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Death toll in Xinjiang violence rises to 35.
June 27, 2013, 10:28 p.m.

BEIJING - The death toll in Wednesday’s clashes in the western Xinjiang region has risen from 27 to 35, and China’s state-run media are now referring to the incident as a “terrorist attack.”

Initial reports by the official New China News Agency said knife-wielding rioters attacked a police station, a government building and a construction site.

It was the deadliest outbreak of violence in years in the region, where tension has simmered between Uighurs, a Muslim minority group, and ethnic Han Chinese.

The first reports on the violence said rioters killed 17 people and police shot 10 dead. But on Thursday, the news agency said rioters had slain 24 people, including two police officers, and police shot 11 to death. Another 21 people were injured, the agency said Thursday.

The fresh account also for the first time made mention of the ethnicities of those involved, with the news agency saying 16 of the dead were Uighurs. Exactly what prompted the attack remained unclear, however. Xinjiang next week will mark the four-year anniversary of ethnic clashes that killed nearly 200 people in 2009.

A report Friday in the Global Times, a newspaper closely affiliated with the Communist Party, said more than 10 suspects had been arrested, most of whom were aged 18 or 19.

The paper cited an unnamed Xinjiang official as saying that the attackers were mostly Uighurs and mainly targeted Uighur police officers. The Han victims were all migrant workers at a construction site in the town of Lukqun, the paper said.

The World Uyghur Congress, a Germany-based advocacy group, has expressed skepticism about the official accounts of the incident but said it had had difficulty reaching locals because communication links in the area had been shut down.

The Global Times said its reporter was unable to enter Lukqun because the city had been sealed off.

The official also told the paper that authorities believed the attackers had been planning to launch an assault at a commodity fair in the city of Kashi on Friday.

U.S. State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said Wednesday that the Obama administration was "closely following" reports of the Xinjiang violence and urged “Chinese authorities to conduct a thorough, transparent investigation of this incident to provide those detained the due process protections to which they are entitled under China's constitution, laws and international human rights commitments."

He also said Washington remained "deeply concerned" by what he called "ongoing reports of discrimination and restrictions" against Chinese Uighurs and Muslims.

In a commentary Friday in the state-run China Daily, Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences researcher Shi Lan hit back at the U.S. criticism.

"Some of the Xinjiang terrorist groups get support from the West, which loves to call their usurpations acts of 'independence and religious freedom,'" she said. "Western powers still use double standards when it comes to terrorist attacks on China."

Source: Reuters,LA Times.
if only our politicans had the guts and spine of chinese our beautifull kashmir wouldnot have become a safe heaven for terrorist
Rest in peace to dead................

China must wipe out these terrorists from Xinjiang............Only good terrorist is dead terrorist

India must learn from China how terrorism is controlled..............
Rest in peace to dead................

China must wipe out these terrorists from Xinjiang............Only good terrorist is dead terrorist

India must learn from China how terrorism is controlled..............

Why are India not using troops to target these maoists. I seen the troops sent, they are worse than police. They are badly equipped, if equipped, and certainly badly commanded. The commander they showed looked stupid and fat. Also can't make sense to save his life.
Why are India not using troops to target these maoists. I seen the troops sent, they are worse than police. They are badly equipped, if equipped, and certainly badly commanded. The commander they showed looked stupid and fat. Also can't make sense to save his life.

NO, army is not used. Only paramilitary forces are used against maoists......

Nowadays they are fully equipped...

And they are not FAT. You might have confused with police, who are definitely fat and corrupt to some extent.
I'm ready to admit that there are racism in China towards them, but here's a fact.

Chinese is more or less prejudice towards the poor and not specifically other ethnicity.

I wasn't trying to single out China.

As I indicated, this problem exists in every society. It's just that, in the Uighur case, there are opportunists (foreign and domestic) who are exploiting these people's frustrations for their own purposes. The irony is that, in a few decades, as the Chinese economy continues to climb, Chinese citizenship will become as coveted as American or European citizenship, and people will be trying to get into China. The Uighurs already have that opportunity but some have lost faith that they can achieve their dream within China.

Uyghurs are in fact poor, partly due to their location, and partly due to their traditions.

There are Uyghur actress, and actors, politicians even in the central government. There are Uyghur pretty much in ever sector.

It's different than say in a place where you couldn't become rich or successful due to birth. It's more of the fact that they haven't become successful that is really holding them back, if you can call it that.

Again, it's the same situation the world over: gypsies in Europe, blacks in America, etc.

