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Who will Win - America or Americanized China?

The problem I see for China is the money culture it has. The people are slaves to money more than anything, raw materialism and consumerism, does that equate to Americanism? Pop culture comes and goes, Korean wave, Japanese wave, American wave all these things have no actual cultural substance, they're mindless entertainment that somehow people are confusing with tradition and cultural value, America got Japanized by Anime? The real threat to Chinese cultural values is the obsession with getting rich and materialism, people need to slow down and reconnect with their family values at the core of Chinese society.

this is unique to those born before about 1987. that is because they were born poor, had no way of getting out, and grew up not poor, so they wanted it all (materially). the current generation is getting better because they were either born without want, or if poor, with obvious and well known ways to escape want.

our generation born in the late 80's and 90's and beyond are much more independent thinkers than the earlier generations because we have the surplus resources to allow us to think about things beyond money.

this confirms the fact that the best way to be seen as mannered is to get rich.
:lol: You must not know how much of China is in need of a city like Detroit, even TODAY'S Detroit. So yeah...By all means talk to your Chinese professors who have every reasons to denigrate the US while using American technology to do so. Then go home to your comfortable and spacious American home while your Chinese professors go back to their cramped apartments.

I know better than you how many poor Chinese want to live in America, just like how many poor Americans want to live in China. LOL!

Unfortunately, unlike USA, China is not an immigration country. Still some die-hard American youngsters managed to marry Chinese girls to get a foot on Chinese territory to fulfill their Chinese dream, and some older Americans decided to retire in China.

That doesn’t mean on average China is more comfortable than America, in fact there is still much to be desired in China than in America, and I am still helping a number of poor Chinese students go school in poor Western China. But those professors who were born in 70’s in China are happy with China. LOL! They even asked me why not to work there. In fact I would if they could provide a roughly matching work environment and associated benefits.

Indeed for now I go back to my spacious home, and they go back to their finely decorated home with not much less footage per person: a world ought to be like that, and it doesn't have to be in one life style or one ideology. Don’t know what’s wrong with you for that!

BTW, don’t tell us US never uses Chinese invented technologies. No fanatics on earth would so drive themselves nuts. Exceptions reserve for extraterrestrial ones, though. :lol:
The reason why everything US sells is that they live upto their fashion statements with equal glamour and dazzle behind it.
But those professors who were born in 70’s in China are happy with China. LOL!
Yes, LOL indeed. Let us take a look at this silly statement allegedly made by them, according to you...

I communicated last summer with couple of professors from China who attended an international conference in Minnesota, they said they couldn't believe America is so backward, like China in 70s. LOL!
Oh, yeah...Believing that females are inferior to males is soooooo progressive. :lol:

How many of those 'professors' are males and therefore 'little emperors'? How many of them have their parents admitted to them that older sisters were aborted or abandoned or killed after birth so these MEN would have a better life in your oh-so-much-more-progressive China? And is believing that blacks are racially inferior equally 'progressive' to you? Am sure your...aaahhh...'professors'...were so glad they finally returned home to that more 'progressive' China so free of those racially inferior peoples.

They even asked me why not to work there. In fact I would if they could provide a roughly matching work environment and associated benefits.
Would that not make YOU and them part of their '1%'? :lol: Yup, looks like China sure has 'being progressive' targeted at the right demographic and it certainly is not the poor in China.

BTW, don’t tell us US never uses Chinese invented technologies. No fanatics on earth would so drive themselves nuts. Exceptions reserve for extraterrestrial ones, though. :lol:
So how far back into history are you going to go?
under status-quo --neither can win without the other


because it's a symbiotic relationship
Americans taking credit as the bastion of the west again? hahaha.

Americanized China? hardly. China adopting some western traditions, sure. but "American"? No.

Here's a taste of real America.


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