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Why India needs Myanmar on its side!!

We need Myanmar for our side because that is only country left for our "Akhand Bharat" dream...(Sorry could not resist)

Logical point is.. With the help of Myanmar we can break the "string of pearl" as Myanmar has already provided a port to India (Pls correct me if I am wrong). India can also benefit from natural gases of Myanmar. There will be cultural exchange which is also important and started in terms of building "Ananda Temple" in Myanmar with the help of India. Regarding Aan Sang Syuki and democracy, we can discuss when we have stake on each others we can't be isolate with our neighbor and ask them for a change.
The only country China had problem with is Vietnam yet 80% of vietnamese trade is with China. Taiwan is a unique case and had the love lose relationship from both side. There are discord with Japan in some issues but neither country will point gun at each other.
India has no influence in Pakistan neither on Bangladesh. It is loosing influence in Nepal and Srilanka. Myanmar is just a whoore will sleep with anybody but China always going to pay more... :azn:

This line is pretty amusing..in each of BD section everyone says, India is running their country with its proxy of Hasina and Awami League. Are you changing your tone selectively?
If u feel so sick, why don't u search for a picture of Zardari?


If i look at a picture of Zardari, i will end up dead, i will be that angry, Scientists will be wondering for decades what was the symptons of my death.
If u feel so sick, why don't u search for a picture of Zardari?


Ramu kaka, if you want to mention the President of Pakistan do it in a well and civilized manner, by the way your post is reported as it clearly violates the forum rules.
If i look at a picture of Zardari, i will end up dead, i will be that angry, Scientists will be wondering for decades what was the symptons of my death.

I am afraid you will end up being banned, your countries President show some respect.
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About time we realize that nations establish foreign relations based on Self Interest rather than a moral high ground , which India occupied for so many years through the 1990's.

I for one, can't believe that India did not establish formal ties with Israel for fear of Arab backlash for so many years.

If a rebublic has a shady moral background then that is no reason for India not to have relations with it.

This stands true for Iran, Israel and Burma and I'm glad that we have made significant progress on all 3 fronts.
About time we realize that nations establish foreign relations based on Self Interest rather than a moral high ground , which India occupied for so many years through the 1990's.

I for one, can't believe that India did not establish formal ties with Israel for fear of Arab backlash for so many years.

If a rebublic has a shady moral background then that is no reason for India not to have relations with it.

This stands true for Iran, Israel and Burma and I'm glad that we have made significant progress on all 3 fronts.

India is the only country in this region who has good ties simaltaneously with

Israel and Iran
US n Russia

Ramu kaka, if you want to mention the President of Pakistan do it in a well and civilized manner, by the way your post is reported as it clearly violates the forum rules.

Why is my post reported. I just gave an alternative to a member who expressed he is sick at looking at the leader of India. Does it really bode well to report my post when your country men show the least amount of respect to your president?

Does it serve well when the Bangladeshi use the dirtiest and filthiest of words for their leaders and you enjoy reading their posts ?

Anyways, if you are sick too, get well soon. About reporting, go fish.
Why India needs a dictatorship country such as Burma on her side ?
Is India ready to betray Democracy and embrace Human Right abuse ?

Thats what is called as RealPolitik :cheers:
Good going. good for regional co operation.
haha only now india realises the important of having friendly neighbour, you should have done it early on , this went to prove we chinese is more clever than you indians we out smart u in almost everything.
haha only now india realises the important of having friendly neighbour, you should have done it early on , this went to prove we chinese is more clever than you indians we out smart u in almost everything.

Thats why you have great neighbours like Tibet,those 200 islands ,over which you have created disputes in the China sea and ofcourse,your biggest and most important neighbour India!
Its visible how friendly Chinese are.
You people daydream unlike japanese,who are way way ahead of China in terms of living standards and technology.
haha only now india realises the important of having friendly neighbour, you should have done it early on , this went to prove we chinese is more clever than you indians we out smart u in almost everything.

