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US releases $120 million assistance for Pakistan

Well actually we've lost a lot more than we've gained due to WoT. Estimate put the losses around 40-50 billion dollars. The aid we've got is 10-12 billion (and technically a lot of that isn't even aid but rather reimbursements).
There were many news recently that Pakistan used US aid to buy weapons from china. So in one way or another, they are using that same AID to buy weapons.

What's the benefit of giving AID when we know it will not help poor a lot. It will mostly end up in the hands of corrupt government.

Before making stupid generalizations you should read the post again. 25m goes to education and 75m going towards the income support program. No weapons mentioned anywhere in this assistance. The weapons buying comes from the coalition support fund which adds up the amount of money used on the WOT declared by the US. Discussing where this money will eventually end up doesn't make sense when you are 15000 miles away and generalizing yet once more.
Nice gesture by US. Hoping the money is properly utilised for the benefit of the citizens of Pakistan and don't end up in the pocket of politicians.
Brother, DesiGuy is Indian. He himself as said this many times. He just love US and therefore has US flag.

He trolled and we should accept that. :azn: But that is not new. Trolling is always there in each others subject.

Wow, so All the Chinese who speak for Pakistani's are Pakistanis themselves.... Now I get it.... lol.... He can even be Indian-American, So Why only concentrate About India, He has every right to be Concerned About his country America which is wasting money, So???
I'm American too and I think that money is going to the right place. Is he a senator or something to have that kind of attitude?

Well, since you can't pull off an argument, let alone use common sense, bye.

Dont Underestimate Yourself dude:lol:
Well actually we've lost a lot more than we've gained due to WoT. Estimate put the losses around 40-50 billion dollars. The aid we've got is 10-12 billion (and technically a lot of that isn't even aid but rather reimbursements).

Exactly... Talking about those brave Jawans and Officers of Pak Army and Civilians of Pakistan who lost lives due to this WOT. Even a trillion dollar can't compensate that loss.
Well thts what You are good at, Send More Ajmal Kasabs.... But Your country is on fire almost every single day.... Its natures law, You get what you do to others..

Not necessarily, no. You're confusing mere coincidence to be something bigger. India has supported terrorists in the past but got not much in return. Same goes for US. Afghanistan has done nothing wrong and yet is bearing the brunt. It goes down to which country has more power and influence.

Well this is not unexpected from indians are they have a serious tendency to simplify things as is being done by you.
See, It has not been proved.... So please prove it and then speak If India is funding terror or not, I can even give you links where zardari said pakistan was then Root cause of terror...And Used Terrorists to destabilize India

I am talking about supporting Mukhti Bahini. You have any doubts about that? Zardari saying something certainly doesn't make it so.

Don't try to shift the topic. Also, it would be nice if you stopped trolling (you'll probably be banned in the next few hours anyway) as this topic is about $120 million aid.
The one to start it off though was DesiGuy. I don't have a good feeling for his position on this forum.
Well congrats to Pakistan for receiving this aid and may it be used for well being of Pakistani citizens.
And About Mukti bahini... Bangladeshis might be able to help you with that... It was an emergence of Liberation force because of your Political Incapability

Well same can be said about Kashmir. What we call freedom fighters in Kashmir, you call terrorists. It's a matter of perspective.

But regardless, we don't even have to get into the technicalities. Your earlier point (which I said was a coincidence that you were making into something bigger) was disproven and thus you're making a diversion. You were off-topic to begin with actually
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