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UAE issues hate crimes, discrimination law: Jail, up to Dh2 million fine

It would be better these Shieks pass law to return all Pakistani politicians stolen money and other corrupt govt officials......imagine Ayyan Malik and other model use to transport millions of dollar to Duabi....Dubai banks are full of Pakistani stolen money....


Isn't it a failure on our part that we allow money to slip out easily?

No country stops people to bring in money to their country, of course their are checks in place and laws made on how much can come and how. Now how money goes out it is upto the authorities of the country form where it is being taken out to check and plug in the loop holes (in Pakistan's case a sink hole).

What if there is a law, that a normal passport holder can bring a maximum of specific amount in one go, that amount can be hihger for diplomatic or special passports holders.

And people who take out money are no ordinary people, they are definitely somehow or the other linked to the politicians in Pakistan (Ayan is a very small example) and then you have Customs, Police, MOFA, MOI all taking necessary actions for a red carpet service accordingly as per the orders.

And then again, not all Money comes to Dubai, part of it definitely goes to other countries as well as the Passenger would be going to Dubai in transit.

Their are other possibilities also which can be executed to get the money out "legally".
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Stop blaming others for your misfortune, it's not their problem your country is a sh!t-hole.


It becomes their problem---when this looted money is termed as ECONOMIC TERRORISM MONEY and those countries helping hide that money will become a participant as well.

The U S is starting to help Nigeria recover 150 billion dollars looted from the state.

It becomes their problem---when this looted money is termed as ECONOMIC TERRORISM MONEY and those countries helping hide that money will become a participant as well.

The U S is starting to help Nigeria recover 150 billion dollars looted from the state.


Pakistan can also do something, but for that first the change and initiative should be from the departments in Pakistan, meaning from the politicians and policy makers. Will that happen? and if yes, will it be implemented fully?


June 11, 2014

UAE, US agree on anti-tax evasion measure, ink deal

The UAE has reached an initial agreement with the US to carry out a financial data-sharing programme aimed at curbing offshore tax evasion by US citizens.

The Ministry of Finance announced on Tuesday that the two countries had negotiated an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) in substance to implement the US’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca). The US law aims to plug as much as $100 billion a year of lost tax revenue from US citizens concealing incomes and assets offshore.

The ministry said that the new agreement would follow Fatca’s “Model 1”-type agreement, where the ministry negotiates the exchange of data and information with the US Treasury Department. In the alternative “Model 2”, financial institutions report directly to US tax authorities.

The US had set a deadline of July 1 before American banks were to be required to withhold some payments to the financial institutions of countries without a Fatca agreement.

The Ministry of Finance said in its announcement of the UAE’s agreement that it reaffirmed the emirates’ commitment to strengthening the stability of its financial industry. It would reduce the burden of Fatca for banks and financial institutions operating throughout the emirates, the ministry said.

In May, the Central Bank of the UAE had informed banks and financial institutions with branches or subsidiaries abroad to register with US tax authorities and obtain their “Global Intermediary Identification Number”, or GIIN.

The central bank’s notice, 150/2014, said banks and financial institutions without branches or subsidiaries abroad would have until December 31 to register.

The UAE Cabinet’s Decision No. (100/5 and / 2) for 2013 had designated the Ministry of Finance as the authority responsible fornegotiating with the US Treasury to sign a draft agreement on compliance with Fatca.

The ministry said the agreement was in line with the UAE’s commitment to encourage and support banks and financial institutions, as well as help them implement the law’s requirements in order to strengthen the country’s position as a global financial centre.

Obaid Humaid Al Tayer, Minister of State for Financial Affairs, said the agreement was only an initial one, but the UAE would nevertheless be treated as having a full IGA in effect.

UAE, US agree on anti-tax evasion measure, ink deal - Khaleej Times


your country is a sh!t-hole.


No matter what, it is still an Islamic country and i am sure you would not like same words be used by someone for your country as well.
that is why the UAE is one of the best places to live in in the middle east i sure hope more countries in the middle east follow them
What about exporting those rabid views and money to instigate terrorism to other nations and being spectators of the aftermath? These morons will soon even come up with a brand spanking new hadees to save their own hineys. Bunch of hypocrites. Selective Islam at it's best.

