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Why clean India will never work.

The problem is with people like you who think that these initiatives WON'T WORK
How many times have you dissed India on hygeine and Indian men on SkyscraperCity - Powered by vBulletin my dear Australian Indian ?

Yes, no one is denying that in cities especially, there is a problem of sanitation - I repeat - NO ONE IS DENYING !
From lumping Indian sanitation to the problem of caste system, you are painting a wide brush. Ever watched Satyameva Jayate? They have an episode on urban hygeine / sanitation collection. THe problem is also attributed to corruption that has percolated to the system of garbage collection.

Young Indians are ever too eager to roll up their sleeves and join the bandwagon of cleanliness drive. Things are changing albeit slowly. Modi's bold initiative to get under the skin of society is commendable and should be encouraged.

People like you (SHATTERPOINT), are well cocooned in the refuge of a first world nation which has civic sense imbibed into its psyche. But to look down and sum up India as "WHY CLEAN INDIA WILL NEVER WORK"? Sorry , you have a lot of growing up to do !

(Am sure your next post will be on how Indian men are born rapists - your favorite topic)

First of I will say that this is a great idea, clean India is a laudable effort, I have never seen a Indian PM holding a broom before, so I will give kudos to the PM.

Now the negatives, when you have the Untouchables doing all the cleaning, getting abused and denied their basic rights, not getting paid, cleaning the crap with their hands, no wonder they don't care. The problem with India is that the rich, the middle class etc have no respect for the country, when I went to India 2 years ago I saw this first hand.

I saw tourist who were in India embarrassed, how Indians were treating their own country, in fact the tourist were the ones making a effort to keep India clean. I saw some beautiful places in India, but I looked just 20 meters in front of me and all I saw was garbage and filth.

No public toilets anywhere, and the ones that were there were disgusting and filthy, there is no point having clean toilets in fancy malls, where the public are faced with a lack of toilets and disgusting ones at that.

I am not trying to put India or Indians down, but public health is number 1, and India does not are about public hygiene. Sixty percent (60%) of Indians defecate in the open that is sad, not to mention disgusting.

What the PM is doing is a bold effort, a brave effort, I hope this really shakes up the India and gives them a kick up the ***. In India the houses are clean and tidy, but yet they take their garbage and dump it from the nearest balcony.

It's no good shouting slogans on the internet like "I Love my India" or "India is great" if you really love your India then clean India, keep India beautiful, take pride in your country, don't just beat your chest and shout empty slogans.

I really hope India changes, I want to see a clean, beautiful India, and so do millions of tourist, India all you have to do is clean your country and watch the tourist flock in. But most of all India do it for yourselves, for your kids and grand kids, and you will see the difference.

Make it a survival matter, that's the only way this will work.
If Indian psyche was the problem then places like Delhi metro, and other international Airports would be shit dirty. Shatterpoint is a well known troll and has utter contempt for Indians, first he claimed to be a French , then someone else, and now Australian Indian , if he is an Australian Indian, then he is one of those fools who lives of the dolls of western world and then talks smack about other countries .

Back in 2012 he he claimed to have his French family visit India where his "supposed daughters" where misbehaved with as per his stories,. Only later you figure out he as lying out of his rear end ...
The problem is with people like you who think that these initiatives WON'T WORK
How many times have you dissed India on hygeine and Indian men on SkyscraperCity - Powered by vBulletin my dear Australian Indian ?

Yes, no one is denying that in cities especially, there is a problem of sanitation - I repeat - NO ONE IS DENYING !
From lumping Indian sanitation to the problem of caste system, you are painting a wide brush. Ever watched Satyameva Jayate? They have an episode on urban hygeine / sanitation collection. THe problem is also attributed to corruption that has percolated to the system of garbage collection.

Young Indians are ever too eager to roll up their sleeves and join the bandwagon of cleanliness drive. Things are changing albeit slowly. Modi's bold initiative to get under the skin of society is commendable and should be encouraged.

People like you (SHATTERPOINT), are well cocooned in the refuge of a first world nation which has civic sense imbibed into its psyche. But to look down and sum up India as "WHY CLEAN INDIA WILL NEVER WORK"? Sorry , you have a lot of growing up to do !

(Am sure your next post will be on how Indian men are born rapists - your favorite topic)

You are aware that he is an Indian pretending to be French, right?
No, he is not a Frenchie. I have spoken to him on phone - not even an ounce of French accent but a load of Ows-try-lien accent.
If Indian psyche was the problem then places like Delhi metro, and other international Airports would be shit dirty. Shatterpoint is a well known troll and has utter contempt for Indians, first he claimed to be a French , then someone else, and now Australian Indian , if he is an Australian Indian, then he is one of those fools who lives of the dolls of western world and then talks smack about other countries .

Back in 2012 he he claimed to have his French family visit India where his "supposed daughters" where misbehaved with as per his stories,. Only later you figure out he as lying out of his rear end ...
oh come on yaar,,,Delhi metro/airports r not clean becase of responsble travelrs but mainly because of strict rules,gud management n maintainance ....step outside metro stations,airports n see the difference.
ps-dont know about chatterpoint,,
lol, these journalists, morons. What exactly does this person think will happen with this movement. Or lack there of.

Everything needs a start, just like Chinese tourists, you can't change them overnight, it takes time, but as soon as you start, some effects gets taken.

