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understanding establishment

Grapes are sour.
Till the time establishment was doing all type of illegal activities in order to support Imran khan, then it was Halal.
But as soon as the establishment became neutral (not even anti PTI), then it became Haram.
These are double standards of PTI.

And what illegal activities establishment did for PTI? Please elaborate

Exactly. This is just a new messiah hunt.
As if a single person will change the culture overnight.
The Japanese teach their kids only social etiquettes from 2 to 5 years in school. No formal studies.
The base for societal change has to occur at that age.

STFU. We know better about our country than you. No need for you to lecture us

And why you have replaced modi with shahbaz as the new abbu?
We need to come up with solutions.

There are two major reasons that the military has become so powerful in the country. The main reason is that India is a looming threat, so people have given the army a free hand. The second reason is that civilian politicians are corrupt to the bone. They don’t have the moral authority to challenge the army. In the past anyone challenging the establishment was labeled as a traitor.

This is the first time that we have an honest civilian leader and a political party with a huge following. There is a chance that things can be fixed.

For one thing, we don’t need to harm the military in any way. We don’t even need to deprive them of their real estate assets, like DHAs or their business assets like Fauji etc. All that is needed to be done is to bring them under civilian control, like militaries in every single successful country in the world.

The only way to do that is to change the constitution and to switch to a presidential system. A directly elected president would be powerful enough to have moral authority over the generals. They would not be able to overthrow an elected president by manipulating the national assembly like they do now.

That’s what Turkey did. After the coup attempt in 2016 they switched to a presidential system. The only way to overthrow the president is by a military coup and that will bring millions of people to the streets.

One way to change the system in Pakistan without the use of violence is for PTI to win 2/3 majority.

Knowing that, the generals will try to thwart such a win. But it is imperative to get a majority that allows a change in the constitution.

In case PTI doesn’t get a 2/3 majority, but they get a simple majority they could still hold a referendum to approve a change in the constitution.

Last time PTI was in power they tried to work within the system, but got nowhere. This time they should have a plan in place to overhaul the whole system as soon as they get into power.

Public support for PTI needs to be huge so that the generals will never think of trying to overthrow an elected government ever again.
We shouldn't be feeling too hopeless, despondent and a feeling that there is no hope in Pakistan, and that we should stop the dream that things can get better in Pakistan, as Establishment has got the tentacles all wrapped up on Pakistan.

Quote Last para:
as pakistan will not be libya yemen iraq because political instability times we have a system . a bureaucracy which keep working . a strong military which defend country from out . so no matter who much political instability came nothing will happen on ground to country . imran khan or nawaz sharif or even MA JINNAH himself no one can took back from establishment powers they have .

Nations evolves and it takes decades upon decades, could stretch to many centuries.

The Pak Establishment on any given day is better than being under the hegemon of India with deep Indian state, RAW, south block ruling Pakistan.

Or the US Estab, the US state dept, the mil-ind complex(or the Cil-Mil), the Balfours, freemasons, MI-6, other Imperialists ruling the country(this seems to be ending with a foreign controlled regime now in Pakistan?). So it was OK till now. Hope this dread is wrong and exaggerated.

But now with a regime change operation success and strings being pulled by US, UK, the Pak Estab. itself is kind of caught between the devil and the deep sea.

They were pressurized to such an extent that they just wilted under the pressure and power of US.(this happened first time, earlier there were just traces of foreign intervention, not that open)

Now they need the support of people, enough power behind them to stand against the power of US.(hope they realises it as they are thickheaded ) PTI's Imran Khan can do this, hope they get onboard with Imran Khan to come out of the precarious situation.

Imran Khan is protesting and looking for a real change. Estab. is looking for a way out. Both should collaborate...
They need each other to survive. If they work together I see a great future for Pak, strong respected military with strong capable civilian leadership. Both are extremely important and only by working together for Pakistans interests will Pakistaj becoem a great nation
We shouldn't be feeling too hopeless, despondent and a feeling that there is no hope in Pakistan, and that we should stop the dream that things can get better in Pakistan, as Establishment has got the tentacles all wrapped up on Pakistan.

Quote Last para:
as pakistan will not be libya yemen iraq because political instability times we have a system . a bureaucracy which keep working . a strong military which defend country from out . so no matter who much political instability came nothing will happen on ground to country . imran khan or nawaz sharif or even MA JINNAH himself no one can took back from establishment powers they have .

Nations evolves and it takes decades upon decades, could stretch to many centuries.

The Pak Establishment on any given day is better than being under the hegemon of India with deep Indian state, RAW, south block ruling Pakistan.