Hyperion, I found you an even headed person in this forum always. Can you please review your -ve rating to this Arab person ( Cannot read his name, sorry) once more ? You blamed that his country is engaged in terrorism in Pakistan which he refuted strongly. His choice of a demeaning word to describe Pakistan is condemnable ( many use this phrase for India/Pakistan in India-Pak debate without any action) but not his reaction probably. You are actually taking away the right to oppose your proposition.Request you to kindly think again
This law is a joke. Let's see if this law prevents an Indian or a Pakistan paid one tenth of a white guy.
If you knew me well, you'd very well know that I wouldn't negative rate anyone, even if they abused me....... having said that, for outright lying and calling Pakistan anything that IT IS NOT, then that's another case.

Actually what needs to be done is Arabs understand very clearly that, most of them are the root cause of terrorism in the world, there is no one else BUT them. We all know it, it's time even you speak out about it!

Hyperion, I found you an even headed person in this forum always. Can you please review your -ve rating to this Arab person ( Cannot read his name, sorry) once more ? You blamed that his country is engaged in terrorism in Pakistan which he refuted strongly. His choice of a demeaning word to describe Pakistan is condemnable ( many use this phrase for India/Pakistan in India-Pak debate without any action) but not his reaction probably. You are actually taking away the right to oppose your proposition.Request you to kindly think again
July 27, 2015

Dubai Police file first case under anti-discrimination law
Deputy police chief files case against Saudi tweeter

Dubai Police have filed the first court case in a new anti-hatred law issued by the UAE last week to prosecute a Saudi man accused of making offending remarks against the country on his Twitter page, a newspaper reported on Monday.

Deputy Commander of the emirate’s Police and General Security Lt General Dahi Khalfan Tamim said he had filed the case against Mohammed Al Hadeef, taking advantage of the enforcement of the law against hatred and discrimination in the UAE.

“I have filed a case against Al Hadeef for his continuous insults against the UAE and for instigating hatred against the country,” he told the ‘Emarat Al Youm’ daily.

He said police are preparing a file for the case, adding that he would push for the prosecution of Al Hadeef in courts in the UAE and abroad.

“Now we have a law which we can use to prosecute all those who make insults and instigate hatred so they will be punished.

“This Saudi tweeter has been publishing remarks that instigate hatred against the UAE by spreading baseless rumors and lies.”

Tamim said Al Hadeef would be prosecuted no matter where he stays and that police would prepare a memorandum to bring him to UAE courts.

“There is a big difference between criticism within the law and making insults or instigating hatred against others. Al Hadeef is a provoker and instigator and will be arrested,” he said.

Dubai Police file first case under anti-discrimination law - Emirates 24|7

posted on 23/07/2015: 246 views


The Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security in Dubai, Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, said that the UAE Anti-Discrimination Law has elevated the state to the ranks of highly civilised nations, and will put an end to crimes of discrimination practiced by some Arab societies.

He told Emarat Al Youm, Emirates Today, newspaper, "Only now will the preachers of hate and extremism here and abroad understand that there is a deterrent punishment that awaits them," stressing that these people exploited the religion in an ugly way, and spread the culture of extremism and hatred everywhere.

Khalfan explained, "We asked some time ago for this law, and now we are very happy after its release, in light of the urgent need for it to face the hatred spreading in the Arab lands."

He continued, "We read and watch daily on social networking sites, and on some satellite stations, the systematic practices aiming to insult religions and spreading hatred and discrimination, which directly affects social and psychological security, as well as national security, stressing that authorities cannot leave these people behind their microphones accusing doctrines and people of certain religions of blasphemy, and incite against them.

He stressed that "religion has sanctity and we must not allow whoever it is to speak on it. The secret of progress and social peace in it, is the implementation of awareness among communities, for you don't find those who ask you about your religion in civilised countries, and discrimination against those of certain beliefs is almost non-existent, everyone lives under the principle of 'you have your own religion and I have mine'."

He pointed out that the law uplifts UAE society to the level of these civilised states, as it promotes among its members a culture of acceptance regardless of religion or doctrine, explaining that the crimes of discrimination and hatred are not a phenomenon in the country, but what distinguishes the new law is that it is not limited in its sovereignty over what happens within the state, but extends its reach to outside as well, and can be applied to anyone who commits any of the crimes listed, regardless of their location.