Marginalized groups often get trapped in a cycle of poverty where they face discrimination because of stereotypes and, in turn, perpetuate those stereotypes by self-defeating patterns of behavior.
there's a lot of first hand witness accounts of the event from Han Chinese on Weibo saying that the tragedy was caused by forced eviction of the local residents,some ethnic Han Chinese also involved in the attack,the brawl first broke out in a construction site where construction workers were working on that project.
I wasn't trying to single out China.

As I indicated, this problem exists in every society. It's just that, in the Uighur case, there are opportunists (foreign and domestic) who are exploiting these people's frustrations for their own purposes. The irony is that, in a few decades, as the Chinese economy continues to climb, Chinese citizenship will become as coveted as American or European citizenship, and people will be trying to get into China. The Uighurs already have that opportunity but some have lost faith that they can achieve their dream within China.

Again, it's the same situation the world over: gypsies in Europe, blacks in America, etc.

Marginalized groups often get trapped in a cycle of poverty where they face discrimination because of stereotypes and, in turn, perpetuate those stereotypes by self-defeating patterns of behavior.

what you say is true, but unlike some, the African Americans were brought in as slaves, Jews had hitler, gypsies are still discriminated against.

You will never hear someone say the Uyugars are inferior or something. We will judge them more on their success than anything else. For example a successful jewish man are still sometimes refered to in a negative way because he is jewish, but a successful Ugyar won't hear something of a similar nature.

BTW, yea China will be really popular in a few decade, when our work force switches to high end, and very depleted due to population aging.

Work will be easy to come by and with our per capita rising at this rate, we will be semi developed by then and thus be very desirable. So yea, the Ugars would be foolish to independence now when they be through the bad times like cultural revolution and the periods before and immediately after.
That's not totally true,we have to admit that Uyghurs are being marginalized both in Xinjiang and other parts of China,it's very difficult for them to find jobs cause most of them could not speak proper Chinese and their cultural and dietary uniqueness can become pain in the neck to employers

the segregation and discrimination is not imposed by the government,it's spontaneous and just naturally happened,but they are surely there and no one can deny it.
Nobody has ever claimed that terrorists use logic or common sense.

Terrorism is an act of desperation; a last-ditch effort by people who feel they have nothing else left to lose.

There are so many people who feel they have nothing to lose in the world, but could you find so many terrorist in Africa, Southeast Asia? Not all the people have nothing to lose is extremist.
The terrorist attacks by the Uyghurs have nothing to do either with religion or economic condition. Those who think Uyghurs are killing Hans just because of the lack of religious freedom or economic opportunities are ignorant of human nature.

The Uyghur terror attacks are in fact racially oriented. Ignoring it may make one politically correct but will not address the issue properly. As long as Uyghurs are there in China, such attacks will continue even if all the Uyghurs become super rich or own lavish Mosques for each family. As long as there are racial differences, there will be bloody conflicts. Different Y Chromosomes can't get along together, they fight each other, and this is the basic reaction every Y Chromosome exhibits.

Those who think once Uyghurs become economically sound, they will reject terrorism are living in fools' paradise. Economically sound Uyghurs will have more power, more options and they will finance big scale sabotage missions.

And how stupid the Chinese are as they are sending uniformed armed police as if their presence will avert terrorism! Will any Uyghur terrorist try to attack a target when they can easily see and identify security? China instead should send thousands of secret service agents in civilians uniforms and make ups with licence to execute any suspect. Thus you pacify the situation first, then use money to create factions among Uyghurs so that they engage each other, find excuses to punish them and absorb them completely.

Don't romanticize. Many people have already lost their lives. Finish the job.
it's not the poverty itself drives people going nuts,it's the huge gap bw the rich and poor.when China was dirty poor China was very stable,but why it isn't now...you have those corrupt officials throwing away millions on women and luxury items everyday and you have millions scrape the bottom the barrel supporting their families.we've got many random attack across China now,not only in Xinjiang.
There are so many people who feel they have nothing to lose in the world, but could you find so many terrorist in Africa, Southeast Asia? Not all the people have nothing to lose is extremist.

Not only does it happen in Africa and Southeast Asia, it happens in the richest countries: the London riots, the LA Watts riots, gang culture, etc.

People who feel that they have been cheated by the system are more susceptible to exploitation by extremists and to break the law. Of course, a lot of common criminals also hide behind this excuse, so it is not a simple matter.

None of this is meant to excuse the behavior of terrorists and criminals, but to understanding the underlying motivations.

Criminology and sociology are complex subjects.
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