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Why Muslim headcount in Indian Army necessary?

Novody uses Vande Mataram in India apart from the right wingers.

Though I personally love the phrase, it has grown completely obsolete with the times, just like the language Sanskrit it was written in.

If muslims don't have to utter vande matharam than its OK i guess. Any way thanks for the info, I
didn't know that.
What about vande matharam, is it obligatory in the IA.
translation of the poem vande mataram I show gratitude to thee, Mother,
richly-watered, richly-fruited,
cool with the winds of the south,
dark with the crops of the harvests,
The Mother!

Her nights rejoicing in the glory of the moonlight,
her lands clothed beautifully with her trees in flowering bloom,
sweet of laughter, sweet of speech,
The Mother, giver of boons, giver of bliss. from where is religion in it ? the mother is our country
What about Joy Bongla. Can a true muslim utter stuff like that? :hitwall: You are no one to judge who is a true muslim and who is not.

Joy bangla is not our national slogan. You won't see common bangladeshis uttering joy bangla in BD. Its a party slogan of awamileague
unlike jay hind in India. Did you ever see any BD TV dramas?.....You won't find joy bangla uttered there. If someone utters Joy bangla people take him as a awami supporter. While Your Jay Hind is an indian national slogan.

translation of the poem vande mataram I show gratitude to thee, Mother,
richly-watered, richly-fruited,
cool with the winds of the south,
dark with the crops of the harvests,
The Mother!

Her nights rejoicing in the glory of the moonlight,
her lands clothed beautifully with her trees in flowering bloom,
sweet of laughter, sweet of speech,
The Mother, giver of boons, giver of bliss. from where is religion in it ? the mother is our country

Vande matharam clearly means "I bow to thee, Mother". It is a hymn to Goddess Durga, identified as the national personification of India.It means bowing down to someone else other than Allah(swt), so a muslim simply can't say that.
Vande Mataram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ir merit.. groom them and expose them to institutions like IIT, in the evening classes if preferable so as not to stir up the usual students.
It not an unsolvable problem this lesser representation issue. And one that can have greater paybacks in the future for India.

Actually something like this is being done.

Poor Muslim students of Bihar crack IIT entrance test | TwoCircles.net


Patna : All the 10 poor Muslim students enrolled in a special coaching institute for the community have passed the highly competitive Indian Institute of Technology-Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE), the institute announced here Monday.

"All 10 of our students are from poor families. They and their parents had never dreamt that one day they will be able to get into the IITs," said Shabbirul Hoda, spokesperson of the Rahmani 30 institute.

Rahmani 30 was launched last year to select talented Muslim students from poor families and provide them with free coaching, food and accommodation so that they can focus on passing the IIT-JEE exam.

"I am very excited that I have been selected for admission to IIT. It is a big day for me and my family," said Shahbaz Haider, one of the successful students.

The coaching institute was modelled on the lines of the much publicised Super 30, which was a successful experiment by Bihar's Additional Director General of Police Abhyanand, who coached and helped 30 students from poor families to join the prestigious IITs.

Abhyanand began working for Rahmani 30 after disassociating himself from Super 30. The first batch of his new institute has now achieved 100 percent success.

"It was a different experiment but proved successful. My focus was to help students from the Muslim community who are educationally and economically backward," Abhyanand told IANS.

Though Rahmani 30 was started and financially supported by the Rahmaniya Foundation, a Muslim voluntary organisation based in Munger district, Abyanand was the person who motivated, guided and supervised the students.

The police officer said the idea of coaching Muslim students struck him because for the first time last year Super 30's successful students included Muslim students.
We are not talking about my country, I suggest you leave it out of critical discussion or I shall leave you out of this discussion.
I have been in UP.. I have a section of my family there who are active in politics as well.
And they encounter greater communal jealousies there compared to south India due to being a majority.
Simply stated, where Muslims do start forming a majority they become the target of ire.

