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Video of Blackwater Contractors Driving Over Iraqi Woman

somebody ban this fool raavan. Taliban is in Afghanistan. Intentionally running people over and ramming humvees into cars is collateral damage?

ur avatar reveals ur true age...ever heard of sarcasm
The person responsible for this crime is nothing but a sick *******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brother this is the American way of showing their democracy. Iraq, Afghanistan you name it they will show you their way is the best way. Sick scumbags. Some of these people are the lowest form of human - disgusting.
This is why they are hated. Its not an isolated incident - its now regular as a bag of fries...
these goons think of themselves as Bond but infact they r low life retards.............
huh democracy :angry:

It is not a standart democracy... This is US Democracy EV (Export Version).... Including thausands of death civilians, billions of dollars worth collateral damage, cancers caused by depleted uranium and theft of natural resources...
This is a repulsive video. Americans are psychopathic mass murderers

I can't disagree, those contractor groups are some of the worst criminals hired by the CIA to torture people and they are wreckless. There still are contractors in Iraq. I wish in this video insurgents were present and after that crime that they got away with that they blew the hell out of those contractors. That would be justice served. The CIA is a criminal agency and like someone said, they will just cover these things up from the American media and keep pushing Al Qaeda related incidents. Thankfully Americans are waking up and totally oppose war in the Middle East. Except the warmongering older population. But if anything, the people who can actually change our foriegn policy are the Americans. Internally this can be solved, but if money gets in the way, which most wars are behind money. Then a superpower needs to stand up. First diplomatically.

It is not a standart democracy... This is US Democracy EV (Export Version).... Including thausands of death civilians, billions of dollars worth collateral damage, cancers caused by depleted uranium and theft of natural resources...

We all know Iraq was over cheap oil. The government here gets it for free. The reason why I wouldn't join the army here is because they are too wreck less and immoral like this. And some are really uneducated. But the worst part is they take orders from the CIA(Criminal Agency). The CIA needs to be taken to Hague and tried for war crimes.
Look at the owner right here....

Erik Prince and the last crusade | The Economist

THE most recent allegations against Blackwater, the American security company, are lurid. Tasked with providing security for American officials in Iraq and Afghanistan, the company is already under investigation for shooting deaths in Iraq. Now two former employees are accussing Erik Prince (pictured), Blackwater's boss, of wanting to start a religious crusade against Muslims. In an affidavit lodged with a court in Virginia, one of the witnesses said that Mr Prince "views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe." The statement continues

To that end, Mr. Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Christian supremacy, knowing and wanting these men to take every available opportunity to murder Iraqis. Many of these men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar, the warriors who fought the Crusades. Mr. Prince operated his companies in a manner that encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life. For example, Mr. Prince's executives would openly speak about going over to Iraq to "lay Hajiis out on cardboard." Going to Iraq to shoot and kill Iraqis was viewed as a sport or game. Mr. Prince's employees openly and consistently used racist and derogatory terms for Iraqis and other Arabs, such as "ragheads" or "hajiis."

These bastards did alot worse to iraqi women than just drive over than..... hint:gang rapes and murders!
These bastards did alot worse to iraqi women than just drive over than..... hint:gang rapes and murders!

Unprovoked, they shot and killed 17 civilians in their vehicles at close range. They are maniacs and terrorists. Anyone that refers to to blackwater, refer to them as terrorists. But guess who's harboring the criminal? No other than the UAE. I don't know why anyone would let such a criminal in their country.
Unprovoked, they shot and killed 17 civilians in their vehicles at close range. They are maniacs and terrorists. Anyone that refers to to blackwater, refer to them as terrorists. But guess who's harboring the criminal? No other than the UAE. I don't know why anyone would let such a criminal in their country.

UAE is a hypocrite state.

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