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What is the establishements plan if a secessionist movement begins in KP if they actually remove IK from the picture?

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im from KPK and people who could cry for Pakhtoonistan are enjoying perks with PDM govts. Fight against establishment is started from Punjab and KPK will take it to its logical end. Period.

Well said. It is funny that PDM and the army has acommodated exactly the people that desire independence.

Nonsense. Where was the government for past 50 years to develop Balochistan or KPK? Only during Musharraf's time did Balochistan & KPK start to be taken seriously, by then it was 50 years too late.

What about the Bengalis? Did their culture prevent development? They export more than Pakistan and are ahead! They claim the same thing, that they were simply a colony for a Punjabi dominated establishment.
1. You're acting as if Pakistan is America with enough funding to transform barren deserts and land into a Dubai?

2. Bengali culture is simply incomparable to other cultures we have. It's better not to get over it.

Did Bengalis create a Taliban group and start blowing up school children and public infrastructure like Balochs or Pashtuns? NO
You think it's brewing? Have you tried visiting other provinces and asking other ethnic groups what they think of Punjabis or Pakistan? This isn't just Baloch or Pashtuns. You'll find hatred in Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, and even Sindh. Ask Bengalis in Bangladesh who they blame for the fall of East Pakistan?

This happening not because of ordinary Punjabis living ordinary lives. This is happening because the army establishment has been overwhelmingly Punjabi and so has the ruling power structure. Figure heads from different ethnic groups won't solve the problem and is seen only as a band-aid.

This is also happening because KPK, Balochistan are far less developed than Punjab due to most of power structure being from Punjab and consuming more of the resources since votes from other provinces didn't matter. PMLN has used the center, which is usually guaranteed because Punjab, to fund projects that benefit Central Punjab at the expense of the country. Just to give you one example, Orange Metro line, costing billions of dollars, was built to benefit Lahore instead of building ML-1 rail which would have benefitted the entire country.

Remember how CPEC originally was supposed to run through western Pakistan to Gwadar, was changed by PMLN to run through Punjab instead? PTI focused on ML-1, uplifting Balochistan, ex-FATA, interior Sindh so the disparity in western half of the country can be resolved, along with militancy and separatism. In contrast, people here can remember Shehbaz Sharif literally asked TTP to spare Punjab, as if the rest of the country was acceptable loss.

If you want this hatred to stop, then try uplifting the other parts of the country and building much more inclusive government where every ethnicity has a share. Ironically, Zardari passing the 18th amendment was beneficial since it gave the provinces the ability to uplift themselves. Had something like this existed before 1971, we could avoid Bangladesh like issues.

Punjab has a massive population, it's always been more developed.
It also helps that it has a population that on average is more educated and less tribal/ethnocentric

For any state investing in heavily populated areas has been the best way forward

The state needs more money and some of these area's take a.lot of effort and finance to keep secure and attracting investment is incredibly difficult

CPEC naturally should run through Punjab as most populated and developed, but that doesn't mean it can't link up to other parts of the country, but those parts need to address the fassad coming out of their areas
If IK is killed and KPK breaks away, it won’t be called Pashtunistan. It will be called Pakistan.
Real Pakistan would be KPK while the other provinces will be called occupied Pakistan.
Real Pakistan will free occupied Pakistan then. The fight will shift from thinking about freeing Kashmir to having to free occupied Pakistan from Taghuti forces.

This is a fight between Iqbal’s Pakistan vs dollarkhor establishments Pakistan.
I’m Punjabi.
If IK is killed KPK should start a rebellion.
I rather have a Pashtun leader than the current Taghut in power.
A ghairatmand Muslim Pashtun is always going to be better than a secular slave Punjabi.
I don’t care about ethnicity. I care about merit. Whoever can rule Pakistan and make it the Pakistan that Iqbal envisioned, that’s my leader.
If these Taghut in power kill IK and crackdown on pti supporters, I will support my Pashtun brothers in a rebellion against these Taghuti forces. Once KPK is free it can be a launching ground to free Punjab and Sindh from Taghuti forces.
We are talking about a separatist movement.

They are not going to have anything to do with Punjab or Sindh after that or care... Neither will there be a special focus on Islam.

And I really wouldn't trust some people with Islam or give them control over your lands under that pretense - as seen by the Afghan Taliban, too much ethno-supremacy mixed in.

I think if you want such you should advocate your own locals to grow balls and fight for it
Okay, so it is commonly believed among Pakistanis that the establishment want to remove Imran Khan by all means necessary.

Many journalists and people are warning about the rise of an armed secessionist movement in KPK, and hinting at Bangladesh?

Does the establishment/Pak fauj have any contingency plans if such a thing is to happen? Why are they so confident? Or is this all just a bluff to unite everyone and bring back Khan (bad bluff to be honest)?

Dude, your military and imported government has already allowed the likes of Mohsin Dawar to sit in the parliament. You are worried about ordinary Pathan seeking independence?
im from KPK and people who could cry for Pakhtoonistan are enjoying perks with PDM govts. Fight against establishment is started from Punjab and KPK will take it to its logical end. Period.

Mohsin Dawar and Ali Wazir could end the imported government by resigning, but they choose not to LOL
Dude, your military and imported government has already allowed the likes of Mohsin Dawar to sit in the parliament.
I am not a supporter of either.

I support Imran Khan.

It's just a question because the establishment seems to be careless.
Most of the people in rural areas don't even want the development you envision, they are tribal people and prefer it that way.

Why did they vote for PTI then?

PTI ended FATA and merged it with KPK.
maybe establishemnt thinks it can solo any separatist movement?

realistically can it.?
Okay, so it is commonly believed among Pakistanis that the establishment want to remove Imran Khan by all means necessary.

Many journalists and people are warning about the rise of an armed secessionist movement in KPK, and hinting at Bangladesh?

Does the establishment/Pak fauj have any contingency plans if such a thing is to happen? Why are they so confident? Or is this all just a bluff to unite everyone and bring back Khan (bad bluff to be honest)?

The company is trying to save its empire by any means. For any succession movement in KPK. That will only be after elimination of IK. And in that company will fail successfully just like it did in 71.
Why did they vote for PTI then?

PTI ended FATA and merged it with KPK.
I have heard that Waziristanis were not actually happy with that particular decision.

I think they voted for IK due to his honest character and likely his ethnicity played a huge role.
I am not a supporter of either.

I support Imran Khan.

It's just a question because the establishment seems to be careless.

You should rather pose the question why the military and PDM has allowed PTM elements to participate in politics. I am a Pashtun and I am worried why this happened.

Ordinary Pashtun are loyal Pakistanis. They oppose corrupt generals and imported PDM. Nothing more nothing less. Sometimes out of anger we might say silly things, but we know what our enemies seek. We won't allow any such thing to happen.
I’m Punjabi.
If IK is killed KPK should start a rebellion.
I rather have a Pashtun leader than the current Taghut in power.
A ghairatmand Muslim Pashtun is always going to be better than a secular slave Punjabi.
I don’t care about ethnicity. I care about merit. Whoever can rule Pakistan and make it the Pakistan that Iqbal envisioned, that’s my leader.
If these Taghut in power kill IK and crackdown on pti supporters, I will support my Pashtun brothers in a rebellion against these Taghuti forces. Once KPK is free it can be a launching ground to free Punjab and Sindh from Taghuti forces.
Exactly, same here. I’ll follow the Pasthuns. I said this on another post here
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