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Ukraine confirms first use of Patriot air defense system in shoot down of Russian Kinzhal ballistic missile

Betab-500 bomb is not a missile. How a Russian jet fighter escaped from the Patriot? Show me video of this fighter jet.

One of the preserved parts indicate a much wider body than Beta-500 bomb.
Ukrainian must show the video if they can and I doubt su-57 can be detected by what Ukraine have
but what is clear the remain belong to BETAB-500 not Kinzhal
Ukrainian must show the video if they can and I doubt su-57 can be detected by what Ukraine have
but what is clear the remain belong to BETAB-500 not Kinzhal
ha ha f35 weak golf ball sized radar signature so small su57 has radar signature the size of footblal field, much strognr 💪🏾💪🏾 true stealth cabapility!!!?
why not , and how they do that you must ask Ukrainian why they failed .
but maybe the Ukrainian system are hand me down system and are mostly low to medium altitude system and a fighter flying high with jamming pods can penetrate most of them specially as those high altitude system are mainly old Russians techs

by the way mig-31 can carry bombs and fly above patriot ceiling .
also how you knew they didn't use su-57 , do you think Ukraine capable of detecting it

a betab-500 bomb have a rear section . don't you think those parts fit it

question is why explosion did all those nasty things to the casing but not to the warhead ?

that's news to me. do you really believe that .
this war was all bragging war for Ukraine and its comedian president

Russia’s most advanced fighter, the Sukhoi Su-57, has conducted combat operations against targets in Ukraine – albeit from considerable ranges.


Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) has suffered heavy losses over Ukraine:

Lack of Effective Adaptability

As stated before, the Ukrainian surface-to-air defence gradually reconstituted certain capabilities once Russia refocused on the land war. To avoid the threat, Russia’s aircraft were forced to perform entire missions from friendly territory with standoff munitions or low-altitude tactics, thus becoming exposed to Ukraine’s and even their own MANPADS.9

One month after the invasion, once the Ukrainian defence was reorganized and had effectively engaged the enemy forces, Russia finally reacted and boosted its flights by almost fifty percent. Throughout July and August, Russia further increased its air presence over Ukraine, especially after Ukraine’s retaliatory strikes into the Saky airport, the main Naval Aviation base in Crimea.10, 11

However, due to the high attrition, the VKS reacted and adjusted its tactics by reducing the number of flights over Ukrainian-controlled territory and operating mainly from Belarus, Crimea, or the Russian mainland, especially at night, with strategic bombers carrying cruise missiles and flying at high altitudes to improve endurance. Additionally, and with sure success, the VKS took advantage of its technological superiority by using long-range air-to-air missiles to target Ukrainian fighters from long distances, even from Russia’s mainland.12

The decision to operate mainly outside of Ukraine’s territory led to a drastic decrease in downed aircraft. However, the Russian Army Aviation had to continue flying in support of their land forces, thus operating close to or inside Ukrainian-controlled territory. Yet even when operating under the umbrella of Russian-based air defence, the attrition rate for Army Aviation continued to increase.13

With this adaptation, the VKS aimed to reduce losses while supporting the invasion. However, the lack of guided munitions and platforms capable of striking at night negatively impacted the precision of their attacks and, thus, the support to their ground troops.

Inadequate Experience and Training

The VKS does have combat experience. It has been involved for years in the Syrian Civil War, Crimea, and Georgia. However, they executed mainly air-to-ground missions under insignificant threats from air defence fighters or surface-to-air systems, in contrast to the current scenario in Ukraine. Furthermore, recent statistics released by the Russia’s Ministry of Defence revealed that, in the last years, VKS fighter pilots averaged around 100–120 flight hours, military-transport pilots around 120–140 flight hours, and long-range aviation crews and army aviation pilots approximately 100 flight hours annually.14 By comparison, all are well below NATO proficiency standards.

