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Pakistan Army spokesman will make a statement shortly on UN helicopter crash and Martyrs

Pakistan Army chief seeks closer ties with US​

Published: 3 Apr 2022 | 05:00 GMT

The general also departed from the embattled PM’s neutrality over the Russia-Ukraine conflict

The influential chief of the Pakistani Army, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, has said his country has an “excellent” relationship with the United States, and wants to expand it without damaging similarly important strategic ties with China.

“We have a history of long and excellent strategic relationship with the US, which remains our largest export market,” General Bajwa said at a security forum in Islamabad on Saturday. “Pakistan enjoys a close strategic relationship with China, demonstrated by our commitment towards the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor.

“We seek to broaden and expand our ties with both the countries without impacting our relationship with the other,”
he said.

In his speech, the general notably departed from embattled Prime Minister Imran Khan’s position of neutrality over the Russia-Ukraine conflict. While acknowledging the “legitimate security concerns of Russia,” he insisted that Moscow's “aggression against a smaller country cannot be condoned.”

“Pakistan has consistently called for an immediate ceasefire and cessation of hostilities. We support immediate dialogue between all sides to find a lasting solution to the conflict,”
he stated, adding that the “Russian invasion against Ukraine... is a huge tragedy that must be stopped immediately.”

Facing a no-confidence vote on Sunday after losing his parliamentary majority following multiple defections from his party, PM Khan repeatedly claimed in recent weeks that a “foreign-backed conspiracy” was behind the move to oust him, noting that it was being financially backed by millions of dollars in foreign money and “our people are being used.”

He suggested it was his refusal to join the US and NATO in condemning Russia’s military operation in Ukraine that had triggered the conspiracy.

Adding credibility to these allegations, Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry claimed on Friday that the country’s security agencies had reported a plot to assassinate Khan, the second such claim this week. PTI leader Faisal Vawda had earlier claimed Khan’s refusal to “sell the country” was behind the bid to have him killed.

Pakistan has a long history of coups and has been under military rule for nearly half of the nation’s existence, with no Pakistani PM ever completing a full term. The prospect of Khan surviving a no-confidence vote are slim, as his supporters in parliament are outnumbered and he is said to be at odds with the influential top military brass.

On the eve of the vote, Khan called on his supporters to “peacefully protest” against the alleged “international conspiracy hatched by the US.” In response, the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, Shehbaz Sharif, who is slated to become the next PM, accused Khan of “trying to divide the nation and pushing the country towards a civil war.”


If Pakistan Army is supposedly neutral, then why is Bajwa making haste for Washington DC? What is he so afraid of? Being the Chief of the Military of a country that is a Nuclear Power, who has an ally (China) as a Super Power, one would expect that Pakistan Military and the Government of Pakistan will be working in cohesion toward the betterment of the country.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan has publicly declared that a "foreign power" (undisclosed as who it is, but we all know it is America) is making moves (bribing traitors in govt & opposition) to oust him from power. Knowing this, why is the Chief of Pakistan Armed Forces running to Washington DC? What happen to Pakistan ka Matlab Kya, La ilaha illAllah Muhammad ur Rasoolallah? What happen to "there is no power on earth that could undo Pakistan?"

I have always favored the Military all my life, but now with what's going in Bajwa running to what looks like "his masters", casts an unignorable fact that certain elements within Pakistan Army want to be on the side of US-NATO. If such a case is found to be true about Pakistan Army, then this is defined as treason against the State, against it's democratically elected government and against the People of Pakistan
Everything you've said is speculation, how do you know that's not what they wanted you to believe?

The end result is here for everyone to see, is that not telling you something?
The end result is not here. SC just set up court on a Sunday, violating its own orders. This will probably get thrown out and assemblies, NCM restored.

Pakistan Army have a decision making body and system much like any organization in the world. Those higher-ups were Captains at some point. They are part of the organization. Higher-ups are supposed to manage and make decisions.

I am talking on the bottom lines. The hate isn’t directed towards the uniform or institution but the involvement of specific higher ups while them being silent on multiple occasions where they should’ve actually been responsible.

It is our country, We pay taxes, We pay taxes for our defence, They are being run on our taxes, And if we see someone playing around with country, We have all right to criticize them. There are no HOLY COWS !

Pakistanis should understand that as long as people view certain ranks as ‘Almight’ /‘Unobjectionable’, Pakistan will remain under their shadows.

