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A silent conspiracy to change demography of US, UK, Canada and other Anglo-Saxon countries…

There is no such area ...Don't produce things right from your rear...If some white men don't want to go there because of their own racist insecurities, does not mean there is some restriction on anyone..It is UK and govt of UK has strong writ on all its territories.

@Verve @The Diplomat @waz @Azadkashmir

He's referring to the ganglands yet forgetting that White skinheads form the largest gangs in the UK
FYI, in UK there are areas where the small community of Pakistanis and other Muslims have established 'No-Go' (No entry) areas where whites are forbidden from entering.


Yeah that is BULLSHIT! And I say this as someone who is against Sharia law and all this nonsensical fundy thought process, there is no such place in the UK that is a "NO GO AREA".

He's referring to the ganglands

What trump and the rest of the far right have capitalized on was Nick Ferrari's quote about police being told to not wear "Half Blues" or "Uniform" when travelling to work for fear of being identified as police by "Organised Criminal Groups".
Yeah that is BULLSHIT! And I say this as someone who is against Sharia law and all this nonsensical fundy thought process, there is no such place in the UK that is a "NO GO AREA".


What trump and the rest of the far right have capitalized on was Nick Ferrari's quote about police being told to not wear "Half Blues" or "Uniform" when travelling to work for fear of being identified as police by "Organised Criminal Groups".

Birmingham a "Muslim no-go zone" which has Shariah law in place :lol::lol::lol:
Where did you get that from? A source would be nice, because it smells like you pulled it out of your arse.

Gosh you're such an idiot. I was quoting it from the source which you presented. Did you even read that article which you posted as a link to your last post ?? Now, an apology would be nice
Gosh you're such an idiot. I was quoting it from the source which you presented. Did you even read that article which you posted as a link to your last post ?? Now, an apology would be nice

There are no “no go zones” in the U.K. it’s was satirical. Brainless bigot!
Op stop suckin it.
You are trying to think Out of World not just box
No such thing as South Asian ... don't qoute us into anything
Do you even know the population of whites in Britain and Europe as compared to the South Asian population out there? You theory is wild and simply not attainable with the current population ratios in those areas
These kind of threads are not for serious discussion mate...you need to use sarcasm to play with the troll and the OP poster easily qualifies as one.
Rubbish, there's NO "silent conspiracy" taking place. The percentages do not align with a slow take-over theory.
Sounds more like what far-right groups propagate.
In reality, particularly in the UK the percentages of overall citizenship in Western Europe of sub-continent ethnicity are insignificant. Western countries allowing migration is purely based on economic grounds.
Analytically, figures of sub-continent migration compared with the averaging of time periods of around 6 or 7 decades, actually correlates to a sustained controlled migration policy. This is further compounded by ever-growing migration controls and skills-based points systems emerging, coupled with extreme resistance from natives on mass migration. The evidence is evident, Western policies to control mass migration is mature, with loop-holes and grey policies being removed.
It's safe to assume migration either skills-based or through war-torn regions will not change the current demography, and natives will remain dominant with only exceptional talent from minority groups pushed towards influential positions.
Furthermore, cultural cohesion in Western cities has failed, with varied ethnic groups living in "cluster" societies and ever-increasing trends of discrimination stemming from both majority towards minority and minority on minority. Ultimately these events and patterns lead's to the presumption of a reduction of mass migration in the coming decades, with Brexit; a boom/bust economic system; terrorism; far-right views; tighter migration laws, amongst others as supportive notions.
Conspiracy could be western countries really want immigration that's why they bombed those middle eastern/non-middle east countries so they can welcome them in their countries. :)
In the UK, it's Black Africans who are now by far the fastest growing group.
Yeah that is BULLSHIT! And I say this as someone who is against Sharia law and all this nonsensical fundy thought process, there is no such place in the UK that is a "NO GO AREA".


What trump and the rest of the far right have capitalized on was Nick Ferrari's quote about police being told to not wear "Half Blues" or "Uniform" when travelling to work for fear of being identified as police by "Organised Criminal Groups".
Have you ever been to ground zero of Canada? There are so many South Asians in Canada that being there feels like some South Asian country.
How is it a silent conspiracy when everyone knows about it now!
Bomb>middle east country for greater israel> then israeli i mean European/USA leaders say oh let them in we need to help refugees. How bout refugees for israel.
What is Ground zero? I have been to Canada many times on courses, what is this Ground Zero you speak of?
Ground zero means: Go outside the hotels you stay as tourist and venture into places like residential areas or offices or other workplaces where an average Canadian can be found.
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