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West Indies team bus stoned in Dhaka

It was accident and irresponsibility. We will play standardly in next games, I am sure.
BBC Report Promotes Anti-Bangladesh Propaganda

About a month ago, I wrote an article titled "BBC Promotes 'Islamophobia'" (News Blaze, February 06, 2011.

In that piece, I argued that the BBC is very unfair when it comes to reporting about Islam and Bangladesh issues. I showed how the giant news agency generally picks a small news item only to inflate it in order to caricature Bangladesh and Islam. Another BBC report on Friday 4, March 2011, draws my attention and it re-vindicates my contention that the influential British news outlet has waged an information cold war against a poor, vulnerable country like Bangladesh.

This time it has selected a cricket news item. On 4 March 2011, it made a headline news story titled "West Indies team bus stoned after win over Bangladesh." The background of the news story is that the Bangladesh team suffered a humiliating defeat at the hand of the West Indies players on Bangladesh soil on that day, which utterly disappointed the host cricket fans. A group of Bangladeshi cricket fans felt outraged by the poor performance of the Bangladeshi team and unfortunately mistook a bus carrying the West Indies players as the Bangladeshi cricketers' vehicle. Some fans pelted few stones in a playful manner and no notable damage was done. Bangladeshi media did not consider it news worthy. However, that was not the case with the BBC.

It picked that incident, inflated it and projected Bangladeshi people as hostile host. Until a reader goes to the end of that particular BBC news item, he will not realize that the fans' anger was directed against their own cricket players, not against the winning guest cricketers. Such report obviously undermines Bangladesh's proud culture of hospitality and gives a wrong notion about the Bangladeshi people.

What's the reason behind this anti-Bangladesh propaganda? BBC's South Asian regional office is located in a country that has been hostile to Bangladesh almost on all fronts. People in that neighbouring country who work for the BBC wield enormous influence in the selection of news.

Unfortunately, it seems that people at the regional office of the BBC have failed to rise above their anti-Bangladesh prejudice. On a separate note, this is the major reason why BBC rarely reports the continuous tortures and killings of the Bangladeshis by the border forces. However, BBC high-ups based in London cannot avoid the responsibility of such cultural war against a poor country.

Bangladesh News - Media Monitoring Service by EIN News
It was accident and irresponsibility. We will play standardly in next games, I am sure.

I assure you if your team looses again at 58 in the next match you will see the same scene again.. rather it will be much worse than before. So teams playing palying in BD. Beware! don't bowl out BD below 100 or else be prepared for some entertainment post match sesson
BBC Report Promotes Anti-Bangladesh Propaganda

About a month ago, I wrote an article titled "BBC Promotes 'Islamophobia'" (News Blaze, February 06, 2011.

In that piece, I argued that the BBC is very unfair when it comes to reporting about Islam and Bangladesh issues. I showed how the giant news agency generally picks a small news item only to inflate it in order to caricature Bangladesh and Islam. Another BBC report on Friday 4, March 2011, draws my attention and it re-vindicates my contention that the influential British news outlet has waged an information cold war against a poor, vulnerable country like Bangladesh.

This time it has selected a cricket news item. On 4 March 2011, it made a headline news story titled "West Indies team bus stoned after win over Bangladesh." The background of the news story is that the Bangladesh team suffered a humiliating defeat at the hand of the West Indies players on Bangladesh soil on that day, which utterly disappointed the host cricket fans. A group of Bangladeshi cricket fans felt outraged by the poor performance of the Bangladeshi team and unfortunately mistook a bus carrying the West Indies players as the Bangladeshi cricketers' vehicle. Some fans pelted few stones in a playful manner and no notable damage was done. Bangladeshi media did not consider it news worthy. However, that was not the case with the BBC.

It picked that incident, inflated it and projected Bangladeshi people as hostile host. Until a reader goes to the end of that particular BBC news item, he will not realize that the fans' anger was directed against their own cricket players, not against the winning guest cricketers. Such report obviously undermines Bangladesh's proud culture of hospitality and gives a wrong notion about the Bangladeshi people.

