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US drone kills 15 in Mir Ali


Oct 20, 2008
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US drone kills 15 in Mir Ali


MIRANSHAH: A US drone strike targeting a militant compound in North Waziristan killed 15 people in a pre-dawn attack on Monday, security officials said.

Two missiles were fired on the compound in Mir Ali, 25 kilometres (15 miles) east of Miranshah, near the Afghan border.

The attack was the eighth drone strike in Pakistan since a NATO conference on Afghanistan in Chicago last month.

According to the security personnel, there were reports that some foreigners had been killed but these were unable to be confirmed. (AFP)

Source: US drone kills 15 in Mir Ali - geo.tv
damn...ever since the nato summit...the drones have been on a tear....
On MONDAY??!! Monday has not even started properly yet.. :hitwall: :hitwall:

While killing terrorists is fine(cleaning the scum is always good); I am concerned for the civilian losses which are associated with these drone strikes.. Cuz there is no way it can be justified that the people killed are ALL terrorists.!! :taz:

RIP to the dead..!!

Sir how many drone strieks this year? Why dont Pakistan bros use Jf-17 to shoot drones down?

Please don't ask stupid questions..!! :hitwall: :hitwall:
Sir how many drone strieks this year? Why dont Pakistan bros use Jf-17 to shoot drones down?

Yeah right.

ISI is the one who feeds CIA the targets to take out in these drone strikes.

Drone Strikes are a joint CIA-ISI operation. Pakistani Government just puts on a display that they are against drone strikes for the domestic consumption for the virulent anti-usa populace in Pakistan.
16 killed in U.S. drone strike in NW Pakistan

English.news.cn 2012-06-04 09:55:07

ISLAMABAD, June 4 (Xinhua) -- At least 16 people were killed and four others injured in two U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan's northwest tribal area of North Waziristan early Monday morning, reported local Urdu TV channel Dawn.

Two U.S. drones targeted a house and vehicle suspected of carrying militants in Mir Ali area of North Waziristan, a restive tribal area at Pakistan-Afghanistan border which the United States believes as a stronghold of militants involved in launching attacks on NATO forces posted in Afghanistan.

The strike came at about 5:20 a.m. local time and according to media reports four drones are still hovering over the area creating panic among the residents.

16 killed in U.S. drone strike in NW Pakistan - Xinhua | English.news.cn
"The strike came at about 5:20 a.m. local time and according to media reports four drones are still hovering over the area creating panic among the residents.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/war-against-drones/184751-us-drone-kills-15-mir-ali.html#ixzz1wmyDzgea"

Evil Americans scaring innocent people :guns:
Peace through education: ‘Three Cups of Tea’ author on G-B swing


" I am disheartened to see that the US foreign policy in Pakistan is driven by predator drone bombings," Co-founder of the Central Asian Institute (CAI) Greg Mortenson.

GILGIT: Embattled author and co-founder of the nonprofit Central Asian Institute (CAI) Greg Mortenson visited Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan on Sunday – his first trip since a controversy surrounding his book, ‘Three Cups of Tea’, broke last year.

The best-selling memoir recounted how Mortenson was inspired by a group of local children to build a chain of schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Back home, a lawsuit was filed against Mortenson last year after a US TV show ‘60 Minutes’ and investigative reporter Jon Krakauer challenged his work, saying he had fabricated and exaggerated parts of his books to boost sales. The lawsuit was, however, dismissed.

The author also recently made a $1 million deal to settle allegations that he misused donations for his own benefit. CAI Communications Director Karin Ronnow, who is accompanying Mortenson on the G-B trip, told The Express Tribune that the Skardu people extended a warm welcome to Mortenson, who had first visited the place in 1993 to climb K2.

In 2009, the Pakistan government had honoured Mortenson Sitara-e-Pakistan award in recognition of his 15-year-long humanitarian efforts. Several US Congressional representatives had nominated Mortenson twice for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 and 2010.

Noting rampant poverty and lack of education among women, Mortenson built his first school in Korpe village in 1996, she added. “Since then, the CAI has established over 40 schools in Baltistan and a total of 110 schools in Gilgit, Hunza, Azad Kashmir, and Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa,” she added. One of his most trusted men in G-B, GM Parvi also parted ways with him saying that ‘Three Cups of Tea’ was contemptuous against Islam and Baltistan’s culture. Ronnow, however, said that Parvi caused many complications for the organisation.

Ronnow added that Mortenson started charity work in the area, devoid of government attention in sectors like education, 20 years ago.

US drone strikes

During his trip, Mortenson took strong exception to the US drone campaign in Pakistan’s tribal regions.

“I am especially disheartened to see that the US foreign policy in Pakistan is driven by predator drone strikes and humanitarian sanctions,” Mortenson told a ceremony in Skardu on Sunday.

He also said that he was dismayed to see US-Pakistan relations at an all-time low.

“The US policy is based on a fight over access to strategic routes to supply military operations in Afghanistan.” He added that dropping bombs, deploying troops, and building roads will not serve the purpose of bringing about a change in society until and unless people, especially girls, are educated. During the ceremony, the author donated books worth Rs278,000 to the Skardu Municipal Library.

He also committed to cover the cost of Internet service for the library for a year, and purchased two laptops for the librarians.


Published in The Express Tribune, June 4th, 2012.
To me the drone strikes are a necessary evil:

Pakistan raised snakes to throw them at its neighbors houses because it was feuding with them. Those snakes then slithered away and started attacking other houses in the neighborhood because snakes have no masters and don't obey any command. Then the neighborhood leader asked Pakistan to take care of this snake problem in its backyard. Pakistan tried but it got bitten by those same snakes and foolishly believes it can control those snakes. So the neighborhood leader uses this bow and arrow to kill those snakes in Pakistan's backyard because they are a threat to the entire community.
^ :lol:

You're becoming more and more like your average bharati, using overly simplistic childish analogies to apply to far more complex situations.

Who is the neighbourhood 'leader' in your analogy? Is it someone who is occupying the neighbourhood against the wishes of the neighbourhood? That's what's happening in reality. Does your analogy mention that? :lol:
I think, I am sure now, US has taken its decision since its discussion with Pakistan is going no where. They have to continue this till 2014 to make sure Taliban is taken care off.
I think, I am sure now, US has taken its decision since its discussion with Pakistan is going no where. They have to continue this till 2014 to make sure Taliban is taken care off.
what taliban? these 15 people will be labelled as 'suspected militants' but we will never know if they were innocent or not
Lets hope for change of government in Pakistan as soon as possible. We need anyone who is capable of scaring foreign boots and one who holds interest in nationalism. Maybe Imran Khan is the one.

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