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One thing which i would like to mention in this thread. Apart from the fact that the citizenry in the mall were brutal and resorted to vigilante punishment for the girl who seemed to have flouted the laws of the Holy religion, I see a trend here in this discussion. One of the first reactions here was how the female could have used put such a tattoo on her back. Although I agree that it has ruffled feathers, One observes that posters percieve this as Haraam and it is wrong according to Islamic Law. I mean, no sympathy for the victim as such. rather there is a heated discussion on whether the actionwas being within the scope of the guidelines given by the Holy Quran. This being a tendency which I have not seen in other religions. Religion comes in the forefront, even pushing aside humanity. Would someone out there give a concrete reason as to why this is more common in Islam? The tendency to put religion in the forefront and putting all things aside!

Religions always demand some sort of "Respect" for a reason. For example, If a Hindu is spotted in some mall (In India) ordering a beef steak, I'm sure it would stir up some anger and MAY as well lead to violence.

The women who resorted to violence shouldn't have done that. But when you put a flag of "Religious Hypocrisy" on your head and start walking around, there's bound to be some sort of a reaction. We live in a very fragile word where in the name of "Freedom", people get away with A LOT of things that hurts the other people's emotions and values. Some times, they get out of hand. And that story is the prime example of that.
Religions always demand some sort of "Respect" for a reason. For example, If a Hindu is spotted in some mall (In India) ordering a beef steak, I'm sure it would stir up some anger and MAY as well lead to violence.
This is where you are wrong. There was a huge thread on this. India is the only place where you get cheap beef. there are road side eateries providing beef dishes everywhere here. What might incite some kinda disturbance is when there are people, who come and butcher a cow in the public, the key word being "might". But then, there are lot of accidents where cows lolling near the roads are killed by passing vehicles. If there are any issues in this, It will basically be with the loss of a cow as an asset rather as a Religious symbols.
The women who resorted to violence shouldn't have done that. But when you put a flag of "Religious Hypocrisy" on your head and start walking around, there's bound to be some sort of a reaction. We live in a very fragile word where in the name of "Freedom", people get away with A LOT of things that hurts the other people's emotions and values. Some times, they get out of hand. And that story is the prime example of that.

And you got me wrong. This is not about the people who ruffed the poor girl. I am talking about the forum members here, who are more concerned about what islamic laws may have been flouted rather than about the person who was hurt/the people who hurt the girl.
This is where you are wrong. There was a huge thread on this. India is the only place where you get cheap beef. there are road side eateries providing beef dishes everywhere here. What might incite some kinda disturbance is when there are people, who come and butcher a cow in the public, the key word being "might". But then, there are lot of accidents where cows lolling near the roads are killed by passing vehicles. If there are any issues in this, It will basically be with the loss of a cow as an asset rather as a Religious symbols.

And you got me wrong. This is not about the people who ruffed the poor girl. I am talking about the forum members here, who are more concerned about what islamic laws may have been flouted rather than about the person who was hurt/the people who hurt the girl.

I didn't know that Indian Hindus could eat beef casually in their own country. I had some doubts but wasn't sure! Thanks for clearing that up!

As far as the Girl is concerned, everyone has a different opinion on every issue. Islam is home to more than a billion followers and I'm sure everyone has a different opinion on these matters. You shouldn't generalize it so soon.
Best leave articles in Canada or someone WILL go ninja on you. As for Bal Thackeray, he'll go ninja on anyone who doesn't speak Marathi. Which is about half the population of Mumbai :disagree:

Uh...you are making it a bit dark man.

I am from Maharashtra and I know very well that how Bal Thakrey is.

The non-Marathi's issue is a different one with different reasons. I don't want to open that book. But, for clearance of your concepts, I will only tell "There are not only NON-MARATHI, but also MUSLIM people in Shiv Sena.

P.S. - I am not a Shiv Sena fan. Just wanted to tell some facts.
I didn't know that Indian Hindus could eat beef casually in their own country. I had some doubts but wasn't sure! Thanks for clearing that up!

