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We were clean bowled by Pakistan with this opening of KartaarPur border - Indian analyst

Indian Ambassador & Experts few major points:
1. Pakistan literally clean bowled India in Kartarpur decision
2. India is not an issue in Pakistan nor in their politics or elections like we have in India.
3. Indian govt and establishment COMPLETELY FAILED to isolate Pakistan and after 4 years we realized that it's not practically possible. Pakistan has extremely strong relations with all global powers.
4. India lost the opportunity last year when Pakistan Army clearly signaling India to come to the table we are ready to resolve all the issues openly but India lost the opportunity.
5. Pakistan is looking towards something completely different. They are not even considered India as an enemy. Their direction is to build Pakistan, stand with world powers, get more investments from Chinese and Global players.
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Indian Ambassador & Experts few major points:
1. Pakistan literally clean bowled India in Kartarpur decision
2. India is not an issue in Pakistan nor in their politics or elections like we have in India.
3. Indian govt and establishment COMPLETELY FAILED to isolate Pakistan and after 4 years we realized that it's not practically possible. Pakistan has extremely strong relations with all global powers.
4. India lost the opportunity last year when Pakistan Army clearly signaling India to come to the table we are ready to resolve all the issues openly but India lost the opportunity.
5. Pakistan is looking towards something completely different. They are not even considered India as an enemy. Their direction is to build Pakistan, stand with world powers, get more investments from Chinese and Global players.

3. Indian govt and establishment COMPLETELY FAILED to isolate Pakistan and after 4 years we realized that it's not practically possible. Pakistan has extremely strong relations with all global powers.
Indian Ambassador & Experts few major points:
1. Pakistan literally clean bowled India in Kartarpur decision
2. India is not an issue in Pakistan nor in their politics or elections like we have in India.
3. Indian govt and establishment COMPLETELY FAILED to isolate Pakistan and after 4 years we realized that it's not practically possible. Pakistan has extremely strong relations with all global powers.
4. India lost the opportunity last year when Pakistan Army clearly signaling India to come to the table we are ready to resolve all the issues openly but India lost the opportunity.
5. Pakistan is looking towards something completely different. They are not even considered India as an enemy. Their direction is to build Pakistan, stand with world powers, get more investments from Chinese and Global players.

1. Pakistan literally clean bowled India in Kartarpur decision

Oh the intellect, literally re-hashing Vajpayee era initiatives that India took, two decades late and calling it a masterstroke can only be the fruit of Pakistan's foreign policy. Such initiatives have been decimated by Pakistani deepstate again and again, and now it claims it a big victory. The naivety is preposterous in this instance. The question really remains how long your deep-state lets this party going.

2. India is not an issue in Pakistan nor in their politics or elections like we have in India.
Given that Pakistan couldn't rise from attraction of false equivalencies where it rely's on a stray media bite to cherry pick it's own version of elections in India, which btw fought on reforms and economic development is prone to have such dishonest narrative fed to it;s populace, if anything it just maintains strong traditions.

3. Indian govt and establishment COMPLETELY FAILED to isolate Pakistan and after 4 years we realized that it's not practically possible. Pakistan has extremely strong relations with all global powers.

4. India lost the opportunity last year when Pakistan Army clearly signaling India to come to the table we are ready to resolve all the issues openly but India lost the opportunity.

Given Indian leadership current and previous lacks the spine to stand up for it's citizenry and will bow down to every kind word from Pakistan, there is no opportunity lost anywhere. You can come to our heartland and massacre people in hundreds and all we can do is prime our printers. There is no opportunity lost, never was, never will be.

5. Pakistan is looking towards something completely different. They are not even considered India as an enemy. Their direction is to build Pakistan, stand with world powers, get more investments from Chinese and Global players.

thats very good development, now if you could stop sending ak's and 7.62x39 ammo our way, that would be very helpful.
1. Pakistan literally clean bowled India in Kartarpur decision

Oh the intellect, literally re-hashing Vajpayee era initiatives that India took, two decades late and calling it a masterstroke can only be the fruit of Pakistan's foreign policy. Such initiatives have been decimated by Pakistani deepstate again and again, and now it claims it a big victory. The naivety is preposterous in this instance. The question really remains how long your deep-state lets this party going.

