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Why has Pakistan not tested a ICBM yet?

Can I ask the same about you? Who are you trying to hit with your Agni 5? It has a range of 8000 km not the 5500 km you claim. Why 8000 km? When 5500 km can cover entire China and Pakistan? Which country in Africa and Europe will you nuke? Uganda?
8000 was claimed by a Chinese. There is no proof that it is 8000 KM. Now even if I accept that motor is powerful enough to take a warhead to 8000 KM, India does not have guidance systems tested for that range. And about nuclear missiles, you don't want to hit another place in a "oops" moment. So unless India tests a 8000 KM missile, it does not have one. It can not test secretly because, well, entire world keeps an eye on such things. Just having a powerful enough motor does not give India a 8000 KM missile.
that was last year now we have no money to refill shaheen missile patrol tank

Only when the illustrious life style of our establishment is in danger, the country and the 'peasants' seems to be of no consequence..
is se bara khatra kya hoga mulk ko jab adhy mulk ko nhi pata next time roti mily gi ya nhi
I think we have achieved enough in Missile technology now we should focus on Space exploration and improve ballistic, cruise missiles with the same range. We need hypersonic cruise missiles and not the ICBMs.
Yeah, but are ICBM just for Kafir nations? We Muslims should have them too.

Even that cesspit of a country called North Korea has ICBMs.
You call North Korea cesspit when Haft-5 / Ghadr is clone of North Korean Hwasong-7 and Iranian liquid fuel ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles are derived from technology and designs that North Korea provided such as Safir thus Iran inserted satellite into low earth orbit before North Korea and South Korea.

North Korea did not have success with Paektusan that is predecessor to Safir, then they went with Unha from which Simorgh is based on.

Pakistan's main adversary is India and not Israel that is for Iran with America being second.
You call North Korea cesspit when Haft-5 / Ghadr is clone of North Korean Hwasong-7 and Iranian liquid fuel ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles are derived from technology and designs that North Korea provided such as Safir thus Iran inserted satellite into low earth orbit before North Korea and South Korea.

North Korea did not have success with Paektusan that is predecessor to Safir, then they went with Unha from which Simorgh is based on.

Pakistan's main adversary is India and not Israel that is for Iran with America being second.
Ummm... Do you know what you are talking about?

This is not the early 1990's anymore when Benazir Bhutto was ruling Pakistan.

Yes is the beginning Pakistan bought North Korean missile technologies while North Korea bought Pakistani nuclear secrets.

But now we make our own missile technologies such as Shaheen and Ghauri.

North Korea is a shitty country. It is a pariah state, bad economy, no industry, etc.

China should just annex North Korea.
Ummm... Do you know what you are talking about?
Yes and you certainly do not as evident by your comments on DPRK.
This is not the early 1990's anymore when Benazir Bhutto was ruling Pakistan.

Yes is the beginning Pakistan bought North Korean missile technologies while North Korea bought Pakistani nuclear secrets.

But now we make our own missile technologies such as Shaheen and Ghauri.
Ghauri aka Haft-5 is Hwasong-7 in Pakistani service that is North Korean design.
Shaheen is DF-11 is in Pakistani service that is of Chinese design.

North Korea is a shitty country. It is a pariah state, bad economy, no industry, etc.

China should just annex North Korea.
All you do is demonstrate being uninformed about DPRK.
Yet you still open that filthy mouth of yours from which you spew feces.

North Korea is under heavy sanctions thus no wonder their economy is not performing as it could just as Iraq under Saddam that was also occasionally bombed with missiles.

Did Pakistan managed to insert satellite into orbit and became spacefaring nation? No.
Does Pakistan have intermediate or even intercontinental ballistic missiles? No.
Did Pakistan ever tested a thermonuclear warhead with yield of 200-300 kilotons? No.
Does Pakistan have land attack cruise missiles with range of 1500-1800 kilometers? No.
Did Pakistan ever tested submarine launched ballistic missile from submarine? No.

North Korea did all of that and more that are less of note than those.
Yes and you certainly do not as evident by your comments on DPRK.

Ghauri aka Haft-5 is Hwasong-7 in Pakistani service that is North Korean design.
Shaheen is DF-11 is in Pakistani service that is of Chinese design.

All you do is demonstrate being uninformed about DPRK.
Yet you still open that filthy mouth of yours from which you spew feces.

North Korea is under heavy sanctions thus no wonder their economy is not performing as it could just as Iraq under Saddam that was also occasionally bombed with missiles.

Did Pakistan managed to insert satellite into orbit and became spacefaring nation? No.
Does Pakistan have intermediate or even intercontinental ballistic missiles? No.
Did Pakistan ever tested a thermonuclear warhead with yield of 200-300 kilotons? No.
Does Pakistan have land attack cruise missiles with range of 1500-1800 kilometers? No.
Did Pakistan ever tested submarine launched ballistic missile from submarine? No.

North Korea did all of that and more that are less of note than those.
North Korea puts Pakistan to shame by what they have accomplished under such strict sanctions. Pakistan could perhaps learn a thing or two from NK.

On a lighter note North Korea has been a great ally to Pakistan. We are grateful to North Korea and China for helping and supporting us when the entire world was against us.
ICBM Testing. very highly unlikely to be be happen.
Most of concerns are political.
because of high patrol prices
Lol 🤣

North Korea puts Pakistan to shame by what they have accomplished under such strict sanctions. Pakistan could perhaps learn a thing or two from NK.

On a lighter note North Korea has been a great ally to Pakistan. We are grateful to North Korea and China for helping and supporting us when the entire world was against us.
You know you are messed up when your litmus test for a successful nation is North Korea lol 🤣
You know you are messed up when your litmus test for a successful nation is North Korea lol 🤣
North Korea has for around 60 years investing considerably, arguably heavily into heavy industry that makes such possible.

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