Additionally, this data only reveals the flight hours rather than the quality of training. VKS exercises vary in size and tactical challenges, including night flights, very high or very low-altitude flights, adverse weather conditions, or operating from alternate airfields. However, these individually challenging tasks were apparently rehearsed without integrating into more complex or coordinated operations. Evenat the tactical level, VKS fighters mainly operate as single aircraft or in small formations without integrating with the other flight formations.15 Overall, Russians exercise narrow tactical situational scenarios and ignore integration and complex campaign planning.

Although the Russian forces employed and experimented guided munitions in Syria, the VKS’s air-to-ground training was focused mainly on the employment of unguided bombs and rockets, possibly due to the limited availability of guided munitions. The attacks with unguided munitions, even by well-trained pilots, pose significant risks due to the lower-launch altitudes to reduce exposure to threats, which also reduce cueing accuracy as the time available for proper aiming is reduced. Such instances have been observed throughout the last months of the invasion on many occasions.16


VKS uses cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones to strike at targets inside Kyiv from a safe distance.



Full account in following link:

There is no proof of a Russian Su-57 infiltrating Kyiv and releasing a Betab-500 bomb on a target only for the bomb to be intercepted while the jet fighter escaped.

Russia is unable to develop a true stealth jet fighter like Americans.

VKS is far behind NATO Air Power:

Russia’s most advanced fighter, the Sukhoi Su-57, has conducted combat operations against targets in Ukraine – albeit from considerable ranges.


Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) has suffered heavy losses over Ukraine:

Lack of Effective Adaptability

As stated before, the Ukrainian surface-to-air defence gradually reconstituted certain capabilities once Russia refocused on the land war. To avoid the threat, Russia’s aircraft were forced to perform entire missions from friendly territory with standoff munitions or low-altitude tactics, thus becoming exposed to Ukraine’s and even their own MANPADS.9

One month after the invasion, once the Ukrainian defence was reorganized and had effectively engaged the enemy forces, Russia finally reacted and boosted its flights by almost fifty percent. Throughout July and August, Russia further increased its air presence over Ukraine, especially after Ukraine’s retaliatory strikes into the Saky airport, the main Naval Aviation base in Crimea.10, 11

However, due to the high attrition, the VKS reacted and adjusted its tactics by reducing the number of flights over Ukrainian-controlled territory and operating mainly from Belarus, Crimea, or the Russian mainland, especially at night, with strategic bombers carrying cruise missiles and flying at high altitudes to improve endurance. Additionally, and with sure success, the VKS took advantage of its technological superiority by using long-range air-to-air missiles to target Ukrainian fighters from long distances, even from Russia’s mainland.12

The decision to operate mainly outside of Ukraine’s territory led to a drastic decrease in downed aircraft. However, the Russian Army Aviation had to continue flying in support of their land forces, thus operating close to or inside Ukrainian-controlled territory. Yet even when operating under the umbrella of Russian-based air defence, the attrition rate for Army Aviation continued to increase.13

With this adaptation, the VKS aimed to reduce losses while supporting the invasion. However, the lack of guided munitions and platforms capable of striking at night negatively impacted the precision of their attacks and, thus, the support to their ground troops.

Inadequate Experience and Training

The VKS does have combat experience. It has been involved for years in the Syrian Civil War, Crimea, and Georgia. However, they executed mainly air-to-ground missions under insignificant threats from air defence fighters or surface-to-air systems, in contrast to the current scenario in Ukraine. Furthermore, recent statistics released by the Russia’s Ministry of Defence revealed that, in the last years, VKS fighter pilots averaged around 100–120 flight hours, military-transport pilots around 120–140 flight hours, and long-range aviation crews and army aviation pilots approximately 100 flight hours annually.14 By comparison, all are well below NATO proficiency standards.

Additionally, this data only reveals the flight hours rather than the quality of training. VKS exercises vary in size and tactical challenges, including night flights, very high or very low-altitude flights, adverse weather conditions, or operating from alternate airfields. However, these individually challenging tasks were apparently rehearsed without integrating into more complex or coordinated operations. Evenat the tactical level, VKS fighters mainly operate as single aircraft or in small formations without integrating with the other flight formations.15 Overall, Russians exercise narrow tactical situational scenarios and ignore integration and complex campaign planning.