2. India is not an issue in Pakistan nor in their politics or elections like we have in India.
Given that Pakistan couldn't rise from attraction of false equivalencies where it rely's on a stray media bite to cherry pick it's own version of elections in India, which btw fought on reforms and economic development is prone to have such dishonest narrative fed to it;s populace, if anything it just maintains strong traditions.

3. Indian govt and establishment COMPLETELY FAILED to isolate Pakistan and after 4 years we realized that it's not practically possible. Pakistan has extremely strong relations with all global powers.

4. India lost the opportunity last year when Pakistan Army clearly signaling India to come to the table we are ready to resolve all the issues openly but India lost the opportunity.

Given Indian leadership current and previous lacks the spine to stand up for it's citizenry and will bow down to every kind word from Pakistan, there is no opportunity lost anywhere. You can come to our heartland and massacre people in hundreds and all we can do is prime our printers. There is no opportunity lost, never was, never will be.

5. Pakistan is looking towards something completely different. They are not even considered India as an enemy. Their direction is to build Pakistan, stand with world powers, get more investments from Chinese and Global players.

that's a very good development, now if you could stop sending ak's and 7.62x39 ammo our way, that would be very helpful.

Answer of your response is "You've killed 70,000 + Pakistanis, There is no fucking reason that CIA killed citizens (they never achieve any goal by doing this so everybody knows who is behind APS, Chinese Consulate attacks etc, Fueling War/terrorism in Pakistan through Afghanistan, Mehran Base Attack, PAF Base attacks clearly evident these machines have nothing to do with any fucking khwaarji (these machines are specifically designed for direct confrontation btw the 2 militaries esp PC-Orn), Use Afghanistan as a terror pad as US Defence Secretary Chuk Hagel openly said, Its not a hidden truth every terrorist got medical facility in India, Every and each asshole sitting in Swizz or UK have your support, your Army Chief, Your NSA officially admitted and confessed indirectly and directly that we are doing this"
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Answer of your response is "You've killed 70,000 + Pakistanis, Fueling War in Pakistan through Afghanistan, Use Afghanistan as a terror pad as US Defence Secretary CHuk Hagel openely said, Its not a hidden truth every terrrost got medical facility in India, Every and each asshole sitting in Swizz or UK have your support, your Army Chief, Your NSA officially admitted and confessed indirectly and directly that we are doing this"

This is the classic slap on your face over your so called AK 47 drama!
If you wan't to quote Chuck Hagel, why don't you look up Gen Mccryhstal, Gen Petreaus, and see thier kind words about Pakistan. Given your conduct here, I am quite sure you wouldn't be able rise above cherry picking stray article or two while overlooking heaps of data out there that just makes your narrative look ridiculous, but then again that is expected, anything other than that would be surprising.
If you wan't to quote Chuck Hagel, why don't you look up Gen Mccryhstal, Gen Petreaus, and see thier kind words about Pakistan. Given your conduct here, I am quite sure you wouldn't be able rise above cherry picking stray article or two while overlooking heaps of data out there that just makes your narrative look ridiculous, but then again that is expected, anything other than that would be surprising.

Despite of all these shits from your side, still Pakistani Govt and military send positive singles (about which I'm strongly against). I personally in the favor of 90s policy, one blast in Pakistan X = 3 blasts in India this is what language your govt and establishment understands. If we revise this policy (which I am strongly believe that the policy is on the way), today your nation become worst than Afghanistan. But don't worry, you'll see the deadly consequences of this and mark my words, your nation cannot sustain or such resilient to face such condition like what we had because of your terrorism. Every nation has the limitation, You've no idea how the West sees this Kartarpur event (your govt knw very well but not the public like you). The entire world, experts, even analysts, experts inside your own country laughing on your govt. This masterstroke already burn out your entire establishment and Govt assessments.

wahan se ghuma kar diya hey kay samaj he nahe aye hey huwa kya hey... you govt is completely blackout, unable to counter. This is just a hint, we have full capacity to make and break your country in today's warfare. You can't sustain today's proxy war if we will literally start engaging any specific community and far that, we don't need to spend lots of $$$ like you've spend lots of $$$ to create artificial so-called proxy regimes and Liberation Army which has ZERO support in our country whereas Sikh Community and Khalistan has strong footholds inside your country + your Sikh community has lots of power in the western countries especially Canada and United States. Hope you get the point. The day we start supporting Khalistan movement directly or indirectly, your entire country can not survive. They will face worst situation from security, internal + external, diplomatic backfire (because of strong control of Sikh and Khalis leaders in the western) and so on...

