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Your favorite member on PDF?

Yes, anyone...
anyone who supports Ideological State of PAKistan, or anything pro-PAKistani done by anyone, and PTI !

So I take you like Gandhiji .. :)
He actually died for pakistan you know ? (I mean not entirely true but its kinda the story ...)

On 30 January 1948, Gandhi was shot while he was walking to a platform from which he was to address a prayer meeting. The assassin, Nathuram Godse, was a Hindu nationalist with links to the extremist Hindu Mahasabha, who held Gandhi responsible for weakening India by insisting upon a payment to Pakistan ? is it the reason of his shot?

Though, I do like much his certain inspiring quatatios (incidently, I don't read about him...as naturally and obviously I'm fan of Mr. Jinnah (May Allah bless his soul)...

Why most indian then not follow Gandhi? if he was pro-Pakistan...:D

I like all members and especially individual posts whom I thanked alot and you are aleady aware of, but specially all with jmatis (muslim brotherhood) thinking (like kobrioz and webmaster, taloon bros/siss):P

and the posters with nice & humanity ( armstrong, truthseer/truthseeker bro/sis ), logic (ajtar bro/sis ), tolerance & smart ( loveicon bro/sis etc), wit and intentions and good arguments, patriotism-innocence (Pakraza bro/sis ), light-fun (jatbalwan and Imran bro/sis etc), any pro-Pakistan (safriz, chinese-dragon and many BDs bro, and many indians , blackeagle (jordan), sensible and patriotic (leader) bro/sis )

I'm rather new member and not a regular poster, so I may have missed more good posters...apologies...:)

I like posters who give me thanks as well, though I try to be more hatim tai (genours) in giving thanks always...:D
My fav member was 'and 3 others'.
This member trolled the hell out of everybody by thanking them...

Yaar where is Don Jaguar bhai these days??

he & Jonasad are also in my fav. list..

hmaray kuch members par aik proverb saadiq ati hi kisi had tak, considering their favorit members...
Iss dunya men teen loag BUS achay (good or f kisi had tak av) hen (i.e the proverb says: there are ONLY three people good in this world):

(1) jo paida nahi hoa (The one who is not born)...
(2) jo mar gia (The one who died)
(3) jis ka ap say koi relation nahi (The one whom you are in no relation.)

Some people on this thread are telling us their favourities regarding number:2 of above my list...:P
Kuch running men say be bta den number:3 ko follow kar len, in case if you can't make a guess for number:1
hmaray members par aik proverb saadiq ati hi, considering your favorit members...
Iss dunya men teen loag BUS achay (good or f kisi had tak av) hen (i.e the proverb says: there are ONLY three people good in this world):

(1) jo paida nahi hoa (The one who is not born)...
(2) jo mar gia (The one who died)
(3) jis ka ap say koi relation nahi (The one whom you are in no relation.)

Some people on this thread are telling us their favourities regarding number:2 of above my list...:P
Kuch running men say be bta do chlo number:3 ko follow kar len, in case if you can't make a guess for number:1

Yaar bhai itne goodh gyan ki baatein faujiyon ko samajh nahi aati...:fie:

samajhne wali bhasha main batao...:D waise bande to tum bhi fev. ho humare...ab aage bolo..:laugh:

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