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Why Turkey's military base will remain in Qatar

So cute ! ^^

You - Erdogan Turkey - will negotiate (Behind the curtain) with the GCC - KSA and UAE -.

Erdogan and negociation.....He didn't do it for Egypt or Syria...and I'm sure Irak too want Turkey to negociate. If you still not aware....Erdogan don't know what is negociation unless you have US or Russia on the table.
does anyone have pictures or videos of Turkish troops in Qatar? I am curious to see what equipment was sent!
I know Turkey wants influence in ME, but without an Iraqi kurdistan, turkey can not, and will not ever have real influence in ME. This "Qatari Base" Is just a strategy by erdogan to gain more influence in his own country by "flexing muscles". Or is Turkey really this stupid? Believe me, if the saudis want to, they will destroy the base within minutes.
I know Turkey wants influence in ME, but without an Iraqi kurdistan, turkey can not, and will not ever have real influence in ME. This "Qatari Base" Is just a strategy by erdogan to gain more influence in his own country by "flexing muscles". Or is Turkey really this stupid? Believe me, if the saudis want to, they will destroy the base within minutes.

The Saudis can, but they will have to live with the consequences if they attack Turkey.
The Saudis can, but they will have to live with the consequences if they attack Turkey.

I am not talking about direct military intervention. They can raise hell inside Turkey and destroy your base by use of proxies. Arabs will never be loyal to Turkey. If Erdogan didn't ask for SA approval behind the curtains, you are playing a very dangerous game.
I know Turkey wants influence in ME, but without an Iraqi kurdistan, turkey can not, and will not ever have real influence in ME. This "Qatari Base" Is just a strategy by erdogan to gain more influence in his own country by "flexing muscles". Or is Turkey really this stupid? Believe me, if the saudis want to, they will destroy the base within minutes.

then a war will be start between Turkey and S Arabia ...
if anybody has balls to attack Turkish Military base in Qatar or Iraq .. lets attack
then everybody will see what will happen with weak S Arabia or Iran
then a war will be start between Turkey and S Arabia ...
if anybody has balls to attack Turkish Military base in Qatar or Iraq .. lets attack
then everybody will see what will happen with weak S Arabia or Iran

Are you retarded or on drugs? What does Iran have to do with this?
Are you retarded or on drugs? What does Iran have to do with this?

Iran backed shitee Iraqi Government also barked like many dogs and threatened to destroy Turkish Military Base in Iraq .... but Turkey warned Iran to stop barking

so if you ( Iran - S Arabia ) have balls to attack Turkish Military Base in Iraq or Qatar .....lets attack or stop barking like mangy dogs
Iran backed shitee Iraqi Government also barked like many dogs and threatened to destroy Turkish Military Base in Iraq .... but Turkey warned Iran to stop barking

so if you ( Iran - S Arabia ) have balls to attack Turkish Military Base in Iraq or Qatar .....lets attack or stop barking like mangy dogs
Let me try to understand how your retarded brain works. The Iraqi government wants Turkish illegal bases out from it's soil. And then Turkey threatened Iran? Isn't that the wrong country to threat? At least try to use your brain
Let me try to understand how your retarded brain works. The Iraqi government wants Turkish illegal bases out from it's soil. And then Turkey threatened Iran? Isn't that the wrong country to threat? At least try to use your brain

The Iraqi government is a puppet ... nothing else

The US invaded Iraq and destroyed Saddam and gave Iraq to Iran backed shitee Iraqi government and you scumbags the US.Uk and Iran backed terrorist groups killed millions of Iraqi people including childs and women

only illegal forces are the US and Iran backed terrorist groups in Iraq ,,, not Turkey

The Ankara Agreement, which was signed in 1926, gives military intervention to Turkey in Musul and Kirkuk

Turkey left Mosul to Iraq with Ankara Agreement signed in 1926 on condition that territorial integrity was ensured in Iraq

The atmosphere of chaos arising from the void of authority, is preparing legitimate ground in international law for Turkey to enter Mosul and Kirkuk
The Iraqi government is an *** licker puppet ... nothing else

I don't care what you call them. You are on Iraqi soil, not Iranian. It is between you and them, you are being retarded when you say Turkey warned Iran. It did no such thing.

The US invaded Iraq and destroyed Saddam and gave Iraq to Iran backed shitee Iraqi government and you scumbags the US.Uk and Iran backed terrorist groups killed millions of Iraqi people including childs and women

US gave Iraq to Iran? Iran killing Iraqis? What are you talking about?

Iran is working with the Iraqi elected government, how can you say Iran is there illegally, but Turkey is there legally? Ankara agreement was before Iraq became an independent state. It is not relevant anymore.

berkant is barking

Nothing he says makes sense, have you ever heard such piss before? Turkey is legally in Iraq while Iran is occupying Iraq illegally and killing Iraqis. :hitwall:

Iraq asked you to leave multiple times and your country said this:

Turkey scoffed at Abadi's warning. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said, "If you have the strength, why did you surrender Mosul to terror organizations? If you are so strong, why has the PKK occupied your lands for years?" Cavusoglu referred to the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, which has bases in northern Iraq and has been labeled a terrorist organization by Turkey and the U.S.

"You cannot even fight against a terror organization. You are weak," Cavusoglu said of Abadi, according to Turkey's Anadolu news agency.

Who is the tyrant and bully here? If Iraq asks Iran to leave, we will honour it and do so
your *** licker puppet shitee Iraqi Government ( clown IBADI ) barked

now , *** licker puppets S Arabia, Egypt and Uae are barking

Turkish Military Bases in Syria Iraq and Qatar .... and soon in Somalia ...... keep barking like mangy dogs

Can someone tame this sectarian user?
Can a normal Turk give me his unbiased POV about what you think Turkey is up to?

I understand entering Syria to stop Kurds from getting any Land. But why in Iraq an Qatar? There is no logical reason to be in Iraq other than preventing a Kurdistan, but it will not happen anyway, we will never let them. For Qatar, I i found 0 logical reasons. So there remains only those illogical reason.

A) Erdogan wants to create more influence in Turkey, and show himself as Powerful leader in order to gain more support. (It is with approval of SA)

B) Turkey wants to create influence in ME. Perhaps by creating Turk proxies in the region? Being the voice of sunni muslims?

If it is B) then I have to say, you are playing a very dangerous game. GCC belongs to SA. And Arabs are not loyal to, and does not owe anything to Turkey. You can never have such influence over Arab countries. Same goes for Turks in the region. They do not owe any allegiance to Turkey.

So what kind of game do you think Erdogan is playing?
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