Since 1949 China has gone to war with Tibet, Taiwan, Russia, Korea, Vietnam and India . It has also sent troops into Cambodia and Laos. It has ongoing border disputes with Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines, India. Since 1947 India has fought wars with only Pakistan and China. It has meddled directly in Sri Lanka and in creating Bangladesh. I am not sure who has the better record in maintaining friendly relations with neighbors.

Coming back to topic having good relations with Burma is absolutely necessary for India. Some Indian politicians without the foresight to look beyond their own noses had unnecessarily harmed relations with Than Shwe and the Tatmadaw Generals. Moral one - upmanship has to be replaced by hard geo-politics. India needs leverage over China.The string of pearls has to be broken. Plus Burma also provides an opportunity to trouble the dragon's soft underbelly. India must absolutely ensure that Burma does not become another inimical client state like the western one. So also does Vietnam. Close to Hainan and the nuke submarine base there. What is unfolding is an attempt by India to create another string of pearls running quite parrallel to that strung out by the mandarins in the Indian ocean region. What China can do, India can do too. In fact with increasing relations with the Eastern Indian ocean littoral states such as Malaysia and Singapore, India can string a better noose around Chinese economic and military interests in the southern ocean. There should be a windfall for the smaller states with the two giants battling it out currying their favor. Pakistan (Gwadar, weapons), Sri lanka (hambantota), Nepal (bankrolling the maoist proxies) are examples of these.Geopolitical jockeying is on and the pieces are falling into place on the chessboard that is the southern ocean and the wider South and East Asian Region.
Why is my post reported. I just gave an alternative to a member who expressed he is sick at looking at the leader of India. Does it really bode well to report my post when your country men show the least amount of respect to your president?

Does it serve well when the Bangladeshi use the dirtiest and filthiest of words for their leaders and you enjoy reading their posts ?

Anyways, if you are sick too, get well soon. About reporting, go fish.

Well the easy way would have been to insult your mukhe mantri and perdhaan mantri in return isn't it? Maybe some sense would be brought to you that way. Next time IA
Since 1949 China has gone to war with Tibet, Taiwan, Russia, Korea, Vietnam and India . It has also sent troops into Cambodia and Laos. It has ongoing border disputes with Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines, India. Since 1947 India has fought wars with only Pakistan and China. It has meddled directly in Sri Lanka and in creating Bangladesh. I am not sure who has the better record in maintaining friendly relations with neighbors.

Coming back to topic having good relations with Burma is absolutely necessary for India. Some Indian politicians without the foresight to look beyond their own noses had unnecessarily harmed relations with Than Shwe and the Tatmadaw Generals. Moral one - upmanship has to be replaced by hard geo-politics. India needs leverage over China.The string of pearls has to be broken. Plus Burma also provides an opportunity to trouble the dragon's soft underbelly. India must absolutely ensure that Burma does not become another inimical client state like the western one. So also does Vietnam. Close to Hainan and the nuke submarine base there. What is unfolding is an attempt by India to create another string of pearls running quite parrallel to that strung out by the mandarins in the Indian ocean region. What China can do, India can do too. In fact with increasing relations with the Eastern Indian ocean littoral states such as Malaysia and Singapore, India can string a better noose around Chinese economic and military interests in the southern ocean. There should be a windfall for the smaller states with the two giants battling it out currying their favor. Pakistan (Gwadar, weapons), Sri lanka (hambantota), Nepal (bankrolling the maoist proxies) are examples of these.Geopolitical jockeying is on and the pieces are falling into place on the chessboard that is the southern ocean and the wider South and East Asian Region.

You're right, China has not exactly been a "model citizen" of the globally community, especially during the era of Chairman Mao. Hopefully this is changing with the new generations of leadership.

As to your other points, a key geostrategic issue for China is oil imports. We produce a lot, but consume more. Much of our oil imports come from the Middle East, Malaysia/Indonesia, and pipelines to central Asia and Russia.

India could in theory block our Middle Eastern oil supply, although that would also block oil to the rest of East Asia. Japan, Korea, etc.

In this situation, Malaysian/Indonesian oil becomes very important. So you're right that South East Asia is becoming very important in a strategic sense.

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