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US can wipe out Israel of the face of the earth : US Marine officials.

Everyone reading these news stories, please don't take them as fact.

Most of them are from conspiracy websites and none of them should be taken as fact.

Most of it is written by crazy people who say stuff like "THE JEWS RUN THE WORLD!" "THE JEWS ARE BEHIND EVERYTHING!"

utter nonsense.
Everyone reading these news stories, please don't take them as fact.

Most of them are from conspiracy websites and none of them should be taken as fact.

Most of it is written by crazy people who say stuff like "THE JEWS RUN THE WORLD!" "THE JEWS ARE BEHIND EVERYTHING!"

utter nonsense.
Exactly. Contrary to what some may think, America does not think that "Muslims" were behind 9-11 either. We think the specific Muslim terrorist organisation called Al-Qaeda clearly was. They have threatened Muslim countries and murdered devout Muslims just as they have Americans.
Wipe off from the face of earth ?

Which world are we living in ? It is good to consider one's own self to be wise & capable - it can be fatal to consider another to be a fool or a push over.

Using such statements are ok for young teenagers as it sounds good to say & hear. Mature people need to temper their words & thought with reason.

Are we willing to pay the consequences of such acts ? Will the world allow it ?

Childish stuff .
Exactly. Contrary to what some may think, America does not think that "Muslims" were behind 9-11 either. We think the specific Muslim terrorist organisation called Al-Qaeda clearly was. They have threatened Muslim countries and murdered devout Muslims just as they have Americans.

Agreed, Al-Qaeda is a terrorist organisation ...
Some stupid kids are coming up with some idiotic and emo comments , watch the g-damn videos before you open your mouth keep it shut !

---------- Post added at 07:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:41 PM ----------

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Here we go again. Debunked crap rehashed as 'new' and 'shocking'...etc...etc...
Someone get a picture of the destroyed USS Liberty and write "Never Forget" underneath.
What the f.....?
The one that open this thread is completely retard."Us can wipe out Israel of the face of the earth " what have you smokeing.First israel cannot be wiped out,if you think that you can wipe a country witch is the 5 stronger nucler superpower in the world+have one of the best army(top 10) you live in lala land.Second the possibility that Usa will go to war with israel sound very very stupid.You also repeat the words zionest but you dont have a clue what is zionest.zionest is a person that support a jewish state,thier are 22 muslims state and only 1 jewish.So if you are aginst zionest you are hypocrite if you dont like jewish state thier is also should not be a muslim one.Third about uss liberty it was a mistake in the six day war israel thought it was egyption vessel.
And for the end,You dont think that it is stupid to return on the same mistakes?
If war dident succeeded to create a palastine state way not to try a different path.Albert einstein said that to repeat on the same way that dident succeed over and over is the most stupid things that mans can do.
What the f.....?
The one that open this thread is completely retard."Us can wipe out Israel of the face of the earth " what have you smokeing.First israel cannot be wiped out,if you think that you can wipe a country witch is the 5 stronger nucler superpower in the world+have one of the best army(top 10) you live in lala land.Second the possibility that Usa will go to war with israel sound very very stupid.You also repeat the words zionest but you dont have a clue what is zionest.zionest is a person that support a jewish state,thier are 22 muslims state and only 1 jewish.So if you are aginst zionest you are hypocrite if you dont like jewish state thier is also should not be a muslim one.Third about uss liberty it was a mistake in the six day war israel thought it was egyption vessel.
And for the end,You dont think that it is stupid to return on the same mistakes?
If war dident succeeded to create a palastine state way not to try a different path.Albert einstein said that to repeat on the same way that dident succeed over and over is the most stupid things that mans can do.
Hey dont know why you sound more like Indian then a Israeli.
Exactly. Contrary to what some may think, America does not think that "Muslims" were behind 9-11 either. We think the specific Muslim terrorist organisation called Al-Qaeda clearly was. They have threatened Muslim countries and murdered devout Muslims just as they have Americans.

Explain all this to me:

Uncle Bush had an oil company which was failing and the Bin Laden family become the main investor of the company. Uncle Bush Snr had close relations with them and they helped each other out.