Although the Russian forces employed and experimented guided munitions in Syria, the VKS’s air-to-ground training was focused mainly on the employment of unguided bombs and rockets, possibly due to the limited availability of guided munitions. The attacks with unguided munitions, even by well-trained pilots, pose significant risks due to the lower-launch altitudes to reduce exposure to threats, which also reduce cueing accuracy as the time available for proper aiming is reduced. Such instances have been observed throughout the last months of the invasion on many occasions.16


VKS uses cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones to strike at targets inside Kyiv from a safe distance.

View attachment 929260

View attachment 929261

Full account in following link:

There is no proof of a Russian Su-57 infiltrating Kyiv and releasing a Betab-500 bomb on a target only for the bomb to be intercepted while the jet fighter escaped.

Russia is unable to develop a true stealth jet fighter like Americans.

VKS is far behind NATO Air Power:

video of the incident show me that part

the guidance system remained intact
Last edited:
video of the incident show me that part

You are not reading my posts carefully. The images that I have shared in my previous response is of [another] Kinzhal missile that crashed inside Ukraine on 14-09-21. These images show that this missile is equipped with a unitary warhead that looks like BETAB-500 bomb.

The leftovers of the Kinzhal missile that was intercepted over Kyiv on 04-05-23 is shown in following images:




Clear enough?

Open the links that are shared and read them. It is unfortunate to spoonfeed an adult like this.


  • FvW5f-uWIAAmVA7.jpg
    131.9 KB · Views: 30
https://t. me/translatedrussiannews/12030?single 😜😜😜

t. me/ruposts/25366

The hypersonic Kinzhal, which was allegedly shot down by Ukronazis from the Patriot air defense system, turned out to be a BetAB-500 concrete-piercing aerial bomb without a missile unit.

The mayor of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko, also fell victim to deception by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Just see the video with that mayor of Kiev

This is false. See my post above.
You are not reading my posts carefully. The images that I have shared in my previous response is of [another] Kinzhal missile that crashed inside Ukraine on 14-09-21. These images show that this missile is equipped with a unitary warhead that looks like BETAB-500 bomb.

The leftovers of the Kinzhal missile that was intercepted over Kyiv on 04-05-23 is shown in following images:

View attachment 929278


View attachment 929284

Clear enough?

Open the links that are shared and read them. It is unfortunate to spoonfeed an adult like this.
and where is the rest of missile that show its kinzhal ?
if its unitary warhead , then god know how many different system it can be
Patriot is an extremely capable weapon system. Don’t let the anti western nobodies convince you otherwise.

Oops. What did the Patriot shoot down? Who's the Fool now? Ignorance and foolishness are a deadly combination.

Good, hopefully Ukraine gets rest of the Patriot systems sooner than later. Chinese must be annoyed because this war has shown to west that ammo production must be modernized and when they try to to take control over pacific they'll opponents are better armed than before.
Oops. What did the Patriot shoot down? Ignorance is your bliss. LOL
All the more reason for Russia to focus on improving and testing weapon systems. This is a great opportunity for Russian defence companies to step up their game.
This is also a great opportunity to improve air defense against combined ballistic missile, cruise missile and kamikaze drones in real war.

Ukrainian must show the video if they can and I doubt su-57 can be detected by what Ukraine have
but what is clear the remain belong to BETAB-500 not Kinzhal
How can they if its at night? Russians hoping Patriots can't see at night.
I wonder why nobody ask the russians exactly what they have been targetting. Just give some coordinates and let the satellites prove they actually succeeded.
ha ha f35 weak golf ball sized radar signature so small su57 has radar signature the size of footblal field, much strognr 💪🏾💪🏾 true stealth cabapility!!!?

hey Zionist

the only Zionist state Israel has refused to give Iron Dome to the ONLY Zionist president Zelensky

you dont even hep each other when one is dying

and you cant even walk down the street in Jerusalem without being stabbed by Palestinians after 75 years of occupation

because you are on the losing side Zionist

now go steal someone apples and olives you squatters and thieves

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