If not doing it is the reason to not do it, then nobody do anything, cause doing something might change something.

Though there are exceptions, American tourists.....and Brits

Usually I am very cynical about gov initiatives, due to the past record. But I feel optimistic about this one, because times are different.

You being non-Indian may not fully comprehend the problem, which is of mindset. Almost everybody (even educated and rich people) dump waste or trash on the roads. If somebody tells them not to do that, they would say that everybody else does it. And they are right about that. This was one of those problems in which nobody would change their bad habits, because they wanted others to change first. As I mentioned before, most people I know also behave in that way, even though I have often chided them for throwing garbage out of the car window.

Suddenly there is a call to change from the PM himself, and the entire top leadership of the country is making a widely publicized symbolic gesture about it. You have to understand that Modi is not just the PM, he also has immense star power - popularity. He is a celebrity as well as a PM. Just like some causes get a boost when a celebrity campaigns for it, now that the celebrity PM himself is exhorting people to action, everybody has woken up and expressed a willingness for change.

Yesterday was the birth anniversary of Mohandas Gandhi, which is usually a public holiday. But every govt employee went to their workplace today with a broomstick in their hands, and cleaned the building and premises. The Prime minister and high ranking cabinet ministers were seen on TV doing the same. The private sector also followed suit - although it is a declared holiday, many industries and offices had employees turn up and clean the place. Schoolteachers, schoolchildren, armymen, policemen, all participated.

Now the whole country knows that everybody else is willing to start changing, and they no longer have the excuse of "well, everybody litters, why shouldn't I?" Suddenly it feels like a collective mission, a challenge to ourselved to clean up the county in the next five years. The emotional appeal also worked. (MK Gandhi was a big proponent of hygene and cleanliness, and used to clean toilets himself to teach others the importance of that. He also said that "cleanliness is next to godliness.")

Back in 2012 he he claimed to have his French family visit India where his "supposed daughters" where misbehaved with as per his stories,. Only later you figure out he as lying out of his rear end

Yes, the "daughters" changed to "wife" in the second edition of the story.
oh come on yaar,,,Delhi metro/airports r not clean becase of responsble travelrs but mainly because of strict rules,gud management n maintainance ....step outside metro stations,airports n see the difference.
ps-dont know about chatterpoint,,

strict rules,gud management and maintenance done by whom ?.. martians ? ... Do you see people littering on the floor ? come and see some of the railway stations down south , you will find some of them extremely clean ..why do you think is that ? yes...railway stations usually well known to smell worse than a public toilet(for good reason) .

When you create a clean environment, people keep it clean when you make it dirty people keep it dirty ...its universal truth ..
You have to create a certain atmosphere. Being raised in America, I find it kinda of wrong to throw out trash just anywhere. Even when I was in India, I felt the same way.

I think this was something that was built on a while ago.

This is a famous commercial back in the days.

strict rules,gud management and maintenance done by whom ?.. martians ? ... Do you see people littering on the floor ? come and see some of the railway stations down south , you will find some of them extremely clean ..why do you think is that ? yes...railway stations usually well known to smell worse than a public toilet(for good reason) .

When you create a clean environment, people keep it clean when you make it dirty people keep it dirty ...its universal truth ..
ok,bhai there is no problem with Indian psyche.
PS- just visit India gate. Not at 8'o clock morng whn it is spic n spam,,,but 8pm
Of course this goes both ways, and you have to have proper infrastructure and system in place for people to keep things clean.
Consistant congress rule and conditioning made most of us (Indians) natural "Nay Sayers".

Why cannot we start threads " how to make Clean India moment a sucess story"?
No-one is considered as 'untouchable' in India anymore and the Caste system has been legally abolished long ago.......
Old mentalities may still prevail in some remote places of India......but, by and large, India has gotten rid of all religious and cultural prejudices.......
Therefore, @Shatterpoint, you must shed your prejudices as well and increase the perimeter of your knowledge......the people who you see doing the cleaning works are not 'untouchables', they may very well belong to the so called 'upper class/caste' because jobs are not segregated according to caste/class anymore.......

The problem of uncleanliness does not lie in caste or creed but in the fact that there are no effective Laws and regulations against littering in India....
For ex., your country imposes heavy fines for littering, why do you need such deterrent when you don't face the problem of caste system?? If the fines are withdrawn, you will see your country turning into a dumpster....
People everywhere are same, be it in Europe or India, they are needed to be controlled by rules and regulations.....and that's what India needs to make this 'cleanliness program' a success.....strict rules & regulations and their proper implementation.....

Hmm, the caste system is still around and rife in India, please don't pretend it isn't. It will take decades to stamp it would completely.

That is one reason for filth. Today's movement is also about sanitation and hygene, which is why the promise to build crores of toilets was made, and toilet cleaning was performed. These are tasks that upper castes thought objectionable to do, which is why many households in India have very dirty toilets, if they cannot afford to hire somebody to clean it. This contributes to poor health.

And even about the cleanliness of roads - in many places, due to the castist mindset, only people from a certain (very low) caste will take up the job of cleaning gutters, sewers or roadsides. Upper castes will not do it, even if more people are needed for the job.

Great post, too many Indian's are quick to make excuses instead on putting their head down and doing their bit.
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