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Featured China Gained Ground on India During Bloody Summer in Himalayas

Fighting various insurgencies is not considered gaining much real combat experience and China has more massive high mountains than India in lands. Hundreds of millions Chinese live in the mountains.

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No amount of training can substitute for the actual experience of bullets raining down around you or seeing your soldiers get shot for the first time.
As we have seen, Chinese soldiers have a tendency to cry when leaving their homes, what will happen when they face the Indians on the battlefield ?
The term battle hardened comes from this experience.
No amount of training can substitute for the actual experience of bullets raining down around you or seeing your soldiers get shot for the first time.
As we have seen, Chinese soldiers have a tendency to cry when leaving their homes, what will happen when they face the Indians on the battlefield ?
The term battle hardened comes from this experience.
US soldiers also cry when they leave their families, this is common human behavior, Indian soldiers tend to cry after beaten by enemies, that is not very commendable soldiers trait.
Chinese soldiers are better trained, better equipped and supplied, highly disciplined , only brainwashed Indians still believe they have chance against PLA.
Don't reduce Pakistanis to be some insurgents.
When was the last time you fought a real "war" against Pakistan? Are the soldiers still serving in the army?
You don't get it, which is not surprising. You haven't been in a warzone that's above 10000 ft. A lot of things changes at that altitude, air is thinner, flying jets become harder add to that you have to invade or defend snow capped mountains. You thought you can get away by pushing us around. Well,
The whole Tibet,Qinghai,Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia are various PLA regiments training ground for high alpine combat, where does India try your troops?

Lighter skin is more protective against cold, Eskimos and Chinese are from the same stock, Indians are much more likely to get frorstbites when exposed to extreme low temperature.
World skin color map
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Who cares if it's better than India, you are essentially at an elevation of 10000 ft, sparsely populated trying to fight India. That's why I said good luck.
You didn't get the point about us having better roads and transportation infrastructure? Not to mention we have the high ground. You're actually fighting uphill, against a country producing 6 times as much goods as you do.

Good luck to you too, and don't forget to pray.
You didn't get the point about us having better roads and transportation infrastructure? Not to mention we have the high ground. You're actually fighting uphill, against a country producing 6 times as much goods as you do.

Good luck to you too, and don't forget to pray.

Better than praying will be to have your Modi crawl to Beijing on knees and hands.
And kowtow 3 times to Xi Dada and beg for forgiveness.

But I think Modi prefer Indian soldiers to remain forever young.

I get my popcorn and chips and hummus and wulung tea and watch the show even more fantastic than Armenians flying about in the air.
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Indian "allies": behind Pacific Ocean, behind Indean Ocean, behind South China Sea, behind Indean Ocean and Persian Gulf and Mediteranian Sea
Indian enemies: bordering India, bordering India, bordering India, bordering India, bordering India, bordering India
Indian trolls: China is surrounded!

Indian "allies": behind Pacific Ocean, behind Indean Ocean, behind South China Sea, behind Indean Ocean and Persian Gulf and Mediteranian Sea
Indian enemies: bordering India, bordering India, bordering India, bordering India, bordering India, bordering India
Indian trolls: China is surrounded!

A bunch of dark skinned tropicals trying to convince us they can survive better in cold climates. Lolol. Friggin areas north of yangtze get negative temperature annually, these dimwits are really full of themselves.

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