He stressed that Islam is a religion of tolerance and not a tool for the dissemination of murder and extremism, as used by these terrorist groups, so the government must address these groups by the forced implementation of law. He noted that the provisions of the Anti-Discrimination Law are clear, and that everyone should read them well so that they do not violate them, especially on social networking websites, because in that case the law will be applied strictly, allowing the government to proceed against violators and arrest them. . – Emirates News Agency, WAM –

Khalfan: Law elevates UAE to the level of civilised countries | WAM

Solomon2 comment: It is said, "the devil is in the details." There is much praise of the new UAE law. However, it appears nobody has seen the text of it yet. The good Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security Khalfan Tamim here seems to have missed that in "civilised countries" laws are part of the public record - certainly they are published before they are applied to prosecute people. That way, unknown texts cannot be mysteriously invoked to abuse people by public officials who are, perhaps, less high-minded than Khalfan Tamim is.
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posted on 23/07/2015: 246 views


The Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security in Dubai, Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, said that the UAE Anti-Discrimination Law has elevated the state to the ranks of highly civilised nations, and will put an end to crimes of discrimination practiced by some Arab societies.

He told Emarat Al Youm, Emirates Today, newspaper, "Only now will the preachers of hate and extremism here and abroad understand that there is a deterrent punishment that awaits them," stressing that these people exploited the religion in an ugly way, and spread the culture of extremism and hatred everywhere.

Khalfan explained, "We asked some time ago for this law, and now we are very happy after its release, in light of the urgent need for it to face the hatred spreading in the Arab lands."

He continued, "We read and watch daily on social networking sites, and on some satellite stations, the systematic practices aiming to insult religions and spreading hatred and discrimination, which directly affects social and psychological security, as well as national security, stressing that authorities cannot leave these people behind their microphones accusing doctrines and people of certain religions of blasphemy, and incite against them.

He stressed that "religion has sanctity and we must not allow whoever it is to speak on it. The secret of progress and social peace in it, is the implementation of awareness among communities, for you don't find those who ask you about your religion in civilised countries, and discrimination against those of certain beliefs is almost non-existent, everyone lives under the principle of 'you have your own religion and I have mine'."

He pointed out that the law uplifts UAE society to the level of these civilised states, as it promotes among its members a culture of acceptance regardless of religion or doctrine, explaining that the crimes of discrimination and hatred are not a phenomenon in the country, but what distinguishes the new law is that it is not limited in its sovereignty over what happens within the state, but extends its reach to outside as well, and can be applied to anyone who commits any of the crimes listed, regardless of their location.

He stressed that Islam is a religion of tolerance and not a tool for the dissemination of murder and extremism, as used by these terrorist groups, so the government must address these groups by the forced implementation of law. He noted that the provisions of the Anti-Discrimination Law are clear, and that everyone should read them well so that they do not violate them, especially on social networking websites, because in that case the law will be applied strictly, allowing the government to proceed against violators and arrest them. . – Emirates News Agency, WAM –

Khalfan: Law elevates UAE to the level of civilised countries | WAM

Solomon2 comment: It is said, "the devil is in the details." There is much praise of the new UAE law. However, it appears nobody has seen the text of it yet. The good Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security Khalfan Tamim here seems to have missed that in "civilised countries" laws are part of the public record - certainly they are published before they are applied to prosecute people. That way, unknown texts cannot be mysteriously invoked to abuse people by public officials who are, perhaps, less high-minded than Khalfan Tamim is.

Worry about combating the 100.000's of illegal settlers in the West Bank - some which recently burned a 18 month old Palestinian baby to death.

A few days ago some Orthodox Jewish lunatic attacked a gay parade in Jerusalem and killed a young gay Israeli.

UAE is doing fine and improving and it should not really concern an Arab-obsessed individual like you anyway.
Solomon2 comment: It is said, "the devil is in the details." There is much praise of the new UAE law. However, it appears nobody has seen the text of it yet. The good Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security Khalfan Tamim here seems to have missed that in "civilised countries" laws are part of the public record - certainly they are published before they are applied to prosecute people. That way, unknown texts cannot be mysteriously invoked to abuse people by public officials who are, perhaps, less high-minded than Khalfan Tamim is.

I dont think anyone is really taking this seriously. It seems more like a law to give power to the police and judicary system to be able to convict people that might be politically problemati for the ruling elites.

Because can anyone seriously think that an Indian or Pakistani can take a company to court for discriminating against then based on nationality?

Or look at any job listening, where the companies will clearly mention wht nationality o employees they are looking for or gender or age, all of which are illegal in countres with strong discrimination laws.

As an example, look at job listings.

Anyway, before angry arabs insult me, i'm not saying UAE is bad. I like the country, i'm just saying this is not really something anywhere close to what it claims to be.

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