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What must Pakistan and Afghanistan do to prevent terrorists from executing their agenda?

they have to make a solid plan against these terrorist.. And please its my humble req to all forces they don't leak any sort of information about operation or what they a plan. Media release all then its obviously terrorist make their defend strong . so stop showing what forces have plan
they have to make a solid plan against these terrorist.. And please its my humble req to all forces they don't leak any sort of information about operation or what they a plan. Media release all then its obviously terrorist make their defend strong . so stop showing what forces have plan

So many Butts.....where do all these Butts come from ? :o:

@HRK @Hyperion @Secur @LoveIcon - I've hardly come across two Butts in my life and here on PDF I've already bumped into 6 ! :undecided:

Oh come on buddy he is himself a Butt, but there is an issue he hates high cholesterol food and planing to instigate a mass movement against the Sri paye and Nihari khor quom

I tell you kill this evil before his planned 'Cholesterol se Azadi Dharna' he such a shame to the name of Gullu & Pomi Butt like ..... Butt Quom ka ghadar hai yeh

@Armstrong ... I will pray 4u buddy ... :butcher:
Sounds like it to you. I would like to see every foreign irritant that damaged us via Afghanistan, bled dry.

How you like them apples?

Money + ideology. If you think this is purely a money and foreign funded problem, you're very wrong, no man would be killed in Pakistan unless there's a Pakistani somewhere willing to take that cash and willing to subscribe to that ideology.

You may not be a TTP apologist, but you are surely misguided as to the origins of the TTP, origins of extremism in Pakistan and how to deal with it.

I would call you a Zia, JI, apologist of the apologist, apologist of the ideology.

Sky rocketed.

Now tell me sunshine, why did it sky rocket, what was missing and what was there, where were the taliban before 2007.
Extremism must be rooted out from society.

Obama figured it out when he called it a hearts and minds battle, though Obama's a tool and a murderer in himself.

I won't defend Bush's pointless and wrong war. I'm saying that in our own war, the root cause of terrorism is extremism in our society and not just instability in Afghanistan. You admit to that??

When up against, you and unanimous world support for a war in Afghanistan. What mr mighty, religious whiteknight, would you have done?

Please enlighten me, in clear, proper words, tell me, what would YOU have done?

Don't you get it?

THEY DON'T WANT YOUR LAW. THEY FIGHT YOU, they have been fighting you, where they go they impose their own laws.

So how do you try people by your laws, when they're willing to die before they comply?

Enlighten me, God dammit.

First let me make something clear. Im not a Mr. Mighty religious whiteknight. Far from it. I think 99.9% of Pakistanis have the wrong interpretation of islam thanks to the mullahs (Zia's pets). However that skewed interpretation only makes them a weak nation in terms of being judgemental and arrogant towards others, and does not compell them to kill other people for having a different understanding of islam or having another religion (At least for most people). Where this TTP nonsense does come from however is the more primal human emotions: Revenge, Frustration, hopelessness. Ideology only brings out these manifestations. Thats not to say that the ideology shouldn't be fought as well. It is after all, a vital structural support that needs to be brought down.

So, do you kill someone who's motivated by revenge of a murdered child (drone victims)? Or do you seek peace and address the grievance and let the wound heal over time with forgiveness? Which of these actions would reduce local TTP support? More bloodshed or addressing the grievance?

Do you not see the Divide and Conquer policy that brought down Ancient India to it's knees? We are given money to fight them and they are given money to fight us. Why don't we end the cycle of violence on each other and target the instigators instead.

Now what would I have done if I was in Musharraf's shoes? What would Quaid-e-Azam do? Bow down? Or stand firm? I think that later would be indicative of a strong leader. Quaid-e-Azam would have told the americans that it was not our fight, no matter how much they threatened to bomb us back to the stone age. We are after all a nuclear armed nation and whoever touches us would get a nasty touch in return. Our nuclear assets are useless if our enemies think that we are too scared (cowardly) to use them.

P.S I think JI, JUI etc are all morons who wear topis and beards and froth at the mouth infront of mics. Just clarifying.

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