Prior to this year, President George W. Bush is a failed oilman. Three times, friends and investors have bailed him out to keep his business from going bankrupt. However, in 1988, the same year his father becomes president, some Saudis buy a portion of his small company, Harken, which has never performed work outside of Texas. Later in the year, Harken wins a contract in the Persian Gulf and starts doing well financially. These transactions seem so suspicious that the Wall Street Journal in 1991 states it “raises the question of… an effort to cozy up to a presidential son.” Two major investors in Bush’s company during this time are Salem bin Laden and Khalid bin Mahfouz. Salem bin Laden dies in a plane crash in Texas in 1988. [INTELLIGENCE NEWSLETTER, 3/2/2000; SALON, 11/19/2001] Salem bin Laden is Osama’s oldest brother; Khalid bin Mahfouz is a Saudi banker with a 20 percent stake in BCCI. The bank will be shut down a few years later and bin Mahfouz will have to pay a $225 million fine (while admitting no wrongdoing) (see October 10, 2001)). [FORBES, 3/18/2002]
Entity Tags: George W. Bush, Salem bin Laden, Khalid bin Mahfouz, Harken

Also many Bin Laden family members were in US at the time of 911 closing deals with Carlyle Group and other firms.

Following a secret flight inside the US that is in violation of a national private airplane flight ban, members of the bin Laden family and Saudi royalty quietly depart the US. The flights are only publicly acknowledged after all the Saudis have left. [BOSTON GLOBE, 9/21/2001; NEW YORK TIMES, 9/30/2001] About 140 Saudis, including around 24 members of the bin Laden family, are passengers in these flights. The identities of most of these passengers are not known. However, some of the passengers include:
The son of the Saudi Defense Minister Prince Sultan. Sultan is sued in August 2002 for alleged complicity in the 9/11 plot. [TAMPA TRIBUNE, 10/5/2001] He is alleged to have contributed at least $6 million since 1994 to four charities that finance al-Qaeda. [VANITY FAIR, 10/2003] Khalil bin Laden. He has been investigated by the Brazilian government for possible terrorist connections. [VANITY FAIR, 10/2003] Abdullah bin Laden and Omar bin Laden, cousins of bin Laden. Abdullah was the US director of the Muslim charity World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY). The governments of India, Pakistan, Philippines, and Bosnia have all accused WAMY of funding terrorism. These two relatives were investigated by the FBI in 1996 (see February-September 11, 1996) in a case involving espionage, murder, and national security. Their case is reopened on September 19, right after they leave the country. [VANITY FAIR, 10/2003] Remarkably, four of the 9/11 hijackers briefly lived in the town of Falls Church, Virginia, three blocks from the WAMY office headed by Abdullah bin Laden. [BBC, 11/6/2001] Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen. He is a prominent Saudi official who was in the same hotel as three of the hijackers the night before 9/11. He leaves on one of the first flights to Saudi Arabia before the FBI can properly interview him about this. [WASHINGTON POST, 10/2/2003] Akberali Moawalla. A Pakistani and business partner of Osama’s brother Yeslam bin Laden. In 2000, a transfer of over $250 million was made from a bank account belonging jointly to Moawalla and Osama bin Laden (see 2000). [WASHINGTON POST, 7/22/2004]

There is a later dispute regarding how thoroughly the Saudis are interviewed before they leave and who approves the flights. Counterterrorism “tsar” Richard Clarke says he agrees to the flights after the FBI assures him none of those on board has connections to terrorism and that it is “a conscious decision with complete review at the highest levels of the State Department and the FBI and the White House.” [US CONGRESS, 9/3/2003] Clarke says the decision to approve the flights “didn’t get any higher than me.” [HILL, 5/18/2004] According to Vanity Fair, both the FBI and the State Department “deny playing any role whatsoever in the episode.” However, Dale Watson, the head of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, says the Saudis on the planes “[are] identified, but they [are] not subject to serious interviews or interrogations” before they leave. [VANITY FAIR, 10/2003] An FBI spokesperson says the bin Laden relatives are only interviewed by the FBI “at the airport, as they [are] about to leave.” [NATIONAL REVIEW, 9/11/2002] There are claims that some passengers are not interviewed by the FBI at all. [VANITY FAIR, 10/2003] Abdullah bin Laden, who stays in the US, says that even a month after 9/11, his only contact with the FBI is a brief phone call. [BOSTON GLOBE, 9/21/2001; NEW YORKER, 11/5/2001] The FBI official responsible for coordinating with Clarke is Assistant Director Michael Rolince, who is in charge of the Bureau’s International Terrorism Operations Section and assumes responsibility for the Saudi flights. Rolince decides that the Saudis can leave after their faces are matched to their passport photos and their names are run through various databases, including some watch lists, to check the FBI has no derogatory information about them.” [9/11 COMMISSION, 8/21/2004, PP. 196-197, 209 ] Numerous experts are surprised that the bin Ladens are not interviewed more extensively before leaving, pointing out that interviewing the relatives of suspects is standard investigative procedure. [NATIONAL REVIEW, 9/11/2002; VANITY FAIR, 10/2003] MSNBC claims that “members of the Saudi royal family met frequently with bin Laden—both before and after 9/11” [MSNBC, 9/5/2003] , and many Saudi royals and bin Laden relatives are being sued for their alleged role in 9/11. The Boston Globe opines that the flights occur “too soon after 9/11 for the FBI even to know what questions to ask, much less to decide conclusively that each Saudi [royal] and bin Laden relative [deserve] an ‘all clear,’ never to be available for questions again.” [BOSTON GLOBE, 9/30/2003] Senator Charles Schumer (D) says of the secret flights: “This is just another example of our country coddling the Saudis and giving them special privileges that others would never get. It’s almost as if we didn’t want to find out what links existed.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 9/4/2003] Judicial Watch will disclose FBI documents that say, “Osama bin Laden may have chartered one of the Saudi flights.” [JUDICIAL WATCH, 6/20/2007]

