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US Senate panel cuts Pakistan aid over conviction

So what happened to Saudi Arabia does not support terrorists?

Well at the moment , for everything only Pakistan is the culprit/villain and the bad guy !


Just for the record ...

Saudi Arabia has mended its ways , the US is the world savior however only Pakistan which suffered the most losses is the bad guy !

US creates Mujahideen , funding through Saudi Arabia our support and when it finally comes to bite them , everybody puts the blame on Pakistan and tries to clear his past record ...

These damn Arabs who didn't even issue a statement of condolence after Salalah ! What do you expect from them ? :azn:
I see one in even yours :rofl: So whats the reason ?

If you are so ashamed of your country then its time that you change your flags ...

Stop derailing the thread because neither Kashmir nor the past history of my Govt is the topic of conversation here ...

Go see to whom and what I was replying to ...

You are the one who brought Patriotism into this whole debate. I am not ashamed of my country. Thats the intrepretation that someone of your caliber would drive from. I want Pakistan to do good and improve. Its like a Sports Coach who tells his team to do better when they lose a game.

Only a complete ignoramus would derive that he is against the team. :D
A polite protest note to Senator Kerry by Moeed Pirzada the Director World Affairs Ptv & Content Head of the forthcoming English Channel. He is a known columnist & public figure.

United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations



CONTACT: Jodi Seth or 202-224-4159

Kerry on Conviction, Sentencing of Dr. Shakil Afridi

Washington, DC –Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) today issued the following statement in response to the conviction of Dr. Shakil Afridi, a Pakistani doctor who assisted the United States in locating Osama bin Laden. Dr. Afridi was found guilty of treason by a Pakistani court and sentenced to serve 33 years in prison.

"Americans will have great difficulty knowing that one year after the United States found and killed the most notorious terrorist in modern history hiding on Pakistani soil, the most visible action being taken to find out how he came to be in Pakistan is the conviction in a Pakistani court of the physician who helped the United States identify Osama bin Laden. The irony is, the only person being punished is the person who helped the United States achieve justice for the murder of thousands of Americans. I believe in the importance of the US-Pakistan strategic relationship, but realities like these make that effort more difficult."

# # #

*Please send any inquiries to jodi_seth@kerry.senate.gov*

My Comment: I think we need to send emails to Jodi Seth at the address (jodi_seth@kerry.senate.gov) for an important feedback. Senator Kerry unfortunately is trying to deliberately act dumb or is unaware of the facts. Interestingly now the US -that has always condemned Pakistanis for being emotional - is making an emotional case. The case of Dr. Shakeel Afridi and his punishment needs only common sense to understand. Dr. Afridi was knowingly working for CIA, ie for a foreign Intelligence Agency. He did not know the details of what he was working upon. US reports clearly point out that Dr. Afridi neither knew about the "Search for OBL" nor was he ever able to obtain specimens from that Abottabad house where OBL & family lived. He was merely working for CIA to make money like hundreds of other Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese and Afghans are doing in routine. Apart from being a willingly agent for a foreign Intelligence Agency he violated his committement to principles of Medicine; as a result of his action the International Medical Community has lost its trust among local populations who now suspect International Organisations to be workign for CIA. Coming back; Once this fact that Dr. Afridi was an agent for CIA was known, Pakistani state could not left him to go scott free. Any other state including the United States or India would have reacted similarly in similar circumstances. After all was Israeli spy, "Jonathan Pollard" not imprisoned in the US? Did US not awarded 77 years in jail to Dr. Aafia Siddiqi for the simple charge of picking up a gun and firing upon a US service man? (though no one was hurt in that episode and many doubt the accuracy of those charges)...Law of the land has to take it's course; Senator Kerry should not indulge in poetry or emotional blackmail; if the US has so much regard for Dr. Afridi they can always press Pakistani government for clemency. But condemning the Pakistani legal system for this conviction is to deny the fact that all countries including all Allies in Europe would have reacted similarly in such circumstances.

Well at the moment , for everything only Pakistan is the culprit/villain and the bad guy !


Just for the record ...

Yeah thats a powerful image.

Saudi Arabia can't be touched because they have oil, so its okay to turn the other way while they keep supporting extremists.

The U.S can't be blamed for being ONE of the founders of the taliban and then just leaving the area without cleaning the mess because they are the most powerful country today.

So all the blame will fall on poor Pakistan!
You are the one who brought Patriotism into this whole debate. I am not ashamed of my country. Thats the intrepretation that someone of your caliber would drive from. I want Pakistan to do good and improve. Its like a Sports Coach who tells his team to do better when they lose a game.

Only a complete ignoramus would derive that he is against the team. :D

Yes you are , and you aren't even man enough to admit it :azn:

If you are so much against the country , just change your flags , why do you want to be associated with the very country that you hate so much ?