As far as the Girl is concerned, everyone has a different opinion on every issue. Islam is home to more than a billion followers and I'm sure everyone has a different opinion on these matters. You shouldn't generalize it so soon.

Ya, in India, Hindus certainly CAN eat beef casually. But I don't know if any Hindu ACTUALLY does it.

Because, here you are supposed to leave your religion at home (It does not happen in every case, though). The objection can only be raised if someone is insulting the religion.

And that is why cops should have punished the mob and not the poor girl. Your religion is your PERSONAL duty and it is upto you how you do it. No one is supposed anybody in the name of religion.
I didn't know that Indian Hindus could eat beef casually in their own country. I had some doubts but wasn't sure! Thanks for clearing that up!

As far as the Girl is concerned, everyone has a different opinion on every issue. Islam is home to more than a billion followers and I'm sure everyone has a different opinion on these matters. You shouldn't generalize it so soon.

Nobody will stop an hindu if he wants to eat beef because its only recommendation and not rule. infact hinduism doesnt appreciate eating non-veg but people eat. I have seen a brahmin friend of mine eating ham burger. and about shiv-sena thinking that they are the self appointed police; I would say they are just being a$$holes. IMO religion cannot be imposed on a person by force.

Whether the girl commited a sin or not (according to islam); its just not right for those people to punish her themselves, there is justice system in place to do that.
i dont know how rit i am but it seems in india ppl are just looking for reasons to beat pakistanis up. i can understand the reason but atleast spare the girls ppl.
my friend have been insisting me to come to india. may be he has got some similar plans for me:angry:
now im not even thinking of goin to india for atleast next couple of yrs.
As far as the Girl is concerned, everyone has a different opinion on every issue. Islam is home to more than a billion followers and I'm sure everyone has a different opinion on these matters. You shouldn't
generalize it so soon.

This is where I would like to point out that i am not generalizing. Just take the sample space of this forum. Can you point out a handful of people who have not referred to the Quran for anything that happens under the sun or who do not support Zaid Hamid for his Neo-con Zionist conspiracy theories.. his theories actually revolve around how Islam and Pakistan are being targeted by the Hindu-Zionists, in that order.

Regarding this issue, we saw that the discussion was more prone to whther it was Islamically correct to wear a tattoo in the small of the back and not about how that gal must be suffering the embarassment of being slapped about in public. Here, I am not resorting to demonization, But in a spirit of enquiry would like to know why religion is in the blood for most muslims.

Just to show you the other side of the coin, How many Hindu members here or in anyother forum swear by the Geetha or frequently point out teachings from any Hindu Holy book or stuff like that..
This is where I would like to point out that i am not generalizing. Just take the sample space of this forum. Can you point out a handful of people who have not referred to the Quran for anything that happens under the sun or who do not support Zaid Hamid for his Neo-con Zionist conspiracy theories.. his theories actually revolve around how Islam and Pakistan are being targeted by the Hindu-Zionists, in that order.

Regarding this issue, we saw that the discussion was more prone to whther it was Islamically correct to wear a tattoo in the small of the back and not about how that gal must be suffering the embarassment of being slapped about in public. Here, I am not resorting to demonization, But in a spirit of enquiry would like to know why religion is in the blood for most muslims.

Just to show you the other side of the coin, How many Hindu members here or in anyother forum swear by the Geetha or frequently point out teachings from any Hindu Holy book or stuff like that..

I agree with the bold part completely. Instead of concentrate on the poor little chick who got beaten up we are blabbering on about religion or religiously correct or not which is basically pointless and is the same judgemental attitude that makes it harder for people in Pakistan to do what they want and practice the freedom that was guaranteed to us all by the great Quaid E Azam... :agree:

And do notice how quickly this conversation turned here to religion and allowed or not discussion instead of the fate of the girl. And another thing with many people is hypocracy. Many guys sitting in Canada US can be found any time taking a big drink drunk like anything and going tharki looking at woman but on internet forum they find it very necessary to be extremely pious individuals. At any time they can be found checking out the girls and ordering a drink or two but on the net it is an opportunity for them to show their pious side and there knowledge of Islam. Even the girls who wear hijabs here even have major unthinkable surprises.... the hijab is just there to pose as holy women in case of trouble... otherwise they go around doing whatever they want infact i am afraid getting gang raped by these girls some day...