What's the reason behind this anti-Bangladesh propaganda? BBC's South Asian regional office is located in a country that has been hostile to Bangladesh almost on all fronts. People in that neighbouring country who work for the BBC wield enormous influence in the selection of news.

Unfortunately, it seems that people at the regional office of the BBC have failed to rise above their anti-Bangladesh prejudice. On a separate note, this is the major reason why BBC rarely reports the continuous tortures and killings of the Bangladeshis by the border forces. However, BBC high-ups based in London cannot avoid the responsibility of such cultural war against a poor country.

Bangladesh News - Media Monitoring Service by EIN News
If you are implying that Indian at BBC are trying to show bangladesh in bad way, you are mistaken. Click on South Asia section in BBC page, count the number of articles about India. How many of them are positive about India? Do it now . Or keep a spreadsheet of it count daily,and show a report end of this month.

About islamophobia, that is a easy way out to explain everything, by a muslim. The same way non whites explain everything by using the term "racism". We all know the truth(at least those who are in UK), dont we?
If you are implying that Indian are BBC are trying to show bangladesh in bad way, you are mistaken. Click on South Asia section in BBC page, count the number of articles about India. How many of them are positive about India? Do it now . Or keep a spreadsheet of it count daily,and show a report end of this month.

About islamophobia, that is a easy way out to explain everything, by a muslim. The same way non whites explain everything by using the term "racism". We all know the truth(at least those who are in UK), dont we?

Actually, I got the news, so posted. Not implying anything exactly. We know our people.
BBC Report Promotes Anti-Bangladesh Propaganda

About a month ago, I wrote an article titled "BBC Promotes 'Islamophobia'" (News Blaze, February 06, 2011.

In that piece, I argued that the BBC is very unfair when it comes to reporting about Islam and Bangladesh issues. I showed how the giant news agency generally picks a small news item only to inflate it in order to caricature Bangladesh and Islam. Another BBC report on Friday 4, March 2011, draws my attention and it re-vindicates my contention that the influential British news outlet has waged an information cold war against a poor, vulnerable country like Bangladesh.

This time it has selected a cricket news item. On 4 March 2011, it made a headline news story titled "West Indies team bus stoned after win over Bangladesh." The background of the news story is that the Bangladesh team suffered a humiliating defeat at the hand of the West Indies players on Bangladesh soil on that day, which utterly disappointed the host cricket fans. A group of Bangladeshi cricket fans felt outraged by the poor performance of the Bangladeshi team and unfortunately mistook a bus carrying the West Indies players as the Bangladeshi cricketers' vehicle. Some fans pelted few stones in a playful manner and no notable damage was done. Bangladeshi media did not consider it news worthy. However, that was not the case with the BBC.

It picked that incident, inflated it and projected Bangladeshi people as hostile host. Until a reader goes to the end of that particular BBC news item, he will not realize that the fans' anger was directed against their own cricket players, not against the winning guest cricketers. Such report obviously undermines Bangladesh's proud culture of hospitality and gives a wrong notion about the Bangladeshi people.

What's the reason behind this anti-Bangladesh propaganda? BBC's South Asian regional office is located in a country that has been hostile to Bangladesh almost on all fronts. People in that neighbouring country who work for the BBC wield enormous influence in the selection of news.

Unfortunately, it seems that people at the regional office of the BBC have failed to rise above their anti-Bangladesh prejudice. On a separate note, this is the major reason why BBC rarely reports the continuous tortures and killings of the Bangladeshis by the border forces. However, BBC high-ups based in London cannot avoid the responsibility of such cultural war against a poor country.

Bangladesh News - Media Monitoring Service by EIN News

I like the way the report said some people threw stones in a peaceful manner. A crowd can cause serious injury or death by throwing stone. Infact some country use this method for death penalty. What next, fired and lobbed grenade in a peaceful manner?

I am just commenting on the report.
I like the way the report said some people threw stones in a peaceful manner. A crowd can cause serious injury or death by throwing stone. Infact some country use this method for death penalty. What next, fired and lobbed grenade in a peaceful manner?

I am just commenting on the report.

Time will tell. lol
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