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Victory Of Taliban Is Victory Of Islam!

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Oct 19, 2008
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American,british and NATO high command is slowly accepting defeat in Afghanistan.Allah is helping Talaban against Allied forces.This will be most shamefull defeat of us and allied forces from world most poorest nation of world.
US and NATO and Allies trying to negotiate with Talaban but talaban are refusing any deal.Now world will see new super power having only power of faith on God.

May allah give us life and death with iman.

Allah Akbar
American,british and NATO high command is slowly accepting defeat in Afghanistan.Allah is helping Talaban against Allied forces.This will be most shamefull defeat of us and allied forces from world most poorest nation of world.
US and NATO and Allies trying to negotiate with Talaban but talaban are refusing any deal.Now world will see new super power having only power of faith on God.

May allah give us life and death with iman.

Allah Akbar
Talibans are barbarians, they use Islam as a tool to further their own personal and selfish ambitions.
may be its ok for afghan taliban .but its victory of evil the victory of TTP
Talibans are barbarians, they use Islam as a tool to further their own personal and selfish ambitions.

On the contrary, I think that the Taliban sincerely believe in their strain of Islam.
I think that the people making up the Pakistani state are far more selfish and corrupt than the Taliban.

Unfortunately, the Taliban believe the wrong ideology.

The world works in strange ways.
This war is basically forced by world Zionist lobby.They are afraid of their sins they have done in Palestin.They are using us armed forces and allied forces as tool .Please remember they have control on US and NATO finance institutions,media and politics.
American,british and NATO high command is slowly accepting defeat in Afghanistan.Allah is helping Talaban against Allied forces.This will be most shamefull defeat of us and allied forces from world most poorest nation of world.
US and NATO and Allies trying to negotiate with Talaban but talaban are refusing any deal.Now world will see new super power having only power of faith on God.

May allah give us life and death with iman.

Allah Akbar

Let me show you some thing you tell me who belives in God more then you can discuss who is winning and who lost it long time ago.


It says very clearly IN GOD WE TRUST I hope you can see it.


DO you see any mention of God there .Am i to believe these clowns are spreading Islam
Let me show you some thing you tell me who belives in God more then you can discuss who is winning and who lost it long time ago.


It says very clearly IN GOD WE TRUST I hope you can see it.


DO you see any mention of God there .Am i to believe these clowns are spreading Islam.

yes i use riyal here there is LA ILA HA ILA ALLAH LA READ CERFULLY give me this one i need pepsi now:D

You should move to areas where taliban are active - at least try it for six months or a year -- what am I saying you live in a country that belongs to a single family, you must know all about what it's like to live with talib.

Anyway, come on down, FATA, waziristan is fine country, I'm told and the talib there are the real, true muslims, and ofcourse you will do the cause of islam a great service should you run into Pak Fauj or a U.S predator. good luck and Godspeed, the virgins won't wait forever.

"...you will do the cause of islam a great service should you run into Pak Fauj or a U.S predator. good luck and Godspeed, the virgins won't wait forever."

yes i use riyal here there is LA ILA HA ILA ALLAH LA READ CERFULLY give me this one i need pepsi now:D

You mean i have to read it with a magnifying glass.second isn't house of Saud believe in no pictures taken as its against there Religion.I didnt wanna say it out right what i was pointing at but was simply pointing at there hypocracy do go ahead and have a pepsi now.

(Which in Canada and Usa was told by some clerics that unless they pay up pepsi will be declared haram to Muslims.:rofl:)
"...you will do the cause of islam a great service should you run into Pak Fauj or a U.S predator. good luck and Godspeed, the virgins won't wait forever."


I just wrote it down...got to remember this! :lol:
no doubt US nd NATO forces are at loss in afghanistan but we must keep in mind the extreme polices of taliban in past and even now they are misusing islam.....:cool:
You mean i have to read it with a magnifying glass

saudi riyal is in my hand now i can read it.

second isn't house of Saud believe in no pictures taken as its against there Religion

were you get this info saudia and taliban never same man i am here and use tv internet raideo pic any thin

saudia have 6 tv channels

so many raidoe

more then 50000 foto shops

there is allow fotografhy

internet from 1996

there is allow to sale cameras computers tv every thing wich not allowed in taliban think

last night gov show live king fahed cup on big screens on road side in whole kingdom:cheers:

and here in kingdom on the roads 100000 advticed pics

and remember none of them allowed in taliban ira

and please check your images riyal is too short then real riyal and doller is too big then real:tsk:
All of you living in fool paradise.What american did with Dr Afia MIT graduate ??? is she terrorist .US and NATO and forces are playing in the hand of zoinist lobby.
Those who are heros in Afghan-USSR war now declared terrorist.Very Strange !!!
One day USA may declare PAK army terrorist then who will you save pakistan???

These tribes men are fighting arm of pakistan .dont lose them otherwise whole pakistan will become slave in the hand of hanud and yahud.
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