I don't know what do you mean by 'majority'. I don't know why do you think Muslims in UP attract jealousies from Hindus. Because Muslims are thought to be left behind (economically & educationally) in North India (UP, Bihar), you may refer to the Sachar Committee Report if you want. So, it should happen the other way around, that means it should be Hindus when it comes to attract jealousies from Muslims. For the sake of the argument if I assume that Muslims do attract jealousies in UP (where 18% of the entire population are muslim) then what about Kerala? In Kerala (South India) 25% of the population are muslim. By your logic Muslims in Kerala should attract more jealousies compared in UP. But in reality Muslims in South India are most progressive of the country and enjoy better standard of living than many Hindus do in UP and Bihar.

BTW, You are one of the very few Pakistani members in PDF whom I respect.
How can a muslim serve in the indian army. A true muslim can't utter stuff like Jay hind and vande matharam. How can a muslim fire at
their kashmiri brothers knowing full well the innocence of kashmiris.
A true muslim simply can't serve in the indian military. He
has to give up Islam like the bollywood khans to get accepted into the indian army.
Seriously dude think beyond religion, you are asking how can a muslim serve Indian Army then there is news for you .
Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain commanding an Army Corps in Jammu and Kashmir.
Syed Ata Hasnain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who the hell are you to decide who is muslim and who is not and don't worry about Indian Muslims they are as patriotic as an average Indian.
Joy bangla is not our national slogan. You won't see common bangladeshis uttering joy bangla in BD. Its a party slogan of awamileague
unlike jay hind in India. Did you ever see any BD TV dramas?.....
You won't find joy bangla uttered there. If someone utters Joy bangla people take him as a awami supporter. While Your Jay Hind is an indian national slogan.

Do you lots ever get sick of lying?

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1996 place danapur bihta patna. i participated in army rally (recruitment) there were 2 muslim candidate appeared out of 700 candidate.thet

1998 /1999 place AFSB Varanasi. occasion: NDA interview, there was 1 muslim candidate appeared out of 180 candidate.NDA interview happen after written test. there is no way that a HINDU baniya fail MUSLIM gentelmn in written tewt. written test happen on OMR sheet and checked by computer.

this is my personal experience. I witnessed it.
Nonsense!! The last thing we want is the UPA to communalize the Armed forces as well. The men in military are fiercely spiritual but as comrades they are only Indians. Their binding is strong and their manner of worshipping and being together is matchless.

This nonsense government should be removed ASAP before its paid writers attempt to communalize the Army as well.

Congress is adept at creating religious tensions anywhere and has proven so by being the root cause of all communal attacks.

Seriously dude think beyond religion, you are asking how can a muslim serve Indian Army then there is news for you .
Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain commanding an Army Corps in Jammu and Kashmir.
Syed Ata Hasnain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who the hell are you to decide who is muslim and who is not and don't worry about Indian Muslims they are as patriotic as an average Indian.

Don't bother wasting your energy on him... he's got Balochistan and Sindhudesh to worry about already... if you get my idea. :D
Do you lots ever get sick of lying?

Are you an idiot? Joy Bangla is not our national slogan neither does our army uses it. This song is a famous war time song and there is no paganism involved in this song. Joy bangla also donot have any paganism in it otherwise BAL wouldn't have used it as a party slogan. "Joy Bangla" is a AL party slogan and "Bangladesh zindabad" is BNP party slogan and neither
of those slogans has paganism involved in it.
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When your press release is done, please consider the work of a retired Hindu ICS officer (whose name I'm forgetting) who wrote in 1950s that the number of Muslim state service personnel (civil and military) from hundreds to less than ten in the space of less than a decade because of intended State marginalization. Wish I copuld recall the name. The guy migrated to Pakistan in protest if I'm correct.

thats because they all went to pakistan
if muslims wants to increase their percentage in the army then first of all they have to study(muslims are least educated in india among all communities) & then after completing their education they have to go to army recruitment camps. it is not like Army or govt will come to their house to offer them a job in army.
There are lots of things you could say based on your faith.

Although Jai Hind is the most common. The word Jai here does not mean worship, it means 'victory'.

Jai Hind actually means 'Victory/Glory to the Motherland'. Just like 'Jai Ho' meant 'Glory Be'!
Doesn't it mean Hail India

Is uttering vande matharam and jay hind obligatory in the indian army.
Jai Hind was coined by Zain-al-Abdin Hasan officer of INA,so why would Muslim's have problem saying those word's :cheesy:

P.S : Also "Hind" is a Arabic world......... Jai Hind
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