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UAE issues hate crimes, discrimination law: Jail, up to Dh2 million fine

What about exporting those rabid views and money to instigate terrorism to other nations and being spectators of the aftermath? These morons will soon even come up with a brand spanking new hadees to save their own hineys. Bunch of hypocrites. Selective Islam at it's best.
You forget to mention that ISI protected Osama and are protecting Hafiz Saeed. How is that the fault of Arabs?? You really do have some issues, always bashing Arabs. You're just a racist low life no better than the people you claim to hate.

Worry about combating the 100.000's of illegal settlers in the West Bank - some which recently burned a 18 month old Palestinian baby to death.

A few days ago some Orthodox Jewish lunatic attacked a gay parade in Jerusalem and killed a young gay Israeli.

UAE is doing fine and improving and it should not really concern an Arab-obsessed individual like you anyway.
Bro, guys just ignore these immature haters, especially that Arab obsessed @Hyperion , that guy has some serious issues. Maybe he got beat up by an Arab when he was a kid and that's why hates Arabs.


Stop blaming others for your misfortune, it's not their problem your country is a sh!t-hole.
Bro, don't let that troll lead you into his trap. He wants you to bash Pakistan. His whole purpose in life is to bash Arabs.

Actually what needs to be done is Arabs understand very clearly that, most of them are the root cause of terrorism in the world,
Meanwhile Osama was living in Abbotabad and Hafiz Saeed is currently giving open speeches in the streets of Lahore.

Dude, you're hatred of Arabs is getting to your head. Are you sure you're sane?

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