Entity Tags: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Dale Watson, Khalil bin Laden, Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden Family, Abdullah bin Laden, Michael Rolince, Osama bin Laden, Bush administration, World Assembly of Muslim Youth, Omar bin Laden, US Department of State, Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen, Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Charles Schumer, Richard A. Clarke

September 20, 2001: Not All Passengers on ‘Bin Laden Flight’ Are Properly Interviewed or Accounted For
A private plane picks up Saudis who have gathered in Boston and flies them to Paris, then ultimately to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Because most of the passengers on board are relatives of Osama bin Laden, the 9/11 Commission calls this the “so-called bin Laden flight.” The commission claims there are 26 passengers on board, three of them security personnel. They further report that “22 of the 26… were interviewed by the FBI. Many were asked detailed questions.” However, the commission does not answer how many were not asked detailed questions, or were not questioned at all. [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 557] However, Craig Unger, author of the book House of Bush, House of Saud, publishes the flight manifest during the same week as the 9/11 Commission’s final report is released, and this list contains 29 names (including the three security personnel), not 26. [CRAIG UNGER WEBSITE, 7/22/2004] The 2005 book Al-Qaeda Will Conquer by Guillaume Dasquié also makes note of this three-person discrepancy. [FINANCIAL TIMES, 4/27/2005]
Entity Tags: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bin Laden Family, 9/11 Commission

In my opinion, Bush and CIA planned all this with their chums the Al-Qaeda to keep a foothold in Asia and encircle China. From afghanistan, they can wreck the neighbouring countries who have a lot of economic and military potential by keeping tabs on them.
What the f.....?
The one that open this thread is completely retard."Us can wipe out Israel of the face of the earth " what have you smokeing.First israel cannot be wiped out,if you think that you can wipe a country witch is the 5 stronger nucler superpower in the world+have one of the best army(top 10) you live in lala land.Second the possibility that Usa will go to war with israel sound very very stupid.You also repeat the words zionest but you dont have a clue what is zionest.zionest is a person that support a jewish state,thier are 22 muslims state and only 1 jewish.So if you are aginst zionest you are hypocrite if you dont like jewish state thier is also should not be a muslim one.Third about uss liberty it was a mistake in the six day war israel thought it was egyption vessel.
And for the end,You dont think that it is stupid to return on the same mistakes?
If war dident succeeded to create a palastine state way not to try a different path.Albert einstein said that to repeat on the same way that dident succeed over and over is the most stupid things that mans can do.

israel is pretty powerful for its size but i don't think you actually believe that a country of israel's size and industrial potential can beat the USA.
US can do that.

Will US do that........................................... I doubt.

---------- Post added at 11:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 PM ----------

Each off topic Post is being reported.

Stop it NOW !
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Oh please! Someone seems to be competing with Mr. Ahmedinejad. Isn't everyone tired of conspiracy theories on this topic being obsessively discussed over the last 8 years? Give it a rest!
Oh please! Someone seems to be competing with Mr. Ahmedinejad. Isn't everyone tired of conspiracy theories on this topic being obsessively discussed over the last 8 years? Give it a rest!

It is not going to rest , if you have anything to discuss from the Content of the thread then you are welcomed or its a goodbye.

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