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What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

Nevertheless this atatwolf guy should really go to rehabilitation center.
I don't know what kind of drugs he is using, but I'm damn sure it's da bomb.

Just ignore him persians.
And I have forgotten: These polls were not taken at the same time, they are from a couple of years, and they were taken from different leading institutes of the US, and they all show nearly the same results.

So it's clear, that these polls indeed reflect Iranian public opinion!

The government should hold a referendum with international observers.

Opinion polls are not the way to decide on such matters.

If the Iranian regime is so confident this is what their people want, then let them say it in the ballot box.

Of course they will not.
And I have forgotten: These polls were not taken at the same time, they are from a couple of years, and they were taken from different leading institutes of the US, and they all show nearly the same results.

So it's clear, that these polls indeed reflect Iranian public opinion!

If a government was confident about her fans why institutes of the US have done the poll?

I do not reject the possibility but as you know the system cut the way of reformists like disputed last election, jailed politician and ...

Do you think the system will allow any reform? Or you mean bloody reform type of things ...
first of all, i admit here is no democracy.but hopefully the regime is changing slowly itself.just compare these days with the first years after the revolution.

but anyway we have also big deserts and jungles called "speaker corner" where people can get up and vent...
I don't see a massive improvement bro.

All I see is more filtering of the internet. The 2009 violent suppression of the people. More laws about what haircuts to have and not to dress in a western fashion etc.

This isn't Iranians.

Iranians don't belong in this kind of regime. They should be free in a democracy.

I'm afraid to say that the Arab world is overtaking you in that department. Yes, it's bloody...but they are fighting for their freedoms just like Europe did.
The government should hold a referendum with international observers.

Opinion polls are not the way to decide on such matters.

If the Iranian regime is so confident this is what their people want, then let them say it in the ballot box.

Of course they will not.

"International observers"...so the government should let in spies to form a colour revolution?!

The experience of the last election was a good lecture, the West already tried it:

Color Revolution" Fails in Iran: The Grassroots Takeover Technique

Tehran’s «green revolution» is the latest version of the «color revolutions» which have allowed the United States to impose subservient governments in several countries without needing to use force. Thierry Meyssan, who advised two governments facing this type of crisis, analyses this method and the reasons for its failure in Iran.

« Color revolution » fails in Iran | The grassroots takeover technique

And listen to this US-Iranian about the elections:

Ahmadinejad supporter speaks - YouTube

And he is absolutely right, if Mousavi really had evidence for vote rigging, why didn't he present them?

And all this happened even without international "observers", and now you want the Iranian government to let this "observers" inside the country?
We all saw in the last Russian elections what happens if you let "observers" in, Putin won the elections, and what did the "observers" say and do?
Why do you think Putin is now so aggresively acting against so-called NGO's in his country, because he saw what happens, when you let foreigners into your country: they try a colour revolution!
If a government was confident about her fans why institutes of the US have done the poll?

You also did not read the articles also did not watched the video, otherwise you would know, that they compared their own polls with polls taking by Iranian insitutes.
You also did not read the articles also did not watched the video, otherwise you would know, that they compared their own polls with polls taking by Iranian insitutes.

This could not be the answer of the question "why does government hesitate to do it?" By the way no Iranian institute could freely take such a pool. So comparing wrong with wrong, in my opinion albeit.

Do you think the system will allow any reform? Or you mean bloody reform type of things ...
This could not be the answer of the question "why does government hesitate to do it?" By the way no Iranian institute could freely take such a pool. So comparing wrong with wrong, in my opinion albeit.

Do you think the system will allow any reform? Or you mean bloody reform type of things ...
No, of course not. Regime would get worse and worse like any other dictatorship.
BTW, Thanks for opening this interesting thread. I just saw a video about NK which reminded me of the system in Iran again.
The Dear Leader Can Read Minds - North Korea Brainwashing
These systems would have the same fate. They would finally collapse and have a major damage to the country. That's for sure.
When I look at NK videos, I see a good similarity between them and Iran. When I see comments of some mullah lovers in the forum, I see no difference between them, and also other basijis who have made a monument from Khamanei's footstep(Ghadamgaah) and this brainwashed koreans who think their leader is god. Iran suffers heavily from religious backwardness, and huge propagandas for more than 3 decades which would need a long time to be vanished from people's minds.
yeah, it's 35 years your masters are predicting our fall, keep predicting and die in your dream.
Being secular doesn't mean forsaking your history. I'm agnostic but I recognize that Christianity is part of my culture....and value it as such. Iran has even more than that, Zoroastrianism, Hellenism, Islam, and Christianity. Celebrate it....follow what speaks to your soul....let politics look after the people, not religion. And I agree that of all the nations in the region....Iran is most likely to become secular.
yeah, it's 35 years your masters are predicting our fall, keep predicting and die in your dream.
Whose masters?!!!
Actually I was talking about brainwashed like you. Your former supreme leader was the one who was involved in Iran-Contra affairs, and was the one who imported arm from Israel to fight with Iraq.
Your current master is the one who is killing muslims in Syria, and fully cooperated in Iraq and Afghanistan war. He is the one who does not give a damn about muslims in Chechenya, East Turkistan, Kashmir, Gharabagh, ...
You are really a brainwashed who can't see all of these things.

