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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

Look who is talking to whom about bloodlust, and when.

Yeah, I did not miss your perfunctorily contrite regret post right in the beginning.

We must be politically correct.

Spare me your tantrums and analyses.

Others here may not know it, but I know all too well your constant vomiting against Arabs and Muslims in other threads. Your very obvious bloodlust to see a major war resulting from this is a bit too transparent. Even for you.

I have neither the time nor patience to humor you for even one second.
it 50,btw i never said they are going to take over libya,did i :D

Oh right an extra 20 is gonna make the whole difference....If us had nefarious plans regarding Libya...it wont be 50 Marines they would be sending !! ....this number looks about right for a precautionary force for the US citizens still there

As I said, they have a strong ideology, they believe of what they do, and they don't bother spilling blood in perusing their purposes. As for us (Muslims), we believe they are shallow and misguided people. I know some of them here, and they are uncultured and uneducated people, they don't even understand Islam. I know a barber who doesn't want his daughters to attend school, so they don't see boys in the street! I tried to argue him about it, but they have no logic at all. They understand Islam according to their shallow and backward thinking.

They deny logic that defies their conviction ...hence completely inflexible and rigid mindset........but if this barber and his friends decide to enforce their code with brute strength and violence....it does not matter how many liberal or open minded muslims are there.....the only voice that will be heard from the mass will be of the barber .......people like will be easily suppressed as going against God himself

Why is it that Gulf Arabs remain civil, and dont behave like this?

Most of them are too bloody rich to even care....
Because, their educational system teach Islamic teachings extensively and doesn't let a gap for others to misinterpret like what was happening in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt where only basic Islamic teachings were taught, while the rest was left for individuals to teach in Mosques, everyone according to his understanding. However, gulf Arabs do believe in Jihad which is basically defending brothers everywhere if were wronged. Others like Bin Laden were changed in other countries, not in KSA.

I would like you to watch this, he would answer most of your questions:

No only reason is they are rich now. Rich lose more if they come out and protest.
Poor doesnt.

When arabs start losing money, then they will come out.
Plus, other fear KING.

Why do you think Libyans and Egyptians storm US embassy? Not Indian Embassy or SA embassy? Why always US or NATO?

Trust me, muslims hate US to core. It breaks out easily in these countries. Because they are the one who suffered from them.
Wherever stuffs nose, you can expect same kind of people in streets.
More barbaric are US rulers than these people.

As long as US is economical power and trend setters. Nothing can be done. Once they bankrupt, people wont give them water also for sure.

Consider this as frendly fire, ally killed his own.
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@ Double Master: Every one knows about the past history of certain rulers. Every one knows what other religious people can do in arab nations.

Dont glorify arab nations.
What a stupid and utterly idiotic idiotic post. How does this einstein make it through the day without hurting himself must be the 8th wonder of the world.

Lord have mercy

and im guessing he was represeting average americans?

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