Now I don’t know Bajwa’s role here, Hoping for the best but given his recent posture, Most of us fail to put our confidence with him.

SC judges are also considered Almighty in the system.
So many of you folks are falling into the trap exactly designed for all of this dilemma, to create a disdain against your own Army.

Just let them stay out of politics!

If a foreign armed dacoit (PDM aka foreign puppets) is robbing your house (Pakistan) and hurting your family members (people),

Should a watchman of the said house, let the robbery (treason) take place while watching quietly (neutral)?

Despite the act of robbery/foreign threat is documented, proven and acknowledged by everyone (NSC)

Point to ponder.
So many of you folks are falling into the trap exactly designed for all of this dilemma, to create a disdain against your own Army.

Just let them stay out of politics!

If a foreign armed dacoit (PDM aka foreign puppets) is robbing your house (Pakistan) and hurting your family members (people),

Should a watchman of the said house, let the robbery (treason) take place while watching quietly (neutral)?

Despite the act of robbery/foreign threat is documented, proven and acknowledged by everyone (NSC)

Point to ponder.
Are they really "neutral" or wanting the perception of neutrality. Two different things.
This is a very sad precedent by some of the Pakistani posters here. Start bashing the army at every and any opportunity.
Since yesterday many are pointing fingers at army so obviously they need to clarify their position.
If they engage into politics, they are guilty and if they remain out of it, the weekend warriors still break their keyboards.
And let me remind those barking against the army, call your mother ugly and only your enemy will agree with you.
hussain haqani and gorav arya agrees with Bajwas statement so yeh "call your mother ugly and only yout ehemy will agree with you"
This is a very sad precedent by some of the Pakistani posters here. Start bashing the army at every and any opportunity.
Since yesterday many are pointing fingers at army so obviously they need to clarify their position.
If they engage into politics, they are guilty and if they remain out of it, the weekend warriors still break their keyboards.
And let me remind those barking against the army, call your mother ugly and only your enemy will agree with you.

People are too impatient and too emotional. This you said - there is nothing to be gained from hasty statements, especially those which counter the PM.
The army should keep its mouth shut. They'll only make the matter worse, and turn everyone against them.

Here comes the saviours of the country whose all 5 fingers are in all the pies and they are the main problem. Thats why I want EVM machines for voting , free elections and any politicians who stood in the last 4 elections regardless won or lost the the contest to be bared in future election.
Country needs to start afresh and without army or any other power interference. We have been through the 1971 saga but still didn't learned anything at all other then to make money, control others and me me but nothing for the country sake.

Are they really "neutral" or wanting the perception of neutrality. Two different things.

Is neutrality in the time of crisis beneficial, when the dacoit on foreign funding (PDM) has entered your house and already started challenging the house owner (No-confidence-motion)?
unfortunately this awaams sacred cow is as filthy as ganges river! the difference this time is in this age of social media sacred cow will is getting spanked infront of everyone to see!
Perhaps so, but unless they're brazenly toppling the govt, we should maintain a minimum facade for the sake of national security.
If a foreign armed dacoit (PDM aka foreign puppets) is robbing your house (Pakistan) and hurting your family members (people),

Should a watchman of the said house, let the robbery (treason) take place while watching quietly (neutral)?

Despite the act of robbery/foreign threat is documented, proven and acknowledged by everyone (NSC)

Point to ponder.

Everywhere in the world, PA is viewed as a political arm and it is (PA) trying very hard to dispel that image.

The last time the noisy neighbor tried a misadventure got a broken nose.

The army jumps in when there is a physical attack or a situation the govt. cannot handle.
Is neutrality in the time of crisis beneficial, when the dacoit on foreign funding (PDM) has entered your house and already started challenging the house owner (No-confidence-motion)?
They had a security meeting calling NCM a national securty issue. All cheifs present. Is this a neutral action?

Are they really "neutral" or wanting the perception of neutrality. Two different things.

Good point. The thing is think about what you'd expect from them in this situation? Direct intervention via Marshall law? Public statements of treason?

As of now they've not disobeyed govt publicly at least. The matter should be in the SC and they should rule if and who are traitors.
They had a security meeting calling NCM a national securty issue. All cheifs present. Is this a neutral action?

The security meeting was acknowledgement.

Now action should take place against traitors, don't you think?
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