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Where is my military coup? - An Open Letter to the Chief of Army Staff

O come on! None of us, writing in this forum, can take even 50 votes in any form of elections.

We may call Dasti whatever we want to but he won the elections; plain and simple.

People gave their votes to these monsters etc. Now, we all have to bear it, whether we like or not.

The educated middle-class can abuse these people all day long and yet the impoverished majority will vote them in despite all our hallaballo.

Hence the coup! :yahoo:
Great Respect for the Army but they are better serving the country for which they are trained. Can doctors be bankers? Or Bankers treat patients? Army is defender of the integrity of Pakistan and this is the only job for which they are trained. They cannot run a country. Politicians are not doing the job but if a person cannot drive, replacing another person who also cannot drive doesn't take the Nation home. We need to replace these B@STARDS sitting up at the hierarchy and Army can send them home even without getting their hands dirty.
Did some one hear the CJ last night while addressing lawyers in Quetta.

Something is in the offing............soon.
Great Respect for the Army but they are better serving the country for which they are trained. Can doctors be bankers? Or Bankers treat patients? Army is defender of the integrity of Pakistan and this is the only job for which they are trained. They cannot run a country. Politicians are not doing the job but if a person cannot drive, replacing another person who also cannot drive doesn't take the Nation home. We need to replace these B@STARDS sitting up at the hierarchy and Army can send them home even without getting their hands dirty.

the CoAS has clearly said that 'we are playing in our sandbox' however, having said that if the executive (president, pm) and the judicary (cj) are moving towards a 'final showdown', then at some point, the army would have to play the role of 'arbiter'. when we will reach this 'apex' i dont know, but this govt has shown many suicidal tendencies - the lot of the common man is 'going to hell'!!!
General Kayani Responded:

Where was your brain when you voted for Zardari? Why is it that I should bail you out? Whenever a child does something wrong, you scold or punish the child so they learn from their mistake that there are consequences to doing something wrong.

Zardari is that punishment upon the people of Pakistan for voting the wrong way. Why should I save you today for you to repeat this mistake in the next elections? Why should I prevent the growth of the Pakistani people? Why should Pakistan not get punished for making such a big mistake?

Asim, I am not sure of the authenticity of the comment, but it doesn't make sense even if he did say this. I think the President of Pakistan is chosen by the Electoral College comprising the Senate, National Assembly, and the provincial assemblies. How can the people be responsible for 'electing' him? It is the same case in India, and while we too indirectly elect our President, we don't have any say in how that goes. But I do agree that a coup is not an answer to any country's woes.

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