Turkey than to harp on the same old tired useless revisionist history.

Come to 21st Century , Armenian Friends.

No Pakistanisage, you do not understand. If there as in fact no genocide, then there would not be such feelings and indeed no impediment to normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia. Just because you feel no sympathy for Christian Armenians does not mean that our suffering is "baloney" or "useless."
No Pakistanisage, you do not understand. If there as in fact no genocide, then there would not be such feelings and indeed no impediment to normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia. Just because you feel no sympathy for Christian Armenians does not mean that our suffering is "baloney" or "useless."

The US and Japan fought a war and today they are best of allies. I consider Armenian people friends and this is my honest and sincere advice to my friends. You cannot change the past but you can make a difference in present and future. It is time to move on and let bygones be bygones.
The US and Japan fought a war and today they are best of allies. I consider Armenian people friends and this is my honest and sincere advice to my friends. You cannot change the past but you can make a difference in present and future. It is time to move on and let bygones be bygones.

Absolutely. Even genocide may be forgiven (but not forgotten), assuming that the successors of the perpetrators admit the truth. Denying the genocide is equivalent to continuously spitting on the graves of 1.5 million Armenians.
Again, not interested in the cookie-cutter propaganda you were taught in school while kneeling before a statue of Ataturk.

Judging from your inability to answer a single one of my questions OR come up with a sentence structures of your own, I will not be asking you any questions. It appears that I know a great deal more about Turkey/Cyprus than you anyway.

Again back to square one : You say my ancestors brainwashed us trough school system , we say your ancestors brainwashed you guys with never ending "i am a relaitive of genocide survivor and my granpa told me..." stories and none of us going to accept opposite side's claim because of "They are our enemy of course they would try to confuse us" mentality.

But what you guys dont think is status qua killing you ,time has became the archenemy of armenians already.As each day passes Republic of Armenia's population decreases(already fallen to 3 million-Do you know what happens after a country's population drop below 2 million?) and because of poor life people migrating US/Europe/Russia or neighbouring countries(within time their children will assimilate and lost armenian identily , today more than half of western armenians living in US/EU can't even talk Armenian language).I am not even talking about armenians coming to Devil's Den(Turkey) by crossing border risking their lives becaming illegal workers with incredible low salary(cause they dont have citizenship) and those are the lucky ones : they are the ones with strong will/honor but other weak willed young armenian girls who already lost their hope you know very well what kind of life they choose in their enemy's country to feed their families in Armenia.

What i am trying to tell you is by sorting those countries(you should ask yourself what happened those muslim majority countries today all there is christians and muslims dont even exist as minority) is we lost ten fold perhaps twenty fold of your losses during WW1 but we accepted it as fault of our rulers by fighting multiple fronts while ignoring internal problems and move on with life.When you armenians going to accept past and move on before its too late? Before Armenia falls? Do you know what will happen after Republic of Armenia gone? Diaspora will lost it purpose and without diaspora/collective hatred againts us armenians all over the world will assimilate to local population within 2-3 generations.

When you guys going wake up from this chain of hatred before Armenian race became a subject to study in history class?
What is the condition of landmarks/cities such as Mt. Ararat, Van, Lake Van, Ani, and Tigranakert (Diyarbakir).

Our mountains and cities are in good condition..Thanks for your concern

Are there any Armenians left?

As far as i know, no..

Are they in hiding?


Any particular sentiment towards them?

Roughly, nobody gives a flying ..ck about Armenians atm..We have more important issues to deal with

Are there any preservation projects being done to historically Armenian architecture?

Turkey - now

What is the condition of landmarks such as Mt. Ararat.

The road and hike trails up the mountain have been polluted with trash. Here are some photos of Armenians who climbed Mt Ararat undercover.



The expeditions to the peak of our ancestral mountain continue. This time it is Homenetmen scouts from Israel that take the journey to the top. Video of the journey. Homenetmen on Ararat - YouTube


Again back to square one : You say my ancestors brainwashed us trough school system , we say your ancestors brainwashed you guys with never ending "i am a relaitive of genocide survivor and my granpa told me..." stories and none of us going to accept opposite side's claim because of "They are our enemy of course they would try to confuse us" mentality.

But what you guys dont think is status qua killing you ,time has became the archenemy of armenians already.As each day passes Republic of Armenia's population decreases(already fallen to 3 million-Do you know what happens after a country's population drop below 2 million?) and because of poor life people migrating US/Europe/Russia or neighbouring countries(within time their children will assimilate and lost armenian identily , today more than half of western armenians living in US/EU can't even talk Armenian language).I am not even talking about armenians coming to Devil's Den(Turkey) by crossing border risking their lives becaming illegal workers with incredible low salary(cause they dont have citizenship) and those are the lucky ones : they are the ones with strong will/honor but other weak willed young armenian girls who already lost their hope you know very well what kind of life they choose in their enemy's country to feed their families in Armenia.

What i am trying to tell you is by sorting those countries(you should ask yourself what happened those muslim majority countries today all there is christians and muslims dont even exist as minority) is we lost ten fold perhaps twenty fold of your losses during WW1 but we accepted it as fault of our rulers by fighting multiple fronts while ignoring internal problems and move on with life.When you armenians going to accept past and move on before its too late? Before Armenia falls? Do you know what will happen after Republic of Armenia gone? Diaspora will lost it purpose and without diaspora/collective hatred againts us armenians all over the world will assimilate to local population within 2-3 generations.

When you guys going wake up from this chain of hatred before Armenian race became a subject to study in history class?

Armenia's emigrating population is not falling of the face of the earth, it is simply relocating. They get better, higher paid jobs elsewhere, and then send back to Armenia more than what they could have contributed if they stayed.

I guess you'll have to come up with some new BS.
PS - feel free to ask questions about Armenia/NKR:D

Yes I have a question. Is Armenia going through any diplomatic channels to bring the murderer Ramil Safarov to justice? Also do you think that there will be any underground movements by Armenian militants to assassinate him?
Remaining Armenians are generally concentrated in Istanbul, there are many immigrants from other parts of Anatolia among them, they're not facing any actual discrimination, they have their active churches and ethnic schools, about the historical monuments they're preserved as much as any other historical monument preserved, sadly officials are kinda lazy about these issues.

Do not bring genocide etc. talks to here again, we discuissed these before, check the older threads if you forget.
We have thousands of illegal Armenians in Turkey, this is not a secret. The government knows but tolerates them, the Kids are allowed to go to school since this years. I hope that we finally pass our first law on immigration soon, so that we can make sure those Kids can stay and go to school.

Plenty churches have been restored in the past decade and offer ceremonies from time to time, but as many other churches they are officially just museums. I personally would push for the restoration of more churches and open them entirely, the tourism in those regions would get a major boost and plus those narrow-minded-Glandale-Armenians that would come to visit those places could see for them self that there is no hostility towards them in Turkey.

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