This is the classic slap on your face over your so-called "A K 4 7" point.
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@HannibalBarca listen to this interview....and specifically @13 minutes afterwards...this is former Indian Ambassador to Pakistan and Afghanistan who has talked to Taliban and was part of the recent Moscow Dialog to engage with Taliban for peace....He is explaining Taliban and clearing the misconceptions that u raised in other thread about Taliban.....Taliban follow Traditional Islam and Shariat which is different from ideology of DAESH and Al Qaeda which actually get their ideological roots in Wahabism.

Listen to it, he being an Ambassador who is himself a non Muslim is explaining it well.
1. Pakistan literally clean bowled India in Kartarpur decisionn
Opened corridor and purpose not served. At best, Pakistan got some international sympathy. Case closed.
2. India is not an issue in Pakistan nor in their politics or elections like we have in India.
I'm wondering that ever since Modi has been in power, how many times Pakistan is even mentioned by politicians in media.

Even if its mentioned, Indian context & perceptions are totally different. Indians don't carry out those "strategic studies & analysis" on region, don't make stupid institutions like SASSI and aren't worried about relations with Pakistan.
Broadly two things they are bothered with terrorists and nuclear bombs in hands of terrorists. They aren't concerned about any damned arms race or khitte ki salamati. More important, India's foreign policy & military build up doesnt spin around Pakistan unlike Pakistan towards India.

India is only substantial country in this khitta comprising its 70% population and 80% economy. All other countries in South Asia just use India to get international attention.
Nevertheless, you are a result of partition, a halt on India's integrity. As we are historically interconnected, hate & dismay will always persist but bigger party cares less about smaller one. It's an obvious fact.
3. Indian govt and establishment COMPLETELY FAILED to isolate Pakistan and after 4 years we realized that it's not practically possible.
Current establishment never isolated Pakistan because its already and any Indian establishment didn't isolate Pakistan because it did it itself. Your vote share against India in any international forum speaks itself. You don't even have embassies in enough of countries.
Even if you have some support, that's again because of lineage against India because many countries invest to keep India busy in neighborhood.
Pakistan has extremely strong relations with all global powers.
"Extereme" doesn't quantify support.

Let's pull recognition from each other and unrecognize countries who keep diplomatic relations with the other.

See whom your great brothers recognize. US, Russia, PRC, France or Japan, any! Leave alone smaller countries.
4. India lost the opportunity last year when Pakistan Army clearly signaling India to come to the table we are ready to resolve all the issues openly but India lost the opportunity.
Last opportunity? How many times this drama happened? Pre 1965, Shimla or Kargil?:D
Imran Khan is just a young kid like Arvind Kejariwal living in perceptions & rants built up by juvenile. Both believe that their countries are super rich & without corruption everything can solved. They realized lack of money after assuming power.
And unlike India where relations with Pakistan is one point on list, in Pakistan, India is one of top lists. Simply because relations with India make difference to Pakistan but vice versa doesn't make any significant impact on India. No significant impact for last 30 years.
That's why this desperate drama going on. Imran Khan will mature after a couple of such events and will stop this Aman Ka Tamasha.
5. Pakistan is looking towards something completely different. They are not even considered India as an enemy. Their direction is to build Pakistan, stand with world powers, get more investments from Chinese and Global players.
Everyone says so when a popular leader wins elections. Indian ones after Modi is a bit higher and actually sensible given India's size.

But every country has its own realities.
Pakistan hasn't even harvested its own potential mostly, leave alone competing with much bigger countries.
Its FDI, Forex Reserves to GDP ratio is one of lowest in world and its most indigenous firms are brutally incompetent.
Not even a lower middle income country properly.
I love the 90s policy, one blast in Pakistan X = 3 blasts in India this is what language your govt and establishment understands.
You're the introducer of this language in our conflict too.:tup:
After all, creation of Pakistan is itself an outcome of communal tensions. Why won't you be experts in assymmetrical warfare?
You've no idea how the west sees this Kartarpur event.
We don't care either. India Pakistan relations are irrationally romantized by west. Indians themselves don't make it India vs Pakistan enough than foreigners do.
You can't sustain today's proxy war if we will literally start engaging any specific community and far that, we don't need to spend lots of $$$ like you've spend lots of $$$ to create artificial so-called proxy regimes
You had the cash of US, China & Britain. And after 90s when we gained cash and you lost, statistics of attacks & death toll are evident enough after that.
Khalistan + your Sikh community has lots of power in the western countries especially Canada and United States
In numbers
Yet they aren't able to rock Punjab unlike your counterparts.
I won't even speak anything about support as I'm myself sitting in Eastern Punjab. Just dare to chant khalistan here. People will take care of you.
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Opened corridor and purpose not served. At best, Pakistan got some international sympathy. Case closed.

