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US breathes life into a new cold war

Usually use of force is a assisted to the national interest, but the Chinese tend to have a more cautious attitude on the use of force, we have no history of addiction aggressive, but there is a counter-attack, and even deep back in history.
BTW, I can guess why some Pakistanis would get paranoid about Asian co-operation.

They think they benefit if Indo-Sino relations remain bad. They can then extract their rent as they did during cold war days, faking to hate communism.

Frankly, Pakistan is no more than a minor issue in Sino-India relations. It will sort itself out if and when the irritants are sorted out. There is no major issue and rivalry for resources is something that can be managed.

It's so funny when Indians try to narrow the debate to Pakistan.

Like I wrote earlier, every single south Asian country is apprehensive about India's intentions and is courting China. India's whole game plan is to play nice with China and convince it to stay out of south Asia, so India can be top dog. We'll just have to see how that pans out but, so far, China has not fallen for India's play.

OK, substantiate this so called fact.

Go through the infractions list and you will see.
I think people are giving this SCo thing way too much hype . Its not a military bloc , its members interests also dont match on everything . It will be nothing like NATO . This whole hype will subside in a few years .
In other words, do you think this is offensive or just back in Asia to face the United States blockade?
Simple, because the benefits. Qu praised the use of force, It never is not our culture, we believe that peace and order and security for trade to increase, while trade to make the maximum benefit, and the economic integration of China and Southeast Asia can bring more benefits, the war can only destroy, not create.

China does not have a very hard stance on the territorial issue and India, at least in the past, but not the same as the South China Sea, which is energy security in the future, China also has enough historical and practical reasons, so going to compete, but even so, I think that China also does not want to eat the food alone, as long as some Southeast Asian countries can cooperate.

'Force' does not always have to be military force. That is why I specifically mentioned economic and military strength. In fact, I believe America's real strength lies in their cultural and economic domination of the world. The military power is just a nice to have.
Oh i guess you missed all the rat worshippers , bhartis , 1000 years slaves , dirty hindu dravidians comments we receive here almost daily . But that is okay , it tells us how objective your analysis is so that we know how much attention to pay to your posts in future.

Oh please! For every such post, there are similar posts by Indians against Pakistanis, Muslims and Chinese. The Indians give as good as they get, and are just as guilty of starting the mud slinging as anyone else.

To claim that they are disadvantaged in any way is just ludicrous.
It's so funny when Indians try to narrow the debate to Pakistan.

Like I wrote earlier, every single south Asian country is apprehensive about India's intentions and is courting China. India's whole game plan is to play nice with China and convince it to stay out of south Asia, so India can be top dog. We'll just have to see how that pans out but, so far, China has not fallen for India's play.

wishful thinking , India is already a leader in south asia and China can not do anything about that just like China is a leader in East asia and USA or india cant to anything about that .

Your China worship makes you close your eyes and see things clearly . East asia warms up to USA to make sure China does not dominate the region but that has not stopped China from actually doing it , the same is true for South Asian countries and India but still it is helpful in both the regions because it keeps india in south asia and China in east asia in check .
Oh please! For every such post, there are similar posts by Indians against Pakistanis, Muslims and Chinese. The Indians give as good as they get, and are just as guilty of starting the mud slinging as anyone else.

To claim that they are disadvantaged in any way is just ludicrous.

Then why make such claims that can not be proven ?

You were the one who claimed Indians are the most pampered . and no the infractions list doesnt say anything . Those who deserve an infraction get it . i was banned for a week for asking a pakistani member to go to sleep once so i know .
It\'s so funny when Indians try to narrow the debate to Pakistan.

Not really. It was just trying to see where the person is coming from. I think I am not too far off.

Sino-India good relations scare off some for obvious reasons.

Like I wrote earlier, every single south Asian country is apprehensive about India\'s intentions and is courting China.

Just like every East Asian country is apprehensive of China and is courting USA?

Large countries tend to have that effect on the smaller neighbors, especially prickly ones.

We need to get better at managing this, I have no doubt.

India\'s whole game plan is to play nice with China and convince it to stay out of south Asia, so India can be top dog. We\'ll just have to see how that pans out but, so far, China has not fallen for India\'s play.

Too simplistic. There is no play, just interests.

China is using the smaller countries to its ends. It may realize that cooperation with India is a batter long term strategy.

Go through the infractions list and you will see.

I see many more Indians getting banned than Pakistanis, at least for similar \"offenses\". That was really shallow I must say.
India is already a leader in south asia whether someone likes it or not . i know its hard to admit for people but if your comments are to be believed then even China is not a leader of east asia since they too have disputes with neighbours and their neighbours dont budge.

India is the only major power in south asia and the world acknowledges it and it hardly matters whether the fake Pakistani ghairat has a hard time swallowing this fact .

Btw even countries in east asia and south east asia have developed great relations wiht india over the past few years and some of it has to do with china in mind . It is similar to what China has been doing in south asia . I dont quite understand where you see the difference.

Of course India is the leader. It is eight times bigger than any other country. But India wants to be the undisputed spokesman for the region. It wants to have the final word in regional affairs. Other countries in south Asia will have none of that.
In reality, India has never been an ally of USA. The honor is all yours.

The most allied ally, major non Nato ally and so forth.

Of course, there is a convergence of interests lately on many issues, especially economic and security issues but India keeps its own council for the most part.

BTW, most Indians would be for increasing co-operation between developing Asian and African countries. After a really long time it actually makes sense as well.

i thought israel had better ties to nato than india?
'Force' does not always have to be military force. That is why I specifically mentioned economic and military strength. In fact, I believe America's real strength lies in their cultural and economic domination of the world. The military power is just a nice to have.

That depends on how to use, so far, China's military strength to deter a number of old players. We do more to help developing countries, it is beyond doubt, it is not feasible to follow a road of plunder, Chinese road for trade, so we are willing to help developing countries develop economy, which will also allow us to get more trade opportunities. In addition to developing and developed countries also have big interest from China. Therefore, the rise of China, which is a real positive for most countries, but might upset some top biotechnology, China does not need to use force in almost all countries, particularly developing countries. But some necessary force to deter few countrys must be need, of course, it is still just deterrence, not necessarily used.

Friends, you probably forgot. For thousands of years, China is a order of defenders, not predators in Asia
Your China worship

Indian desperation showing again. I only mentioned China as an external player -- it could have been any other country.

East asia warms up to USA to make sure China does not dominate the region but that has not stopped China from actually doing it , the same is true for South Asian countries and India but still it is helpful in both the regions because it keeps india in south asia and China in east asia in check .

Oh dear, so now you welcome US presence in Asia??
India's true feeling come out after all.

So much for that 'Asian unity' against the west. :rofl:
wishful thinking , India is already a leader in south asia and China can not do anything about that just like China is a leader in East asia and USA or india cant to anything about that .

Your China worship makes you close your eyes and see things clearly . East asia warms up to USA to make sure China does not dominate the region but that has not stopped China from actually doing it , the same is true for South Asian countries and India but still it is helpful in both the regions because it keeps india in south asia and China in east asia in check .

Actually in the current situation, they are too dependent on China and it is increasing everyday.

Many Pakistanis tend to become possessive about countries they think are their friends. This possessiveness can assume ridiculous proportions at times.

Earlier it was with Arabs where they thought they can be the only bridge between Arabs and the West, managing their money through BCCI etc. Now it is the same with China.

The same happened when Indo-US relations started improving earlier. Some things just never change.
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