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We don't need your advice: Muslim leader to Musharraf

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Dec 20, 2008
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We don't need your advice: Muslim leader to Musharraf

8 Mar 2009, 1705 hrs IST, PTI

NEW DELHI: "Indian Muslims are capable of solving their problems... We don't need your advice.. Don't try to alienate Indian Muslims by your remarks, here or in Pakistan."

This blunt message was conveyed to former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf by a prominent Muslim leader Mehmood Madani at a function in India.

Madani, member of Rajya Sabha and leader of Jamat-e-Ulema-i-Hind, made it clear to the Pakistani leader that he or his country need not bother about the condition of Muslims in India.

"Don't start your politics of Pakistan from here," Madani told Musharraf after the latter claimed that Muslims in India were alienated and suggested that this was one of the reasons for terrorism here.

Virtually retorting the former Pakistani military ruler, Madani said, "Pakistan ki jitni total population hai , us se zyada population hai Indian Muslims ki . (Population of Muslims in India is more than that total population of Pakistan). You should be knowing this."

When Musharraf said he was aware of it, Madani said "If you know this, then you should also know that Indian Muslims have the capability to solve their problems. We don't need your advise. Don't try to alienate Indian Muslims by your remarks, here or in Pakistan."
I'm getting sick as well.... India is a state with Muslims as well. Pakistanis don't want to accept that. They always think Pakistan's the only or greatest Muslim state. Common... but when they go to the middle east, they're considered as second rated citizens.
People keep posting this "One sided" yapping of a delusional individual. What's on the other side of the coin? Most of the people who watched it live said that Musharraf had an AWESOME response to his blabbering.

Either post BOTH sides of the story or don't post anything at all.
Virtually retorting the former Pakistani military ruler, Madani said, "Pakistan ki jitni total population hai , us se zyada population hai Indian Muslims ki . (Population of Muslims in India is more than that total population of Pakistan). You should be knowing this."

What an Imbecilic statement to say to the Ex President of Pakistan, in a hall full of "Intellectuals". He should seriously do some research so that he doesn't come out looking like a clown to the masses. I think HE is the one who should be "Knowing" the fact that Pakistani Muslims aren't less in numbers than the Indian Muslims, but are greater in number than the Indian Muslims. Musharaf probably nodded to save this poor man's "Failed" state of mind.

Thanks for the laugh, Madani! :lol:
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He said what he thinks is the reason behind Indian Muslims involvement in terrorism, He said this only after he was asked to comment on this issue.

Indian Muslims have to do this Type of Stuff to show their Allegiance & loyalty to India.
Madani sb were trying to score some points with hindu extremist on Musharraf's expense it seems, otherwise the poor chap didnt realize that Musharraf wasn't bothered, he was asked a question and he responded to that to what in his opinion may be the reasons, not that he wants to alienate muslims of India.
I'm getting sick as well.... India is a state with Muslims as well. Pakistanis don't want to accept that. They always think Pakistan's the only or greatest Muslim state. Common... but when they go to the middle east, they're considered as second rated citizens.

I don't wanna say this but you have forced me to say that "HINDI" is considered as a Abuse (in Slang Arabic) in the Gulf. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You are not VIPs in the Gulf Either. Let me tell you one thing Pakistan is not the greatest Nation on Earth and may not be the greatest Muslim Nation as well But we are not Less than any other Nation in the world in any aspect of Life.

We never said that Muslims are not present in India then how you said this.
India is a state with Muslims as well. Pakistanis don't want to accept that

we are well aware of this fact for your Kind information.
Rajya Sabha MP Mehmood Madani said "Indian Muslims are capable of solving their problems... We don't need your advice.. Don't try to alienate Indian Muslims by your remarks, here or in Pakistan." in response to the speech in which Mussaraf said terrorism india is partly blamed to the kind discrimination & alianation indian muslims face india during the Q & A session at india today conclave..

Its honest comment & bold gesture on part Mehmood Madani for which large section of audience applauded him and was part of few instances where Musharraf had to go back foot that evening.
Madani sb were trying to score some points with hindu extremist on Musharraf's expense it seems, otherwise the poor chap didnt realize that Musharraf wasn't bothered, he was asked a question and he responded to that to what in his opinion may be the reasons, not that he wants to alienate muslims of India.

I do not believe he had anything to fear from extremists. Muslims in India are empowered through the democratic process - they have the exact same rights as anyone else. And it appears that the Muslim population in India knows exactly how to use their power.
Here is the recent comment by Darul Uloom Deoband on the Indian elections.
Muslims should not vote on the basis of religion, say Deobandi fatwa
A prominent Islamic body has issued a decree asking Muslims to exercise their franchise but said one should not vote for a party or leader just on the basis of religion. "The vote should not be kept back," leading Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband said in a fatwa in response to a question whether Muslims should vote in the elections.

"One should vote for the party and the leader that is better and works in favour of Muslims and the country," the fatwa said, adding "India is a democratic and secular country. Hence it is out of place to look at its politics in Islamic perspective and test the parties and political leaders on Islamic principles." Deoband seminary's Darul Ifta, which issues fatwa or religious decrees on different issues, declined to favour any particualar party or candidate and left it to the people to decide whom to vote.

"The status of vote is as testimony and witness; so it is the responsibility of every Muslim to utilise it as much as possible correctly," the fatwa said. Echoing similar views, Jamiat Ulema-e Hind spokesman Maulana Abdul Hameed Nomani said "Everyone, who has a voting right, must come out to vote."

The quote about the status of a vote is priceless - I could not have put it better.
Hehe truth be told, Musharraf did some good band bajaing. These are just feel good rants.
Here is the youtube video where Madani made those remarks to Musharraf. Watch Musharaff's face turn from red to pale

Hehe truth be told, Musharraf did some good band bajaing. These are just feel good rants.

While we seem to have very different perspectives on how the event went, the foreign press atleast is saying that both Mush. & the audience did a great job. Wall Street Journal (Through associated press) is calling it as cathartic.
Musharraf Travels to India for Cathartic Debate
Here is the article link.
Musharraf Travels to India for Cathartic Debate - WSJ.com

The article begins "NEW DELHI -- He came. He sparred. And in the end, he received a standing ovation from the combative crowd."
Thankfully, the idea of a respectful debate is not dead - atleast outside of the internet :-)
Or maybe Madani just felt these things and said it out loud.

They dont always have to appease the extremist Hindu crowd. There are Muslims in India-a majority i might add, who are loyal, who have and do take care of themselves. Who dont need to appease extremists for their well being.

And if things like Gujarat Massacre was the norm in India, then rest assured considering the number of Muslims and how widely spread they are all over India, Gujarat would look like a minor incident.

And if a sizeable percentage of Muslims in India were not loyal-India would not be whole as it is now. That would be the day India gets splintered.

What you see are aberrations, if they were the norm, India would be very different from what it is now(warts and all).
No comments from Pakistanis are the best comments on this issue. Only the time will tell.
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