Or the US Estab, the US state dept, the mil-ind complex(or the Cil-Mil), the Balfours, freemasons, MI-6, other Imperialists ruling the country(this seems to be ending with a foreign controlled regime now in Pakistan?). So it was OK till now. Hope this dread is wrong and exaggerated.

But now with a regime change operation success and strings being pulled by US, UK, the Pak Estab. itself is kind of caught between the devil and the deep sea.

They were pressurized to such an extent that they just wilted under the pressure and power of US.(this happened first time, earlier there were just traces of foreign intervention, not that open)

Now they need the support of people, enough power behind them to stand against the power of US.(hope they realises it as they are thickheaded ) PTI's Imran Khan can do this, hope they get onboard with Imran Khan to come out of the precarious situation.

Imran Khan is protesting and looking for a real change. Estab. is looking for a way out. Both should collaborate...

Another point I wanted to add is that everything that happens, happens for a reason. Maybe this whole situation is to teach IK and Estab that they need each other. Maybe this will lead to a change that I've mentioned above. I hope for the best
Another point I wanted to add is that everything that happens, happens for a reason. Maybe this whole situation is to teach IK and Estab that they need each other. Maybe this will lead to a change that I've mentioned above. I hope for the best

Yes true, more often than not. Everthing that happens, happens for a reason and for good. Just look at the huge sea change in people behavior regarding fighting for the rights and Azaadi, earlier they were in deep slumber, with the thought that politics is for the politicians.

People came to the reality that they cannot remain Apolitical, they cannot remain neutral and let this country go abysmally down with these corrupt and convoluted politcians, the polictial mafias, other mafias.

So this realization by the people and rising to the occasion is the biggest change. Bigger than any election win for the PTI or Imran Khan.

Time and again he said, you need to be political, don't let this duty to just the political mafias and the cartels. And that neutral bus janwar hota hai...how true is this.

A nation(the people) who knew they are on the right side of history, fully awakened about the rights and responsibilties, their collective power, justice and people jurisdiction, their prerogatives, is a nation gearing towards greatness.
Yes true, more often than not. Everthing that happens, happens for a reason and for good. Just look at the huge sea change in people behavior regarding fighting for the rights and Azaadi, earlier they were in deep slumber, with the thought that politics is for the politicians.

People came to the reality that they cannot remain Apolitical, they cannot remain neutral and let this country go abysmally down with these corrupt and convoluted politcians, the polictial mafias, other mafias.

So this realization by the people and rising to the occasion is the biggest change. Bigger than any election win for the PTI or Imran Khan.

Time and again he said, you need to be political, don't let this duty to just the political mafias and the cartels. And that neutral bus janwar hota hai...how true is this.

A nation(the people) who knew they are on the right side of history, fully awakened about the rights and responsibilties, their collective power, justice and people jurisdiction, their prerogatives, is a nation gearing towards greatness.
Inshallah this is the beginning of Pakistanis good times. With every difficulty comes ease. Pakistan has been born, it has survived and now it is time for it to thrive
Exactly. This is just a new messiah hunt.
As if a single person will change the culture overnight.
The Japanese teach their kids only social etiquettes from 2 to 5 years in school. No formal studies.
The base for societal change has to occur at that age.
Abey chutye apny kaam sy kaam rakh na, kiun rozy mein gaaliyan nikalwa rha mera moun sy...
The establisment have accounts in britain so therefore are compromised plus assets and kids a broad at oxford or in usa. They would like to keep this stolen wealth with west complicit in this criminal activity. Imran khan should have nationalized the bank and ban dollar. Ban all overseas assets and bank accounts and education abroad.
I dont think so. Their policies have onky destroyed Pakistan.
Ayub khan policies developed the west wing but alinated the east. And no true defence. And Pakistan lost half of the country.
Our army surrendered.....
Zia ul haq destroyed the social fabric of the country. Radicalised us in a way that is toxic still. And still we feel the heat. The sectarian organisation are still running great and once that starts blame all it on india you want. Your own house is not in order.
Afghanistan war destroyed Pakistan. With reugees drugs and kalashankovs.
Musharaf threw us with usa again and terrorism everywhere.
Do you know histroy, who has attacked Pakistan army again and again. They are done by illyas kashmiri a boy we trained to fight jihad in kahsmir but later turned against Pakistan and Pakistan army. Because musharaf made deals and fight the Afghanistan with americans.
And till now they have not learned.
Achievments of Pakistan army.
1.Lost half of country
2.Radicalised a very mature nation
3.Their policies turned people into terrorist .
4.Expert in regime changes.
Can you please go into more detail about Zia-Ul-Haq radicalising the nation?
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