I'm wondering that ever since Modi has been in power, how many times Pakistan is even mentioned by politicians in media.

Even if its mentioned, Indian context & perceptions are totally different. Indians don't carry out those "strategic studies & analysis" on region, don't make stupid institutions like SASSI and aren't worried about relations with Pakistan.
Broadly two things they are bothered with terrorists and nuclear bombs in hands of terrorists. They aren't concerned about any damned arms race or khitte ki salamati. More important, India's foreign policy & military build up doesnt spin around Pakistan unlike Pakistan towards India.

India is only substantial country in this khitta comprising its 70% population and 80% economy. All other countries in South Asia just use India to get international attention.
Nevertheless, you are a result of partition, a halt on India's integrity. As we are historically interconnected, hate & dismay will always persist but bigger party cares less about smaller one. It's an obvious fact.

Current establishment never isolated Pakistan because its already and any Indian establishment didn't isolate Pakistan because it did it itself. Your vote share against India in any international forum speaks itself. You don't even have embassies in enough of countries.
Even if you have some support, that's again because of lineage against India because many countries invest to keep India busy in neighborhood.

"Extereme" doesn't quantify support.

Let's pull recognition from each other and unrecognize countries who keep diplomatic relations with others.

See whom your great brothers recognize. US, Russia, PRC, France or Japan, any! Leave alone smaller countries.

Last opportunity? How many times this drama happened? Pre 1965, Shimla or Kargil?
Imran Khan is just a young kid like Arvind Kejariwal living in perceptions & rants built up by juvenile. Both believe that their countries are super rich & without corruption everything can solved. They realized lack of money after assuming power.
And unlike India where relations with Pakistan is one point on list, in Pakistan, India is one of top lists. Simply because relations with India make difference to Pakistan but vice versa doesn't make any significant impact on India. No significant impact for last 30 years.
That's why this desperate drama going on. Imran Khan will mature after a couple of such events and will stop this Aman Ka Tamasha.

Everyone says so when a popular leader wins elections. Indian ones after Modi is a bit higher and actually sensible given India's size.

But every country has its own realities.
Pakistan hasn't even harvested its own potential mostly, leave alone competing with much bigger countries.
Its FDI, Forex Reserves to GDP ratio is one of lowest in world and its most indigenous firms are brutally incompetent.
Not even a lower middle income country properly.

You're the introducer of this language in our conflict too.:tup:
After all, creation of Pakistan is itself an outcome of communal tensions. Why won't you be experts in assymmetrical warfare?

We don't care either. India Pakistan relations are irrationally romantized by west. Indians themselves don't make it India vs Pakistan enough than foreigners do.

You had the cash of US, China & Britain. And after 90s when we gained cash and you lost, statistics are evident enou

In numbers
Yet they aren't able to rock Punjab unlike your counterparts.
I won't even speak anything about support as I'm myself sitting in Eastern Punjab. Just dare to chant khalistan here. People will take care of you.

Shows extremely limited knowledge about the global and Pakistan/Indo affairs, most funniest Part (Pakistan already isolated), extremely self-centered and weak analysis, not worth it - no need of technical reply.
Shows extremely limited knowledge about the global and Pakistan/Indo affairs,
Indo Pakistani affairs aren't worth of being global affairs and they have minimal impact on any country & even India itself.
most funniest Part (Pakistan already isolated),
How many embassies & how many explicit supports?
extremely self-centered and weak analysis, not worth it - no need of reply.
Mine isn't self centred, I'm a regular poster of many forums. Yours is same what I find of any other Pakistan.
They can't go beyond this "South Asia" & regional drama.
indian politicians and politics round around Pakistan . what a stupid system they have
Pakistan is fooling her self.. There are only few sane indians those can understand this kind of peace gestures by Pakistan. But a truth is that most of indians have illness of pak-phobia.

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