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Why the TTP is undefeatable

It's always system that pushes changes at basic levels also
And that system is brought by true leaders
And we don't have that leaders who can build up a powerful system.
sadly mullahs, military, playboys, feudals and Industrialists have been mostly self indulgent or lost focus ( or heart when they looked at the colossal challenge) and parted after yapping what their zealots wanted to hear.
We as a nation have to unlearn everything and adapt the approach of Turks, Saudis and / or Iranians. their faith and devotion is no less to ours. And the Islamic faith doesn't come in the way of keep a unified stance against those who use faith or ethnicity but pick arms against their respective countries our people cant claim to be better Muslims than them (I included Saudis, Turks and Iranians to cover every sectarian cupcake here).
100%, it's not just approach but mindset.

Pakistan requires a revolutionary leader that can change the mindset of the people, most of them are slave-minded and weak.

We don’t have decades to let this keep festering, we have a small window of time before the Russians and Iranians are no longer distracted and the Afghans are no longer as dependent to get our own house in order so we can establish the rules of the road in our region.
Cannot stress this enough.

The establishment thinks it has forever but we are very limited in time, as the world changes around us it also impacts us.

We have to get started now and they need to put their petty games and ego behind them.
Pakistan itself gives fuel to groups like TTP.

Obviously if you call yourself an Islamic Republic but then you are releasing things like Joyland and LGBT laws, you're legitimising their narrative and perhaps even turning very moderate folks towards a more radical outlook because they see no other option.

If Pakistan wants to be an Islamic Republic I think it should have laws closer resembling one, and instead of people like this picking up weapons, they'll be more compelled to work under a national political framework for any grievances they may have with the state. Groups like TTP would be easily destroyed if you did this because their narrative wouldn't last.

Negotiations with terrorist groups is also a bad idea because now you indicate to them they have power - their terrorism is having a positive affect for them and you are willing to consider their demands.

But his idea of removing the fence being a "reasonable" demand is short sighted and idiotic, if we removed the fence like he suggests, that would be a significant disaster as Afghanistan is completely unreliable and would use that to their advantage. It just needs to be fortified with maximum surveillance & security but have easy methods to cross over for family.
What If we removed custom duties?
What If we removed custom duties?
Fence should remain at all costs, it just needs an easy access system for people to cross-over but also be highly secure with surveillance.

That western border is one of the main keys in keeping Afghanistan in check.
It seems TTP started this round but the Afghan Taliban can't keep them in check and the Americans taking advantage of the situation by spurring on the fight.
It seems TTP started this round but the Afghan Taliban can't keep them in check and the Americans taking advantage of the situation by spurring on the fight.
Americans cannot be trusted.

They are the type to support both sides for the sole purpose of seeing maximum destruction.

Neither can the Afghans, as soon as they see TTP picking up pace they may provide them full support to achieve their goal. (Loy Afghanistan)

Americans cannot be trusted.

They are the type to support both sides for the sole purpose of seeing maximum destruction.

Neither can the Afghans, as soon as they see TTP picking up pace they may provide them full support to achieve their goal. (Loy Afghanistan)
What options do you guys have?
Americans cannot be trusted.

They are the type to support both sides for the sole purpose of seeing maximum destruction.

Neither can the Afghans, as soon as they see TTP picking up pace they may provide them full support to achieve their goal. (Loy Afghanistan)
Indians can also be not trusted.
The general patriots in Pakistan seem to all be sitting outside of Pakistan and stoking the fire.

The general on the ground situation seems like the TTP is the disenfranchised majority(or at least close to the non punjabi majority) in Pakistan and have no shortage of affected impressionable/trainable militia.
TTP is mostly Pashtuns because their ideology is mainly focused around the Pashtun areas then mixed with Islamic ideology. I would call it Pashtun ethno-Islamism.

But with the release of things like Joyland and LGBT laws, I can definitely see Punjabis joining especially religious ones because they'll see no other way out. Moderate religious folks will see the extreme as the only option left.

Indians can also be not trusted.
This doesn't need to be stated tbh, India is like our arch nemesis.
TTP is ethnic organisation with support from Many Pushtoon tribes on ethnic grounds.

Before Operation Zarb e Azb.
The entire Sipaah tribe gave their lands to TTP for training militants.

The entire North Waziristan was manufacturing suicide vests, IED and other explosives for TTP.

After Zarb e Azb , the most amount of terrorists were released by Peshawar High Court, and often the judge had some tribal links.

Until this ethnic comradeship stops, the TTP will keep coming back.
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TTP is ethnic organisation with support from Many Pushtoon tribes on ethnic grounds.

Before Operation Zarb e Azb.
The entire Sipaah tribe gave their lands to TTP for training militants.

The entire North Waziristan was manufacturing suicide vests, IED and other explosives for TTP.
After Zarb e Azb , the most amount of terrorists were released by Peshawar High Court, and often the judge surname was "Afridi " or something other Tribal surname.
Until this ethnic comradeship stops, the TTP will keep coming back.

Unbelieavable levels of treachery. Pakistan should nuke itself
I don't understand this defeatist mindset when TTP bases in Afg have not been attacked. Atleast destroy their infrastructure, supply lines, funding and sanctioning political support then see what happens.

Right now you kill a couple in the mountains and leave it at that. Its simply not enough.
We have the resources but we are allocating them wrongly. The resources are not military firepower, but the other three elements of D.I.M.E. Diplomatic, Industrial, and Economic. The desire to shift to geo-economics in the National Defense Strategy a year ago highlighted the need to reorient society towards economics to build up the areas of potential strength to deal with our challenges.

We don’t have decades to let this keep festering, we have a small window of time before the Russians and Iranians are no longer distracted and the Afghans are no longer as dependent to get our own house in order so we can establish the rules of the road in our region.

We need at least the fence in most places and in other places a wall, with massive fortifications (with markets, schools and hospitals) on the border to establish the writ of the state.

But this will all be for naught if it’s not sustainable by a society and an economy and a polity that empowers locals that support us and reduces the economic opportunities of those that oppose us.

Remember the slogan after the APS massacre; “we will teach their children”. The average age along the border is 18; a generation or two will be the level of sustained investment (such as spreading parts of the value added mining/textile industry/factories amongst loyal areas because they are safe for business and proof of mutual benefit) to change the course of relations.
we do not choose our leaders. They are imposed on us. Anglo-saxons made sure to dent pakistan to ensure bharat breathing space to outgrow.
we do not choose our leaders. They are imposed on us. Anglo-saxons made sure to dent pakistan to ensure bharat breathing space to outgrow.
Pakistanis are also to blame for never opposing the horrible governance imposed on the nation.

They buy out your leaders to follow their orders and then the people worship them for foolish reasons like ethnic or tribal affiliations.

Either you'll die on this hill or continue to live in a failed sh#thole

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