However do note that Zaid Hamid is completely different and we do need someone to tell us about the conspiracies and terrorist elements in foreign nations. Frankly Pakistanis are sick of foreign propaganda (especially the senseless type of which comes from indian media) and in such a state it is only natural that people like Zaid Hamid will get a huge following. I personally admire him a lot. If you notice he exposes some of the double standards and strange happenings quite well. I cannot in anyway dispute that much of what he says is true.
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Uh...you are making it a bit dark man.

I am from Maharashtra and I know very well that how Bal Thakrey is.

The non-Marathi's issue is a different one with different reasons. I don't want to open that book. But, for clearance of your concepts, I will only tell "There are not only NON-MARATHI, but also MUSLIM people in Shiv Sena.

P.S. - I am not a Shiv Sena fan. Just wanted to tell some facts.

That makes two of us! Kuthun ahes? Mi Punyacha.

I'm no fan of Shiv Sena (SS - coincidence? :D) either. I don't like people smashing cars in my name. Be they Hindus or Muslims.
U surprise me pure logic. I think logic has gone in the dustbin nowadays... :lol: there are muslims in shiv sena while chief bal thakarey talks about cleansing Islam from India? Is this some sort of sweet gandhiji-shiv sena linked dream u r part of? Shiv seniks have attacked our family in india and killed them. They have dug up pitches and been one of the most violent and intolerant groups in india.

Pure logic can u send me any link saying there are Muslims in shiv sena Do not make it the shiv sena site please.
And do notice how quickly this conversation turned here to religion and allowed or not discussion instead of the fate of the girl. And another thing with many people is hypocracy. Many guys sitting in Canada US can be found any time taking a big drink drunk like anything and going tharki looking at woman but on internet forum they find it very necessary to be extremely pious individuals. At any time they can be found checking out the girls and ordering a drink or two but on the net it is an opportunity for them to show their pious side and there knowledge of Islam. Even the girls who wear hijabs here even have major unthinkable surprises.... the hijab is just there to pose as holy women in case of trouble... otherwise they go around doing whatever they want infact i am afraid getting gang raped by these girls some day...

The conversation changed because of your Idiocy. You didn't know about something and after inquiring about it, you felt it's necessary to completely reject all the claims put forward so that "Somehow" you don't come off looking like you weren well Informed about your own belief. (when in reality, you weren't)

Secondly, you must have some very unfortunate friends around you I suppose. I guess you know a lot of people from Forums right? Because looks like you're judging everyone by your own standards. Look past your aura of "Hypocrisy" and you'd find that people aren't exactly what you perceive them to be. You must have come across some sad minorities I suppose.

As far as the girls with Hijabs are concerned. Do you follow them around? How do you know about their character and what gives YOU the right to judge someone anyway? Secondly, I remember one of your threads where you claimed to be Involved with one of these "Posers". That says a lot about you than it does about those women. On account of a few, you can't judge them all. That just shows your level of disgust and your flawed perception towards these women. Generalizing everyone collectively? You deserve an applause.

It seems pointless to argue with you, but I just had to say this. Have a nice one!
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i dont know how rit i am but it seems in india ppl are just looking for reasons to beat pakistanis up. i can understand the reason but atleast spare the girls ppl.
my friend have been insisting me to come to india. may be he has got some similar plans for me:angry:
now im not even thinking of goin to india for atleast next couple of yrs.

I guess it was not written on the forehead of the girl that she is a Pakistani.

Won't you like to talk about hundreds of Pakistani students which go back to home from India without being harmed?

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