The Sports coach is at the moment telling you just to play for the team ...

Yeah thats a powerful image.

Saudi Arabia can't be touched because they have oil, so its okay to turn the other way while they keep supporting extremists.

The U.S can't be blamed for being ONE of the founders of the taliban and then just leaving the area without cleaning the mess because they are the most powerful country today.

So all the blame will fall on poor Pakistan!

You wait , till the Oil runs out ...

And Indians , Westerners and some Pakistani apologists will gladly accept it as the gospel truth ...

Such is the power of propaganda , my friend !
^ Not my problem , you wanted proof of American acknowledgement of Pakistan's role in the killing of Osama and there it is !
which link stated that??????post the link.there are thousands of links out there..i just puted some good links..and where is yous link which claimed that ISI provided crucial info???do you even have any???or just hollow arguments just like another pakistani member????

no i dont have any . Its the one u posted. And u know which one it is. But u a re just trollinh now.
You wait , till the Oil runs out ...

And Indians , Westerners and some Pakistani apologists will gladly accept it as the gospel truth ...

Such is the power of propaganda , my friend !

Thats just Pakistan's problem. They accept propaganda without knowing if it has any merit or not.

They should instead trying to present Pakistan's side of the instead of letting people just rip you apart.
Washington has been supporting its own band of terrorists in Afghanistan and since bribes to the Pakistani government allow them to conduct their own terrorism through a drone war in the tribal areas. - Anti War

The disclosure was contained in e-mails from the private US security firm, Stratfor, which were published by WikiLeaks website on Monday after being obtained by the Anonymous hacking group. - Stratfor

Written by Prashanth Parameswaran - Asianist Just yesterday evening, I was debating the extent to which the Pakistani military knew about Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts in his Abbottabad safe house with my Fletcher friends, and the degree to which it can be held responsible as an organization.

Are we talking blogs now ? :rofl:

Devoid of any rationality their lot is ...

REVEALED! The truth behind Osama's ISI connection - Rediff.com News

The May 2 raid was conducted only after the Americans got hold of credible and actionable intelligence about the identity of the high value target from a senior ISI official, ultimately killing the world's most wanted terrorist

okkk..that link..thaks for pointing out...but thats not a proof..i wanted a proof that quoted by any senior officials...

no i dont have any . Its the one u posted. And u know which one it is. But u a re just trollinh now.

lol..not a single link and you boasted about credible news that ISI provided...its you are trolling without any single proof..just read your previous posts where you've claimed some "hollow claims"...and i successfully "Busted you"...have a good night dreams..
okkk..that link..thaks for pointing out...but thats not a proof..i wanted a proof that quoted by any senior officials...

lol..not a single link and you boasted about credible news that ISI provided...its you are trolling without any single proof..just read your previous posts where you've claimed some "hollow claims"...and i successfully "Busted you"...have a good night dreams..

I didn't post the link to prove my point , you did :azn: Hence the burden of proof is on you ... Caught with your pants down , huh ?

Your links are all refuted in my previous posts , when even the American president himself acknowledges Pakistan's role in killing Osama , it will means that you do not know a **** about what you are talking ?

Busted , You do not even know how to debate :lol:

Thats just Pakistan's problem. They accept propaganda without knowing if it has any merit or not.

They should instead trying to present Pakistan's side of the instead of letting people just rip you apart.

Yeah , pay back in the same coin !
Guys and gals, lets discuss this issue reasonably, lets not throw a charge and then insist that those charged must prove their innocence and guilt - it's fun, but we don't really learn anything worthwhile.
I didn't post the link to prove my point , you did :azn: Hence the burden of proof is on you ... Caught with your pants down , huh ?

Your links are all refuted in my previous posts , when even the American president himself acknowledges Pakistan's role in killing Osama , it will means that you do not know a **** about what you are talking ?

Busted , You do not even know how to debate :lol:

i kno how to debate...but anyway..i couldn't find a single link where any officials claimed that they got any infos from ISI...only ISI claimed it..and here the truth lies.everybody accepted thet what USA did is wrong.but ISI hided OBL for 10 years and lied in the face on the whole world..thats why pakistan feeled embarassment.what Pakistan is doing is just digging its own grave(in the international arena).wherever a single bomb goes off,whole world points to the Pakistan now..Pakistan always played other's game,whoever wins,everytime its them who lost.
okkk..that link..thaks for pointing out...but thats not a proof..i wanted a proof that quoted by any senior officials...

lol..not a single link and you boasted about credible news that ISI provided...its you are trolling without any single proof..just read your previous posts where you've claimed some "hollow claims"...and i successfully "Busted you"...have a good night dreams..
well next time before posting any links read them ur self first. Stay happy with ur busting. We both know the truth.
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