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U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

Are u joking?zumwalt class.Carrier alone can sink type 52d like lollipop.F-15s with AESA,f-18s with AESA.F-35s.

I've seen this individuals posts in a few threads. No matter what the subject is, his basic script is always the same. No matter what facts, logic and common sense you try to use with him, he still continues to live in his own little fantasy world.
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I've seen this individuals posts in a few threads. No matter what the subject is, his basic script is always the same. No matter what facts, logic and common sense you try to use with him, he will still live in his own fantasy world.

Personally I am enjoying the Chinese 50 cent hyper nationalist butt hurt.

After all, these guys were cheer leading the Chinese pushing around the smaller countries. Let the, take it for once
PLz.Plz.Plz.Just stop.What are u going to do when 10 carrier battle groups descend on you?
What are u little frigates going to do against an endless wave of nuclear subs,destroyers and cruisers?
Type 54 and type 52 are just cannon fodder for USN.
And comparing land based AWACS kj-2000 to hawkeye,another noob move.Comapred to e-3 sentry and specialized US surviellence equipment chinese kj-2000 is baby.
As for maritime patrol plane,lolDo u think 10 carriers with huge airplane wings are ther to sit on deck.The carrier alone are enough to wipe china's navy of the face of the planet.
USN is the most powerful navy in human history .At least have some info on what u are about to challenge.
For starters be a good boy-superboy,head over to wikipedia.Search united states navy and then people's liberation navy.Check the list of active ships and then compare.Ur education will get a beginning.Right now u are truly making a joke out of urself with funny and wild comments.
You daddy is "invincible", but what about india?
Personally I am enjoying the Chinese 50 cent hyper nationalist butt hurt.

After all, these guys were cheer leading the Chinese pushing around the smaller countries. Let the, take it for once

They first need complete control over their own like HK and Taiwan.
They first need complete control over their own like HK and Taiwan.

And you need to grow up. You whiners can only beat up on the weak. But get schooled when going up against real power. 29-3.
And you need to grow up. You whiners can only beat up on the weak. But get schooled when going up against real power. 29-3.

Thank you for your tax dollars_ used by us to beat up on you. we are yet to be schooled.
Plz,communist pilots.Just compare ur flying hrs to ours.On top of that the ancient commissar system.Even PAF regularly outclasses ur pilots in exercises and word is that turkey did it too.

Yep,the oil embargo.You expect war to go by rules of peace,lol.Once war begins automatically all trade is off,not when oil emabargo hits.So by that time damage will alreday be done but not as much as u think.China exports no critical goods that are essential to usa survival,most are low tech goods.A simple oil blockade will make china helpless.Not a dman thing they can do about it and chinese know it,thats why they have trying so bad to get alternate routes to secure their oil supply.

:lol: India has the worlds worst record on air crashes, that's just the numbers they publish, god only knows the real crash numbers. That's enough proof to show the level of incompetence of not only the Indian pilots but the entire Indian Air Force. Typical South Asia militaries, too much boasting but rag tag in reality. No wonder you got smacked in the 1962 war.

Most Indian pilots don't even have the training and expertise to operate the fighters in the Indian poofter force. Indian pilots even lost to Pakistani pilots, how embarrassing is that :lol:

Chinese pilots shot down American pilots at a 5-1 ratio in the Mig Alley in the Korean War. Quick, go read up on Indian propaganda to update your air head....I mean brain.

:lol: you actually think we don't have an oil reserve to fight a lengthy war? I know you're a low IQ Indian but at least try to think or try as much as you can to use common sense. Yea I know it tough for your kind but even an air head like you should know this.
yeah well I guess i can play along.
49-2 . week 3 . 4 flights daily to take you back home.

Learn what your avator means, and look up at week 2. and you would know what I'm talking about.
I think that was childish move by the Chinese, U.S called the bluff.

"U.S called the bluff" in a very narrow and short term prospective and lost big time already. This is just US frustration using only thing it has left - power of arms. Pivot and TPP all but dead and couple of B-52 will do jack in reality. US has lost financial and diplomatic capability and capability to influence other countries. These types of cowboy attitude took US to cleaner at the first place. Instead of recalibrating itself to compete with others in economic and other sphere, US is still seeing things through colonial mindset and gun power. That attitude has very short expiry date on it.
:lol: India has the worlds worst record on air crashes, that's just the numbers they publish, god only knows the real crash numbers. That's enough proof to show the level of incompetence of not only the Indian pilots but the entire Indian Air Force. Typical South Asia militaries, too much boasting but rag tag in reality. No wonder you got smacked in the 1962 war.

Most Indian pilots don't even have the training and expertise to operate the fighters in the Indian poofter force. Indian pilots even lost to Pakistani pilots, how embarrassing is that :lol:

Chinese pilots shot down American pilots at a 5-1 ratio in the Mig Alley in the Korean War. Quick, go read up on Indian propaganda to update your air head....I mean brain.

:lol: you actually think we don't have an oil reserve to fight a lengthy war? I know you're a low IQ Indian but at least try to think or try as much as you can to use common sense. Yea I know it tough for your kind but even an air head like you should know this.

You cant prevent 2 B-52 flowing through your so called ADIZ.And you are here to fight with Indians.Man even IAF forced a US commercial airlines carrying US troops when it is fly through our ADIZ.
Except some rare cases due to su-30 ,only mig -21 cause extensive damage to IAF .We will phased out that junk within 2017.We are not China commies CCP opaque country.If there is any incident take place in the Indian armed forces ,we the all Indian citizens can know about that,But chinese citizens only know script written by CCP.
Indian pilots are one of the best pilots in the world.when you talk about quantity ,we only talk about quality,that something you have dont know.
AUSTERLITZ is right.Even Pak airforce is better than you ,PAF and PN have war experience that is failed, and IAF and IN have war experience that is victorious.Even Indian Navy enforce a blockade against China in Indian ocean only for one day,Chinese boasting mighty military ended once and for all.Game over.
You cant prevent 2 B-52 flowing through your so called ADIZ.And you are here to fight with Indians.Man even IAF forced a US commercial airlines carrying US troops when it is fly through our ADIZ.
Except some rare cases due to su-30 ,only mig -21 cause extensive damage to IAF .We will phased out that junk within 2017.We are not China commies CCP opaque country.If there is any incident take place in the Indian armed forces ,we the all Indian citizens can know about that,But chinese citizens only know script written by CCP.
Indian pilots are one of the best pilots in the world.when you talk about quantity ,we only talk about quality,that something you have dont know.
AUSTERLITZ is right.Even Pak airforce is better than you ,PAF and PN have war experience that is failed, and IAF and IN have war experience that is victorious.Even Indian Navy enforce a blockade against China in Indian ocean only for one day,Chinese boasting mighty military ended once and for all.Game over.

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