Being secular doesn't mean forsaking your history. I'm agnostic but I recognize that Christianity is part of my culture....and value it as such. Iran has even more than that, Zoroastrianism, Hellenism, Islam, and Christianity. Celebrate it....follow what speaks to your soul....let politics look after the people, not religion. And I agree that of all the nations in the region....Iran is most likely to become secular.
Being secular is not in contrast to religions. Iranians were far more religious during more secular shah era(Not really a secular though) than Islamic republic.
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^^^ Mr rmi5, as I always say, you are a false flag Zionist troll, repeating Israeli and wahhabi's claims.
about Iran-Contra, keep repeating your master's stories, after all this is what you have been paid for.
and it's funny you can't distinguish the difference between khomeini, Hashemi and khatami, yes, you can't and you shouldn't, else you will see your hypocrite face.
fully cooperated in Iraq and Afghanistan war? like what? you better be worried about your dear wahhabi fellow, I guess you are mistaking them with us.
killing muslims in Syria?!! another sign of your true identity, after all Al-Nusra is a puppet of Zionism, this the kind of Islam and Muslim which you want and support,of course you have to defend them.
^^^ Mr rmi5, as I always say, you are a false flag Zionist troll, repeating Israeli and wahhabi's claims.
about Iran-Contra, keep repeating your master's stories, after all this is what you have been paid for.
and it's funny you can't distinguish the difference between khomeini, Hashemi and khatami, yes, you can't and you shouldn't, else you will see your hypocrite face.
fully cooperated in Iraq and Afghanistan war? like what? you better be worried about your dear wahhabi fellow, I guess you are mistaking them with us.
killing muslims in Syria?!! another sign of your true identity, after all Al-Nusra is a puppet of Zionism, this the kind of Islam and Muslim which you want and support,of course you have to defend them.
Stop the non-sense and have some spirit of seeking for truth. The only paid ones are basijis like you who receive money for their own living, ... and not anyone else.
What distinguishing are you talking about? Iran-Contra and arm purchase has happened during Khomeini era.
BTW, your friends always boast about their cooperation in these wars. Capturing Herat operation is an example. Go and read how it got captured.
BTW, many of those Syrians, about more than 1/4 I guess, are innocent children who are killed by your regime and its allies in Syria. were they Al-nusra as well?!!!
about the distinguish between khomeini, hashemi and khatami, I wasn't talking about contra, but the their different policies.
for Contra or any arms transfer, Iran has used several middle man smugglers, these weapons (even for a simple bullet) have passed several hands before reaching Iran, but as you have you orders, you have to show it as a sign of cooperation between Israel and Iran, well nothing else is expected from you. ignoring the fight between Hizbullah and Israel, support of Palestinian, assassinating and kidnapping of our diplomats and commanders in Lebanon and instead talking about conspiracy theory of cooperation between Iran and Israel, this is how your Zionist regime has survived till today.
let me guess the source of your info about Syria, Al-nusra and western so called reporters who are walking among Al-Nusrah terrorists freely. oh, I forgot to add GCC dictator's media.
for Contra or any arms transfer, Iran has used several middle man smugglers, these weapons (even for a simple bullet) have passed several hands before reaching Iran, but as you have you orders, you have to show it as a sign of cooperation between Israel and Iran, well nothing else is expected from you. ignoring the fight between Hizbullah and Israel, support of Palestinian, assassinating and kidnapping of our diplomats and commanders in Lebanon and instead talking about conspiracy theory of cooperation between Iran and Israel, this is how your Zionist regime has survived till today.
let me guess the source of your info about Syria, Al-nusra and western so called reporters who are walking among Al-Nusrah terrorists freely. oh, I forgot to add GCC dictator's media.
That's exactly the type of brainwashing that I am talking about. If you have no spirit of truth seeking, You would not understand truth in your life. That's why you can't see that you and your regime are responsible for the death of about 50,000 syrian children.
Anyway, Your mullahs are good in begging west whenever they are in desperate need, like their begging during Iran-Iraq war for arm, and their current begging for money in nuclear negotiations.
BTW, you are going off-topic as always. I said my opinion about the thread. You can also write your opinion about the thread instead of off-topic rants.

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