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What is Turkish Army doing in Afghanistan?

Look, EU is gonna invite Bosnia and still Serbia want to join EU too. See how it works? Azerbaijan and Armenia will put aside their stupid kids games, and do what Russia will say to them :D

I really wish that Russia would show some balls and fix the mess you left there. We need stability in the region and not war because up untill now they are technically still at war. Of course Russia should be objective. The current situtation is not acceptable for anyone.

Everything that you wanted to get from EU :D
not a bad deal at all with all countries as equal partners. Of course that means you have to stop your aspirations for Directories Access to the Mediterraenan sea first.

Reactions from our beloved Allies/friends to Operation Sun:

Note: It seems the only sane reaction came from the Russians.

Welcome to Rossiya. :) We are not USA. Russia does not bully weaker nations. Russia does not seek to maintain foreign military bases around the world. Russia does not maintain a large navy to oppress and bully weaker nations. Russia does not threaten nor intimidate other nations. Russia is not the self-proclaimed policeman of the world.

We only respond when we are threatened. But when we do respond, it is very deadly. All those who invaded us in the past, from Hitler, Ottomans, Napoleon etc. have learnt their lesson very painfully.

There is a big potential for Turkey to join Eurasian union. Already Russo-Turkish economic relations are very strong. Eurasian union would give the whole region stability and prosperity, which should be the common interest of all.
I see people comparing Russia and Turkey above. The thing is, Russia fought a modern, organized army of a sovereign nation. Turkey fought guerilla war in northern Iraq.

I would say Russia completely achieved their objectives. We destroyed Georgia's military fighting capability with our conscripts, Chechens and Ossetian soldiers within friggin five days. Imagine what we could have done with our regular soldiers. Gave independence to south ossetia later.

While Turkey was fighting a guerilla war, which is on a whole different level. Turkey did NOT fight Iraqi army, only the PKK rebels. I would say Turkish success was very limited. The result was a stalemate, not a Turkish victory against the rebels. PKK terrorists still exist and carry out their operations. Just a few days ago i read of bombings hitting istanbul.

If you want to compare Russia and Turkey in the field of guerilla war, look at the Second Chechen war. We completely wiped out and destroyed Chechen terrorists in that war. Chechnya is now free from terrorists and as peaceful as it gets.

While Turkey has been fighting PKK right from 1978, till date haven't been able to wipe them out like Russia did to Chechen terrorists. More than 10000 Turkish soldiers till date has been killed. I would say poor track record in fighting guerilla warfare. Dont overestimate yourselves, rather face reality.
Some 7000 security forces and about 36000 guerillas in 30 years

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