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A silent conspiracy to change demography of US, UK, Canada and other Anglo-Saxon countries…

Ground zero means: Go outside the hotels you stay as tourist and venture into places like residential areas or offices or other workplaces where an average Canadian can be found.

Rofl what are you talking about.
If you leave all the pedantics of this article..

It goes like this, A white male confronted a Indian woman (Who most probably did not understand that she needed to move away from the parking space of the said man, Who was then joined by her Indian neighbors and her Indian husband in an apparent rescue mission, And then the white man was joined by his Hispanic friend along with his white wife, All this was filmed by another white woman while the scuffle was sorted out by a mixed race man... :lol:

I dunno about others but all i got was a mere argument in a very multicultural neighborhood in the states, Which is a near no possibility in places most of the posters that have commented on this come from.. Leave it to the sensationalist India media to pull out the race card and make another melodrama out of it.. :pop:

My friend has been vindicated.

its not just the "Terrorists" they hate. they hate succesfull non-white immigrants even worse.

there is nothing more crushing to a white racist man then seeing some random immigrant coming to the US, and being a lot more successful then him. it infuriates him.

the average immigrant from many Asian countries, india, iran, etc.. . on average are better educated and make more money then whites. despite not having many centuries worth of privilidged status, free/cheap land and hundreds of years of access to slave labor, and plundering other countries to enrich themselves.

The era of the white man is over. Their countries are not growing anymore. they are not making enough babies to replace their population, and rapid immigration and inter-marriages are killing off the white races slowly.

these facts is whats making racism so popular these days in the west. in the name of "alt-right"

My friend has been vindicated.
Do you even know the population of whites in Britain and Europe as compared to the South Asian population out there? You theory is wild and simply not attainable with the current population ratios in those areas

Little strokes fell great oaks.

- Benjamin Franklin
A silent conspiracy to change demography of US, UK, Canada and other Anglo-Saxon countries…

It seems slowly, steadily but surely South Asians are moving in large numbers to all Anglo-Saxon countries like US, UK, Canada and Australia to outdo the whites in terms of numbers.

I think this change of demographics was a deliberate strategy by intelligence agencies of South Asian countries to preempt the colonial designs (plans to reestablish colonial rule in South Asia) of Western countries.

What do Westerners have to say about this?
In the UK, it's Black Africans who are now by far the fastest growing group.
i am just not interested in these conspiracies anymore. its just too easy to come up with these kinds of theories - just too darn difficult to support them with evidence.
correlation does not mean causation.
The intelligence agencies of Western countries are commenting by metaphors/allegories. Below is one example:

Giant predatory worms have invaded France

But startled biologists say they've been on French soil for 20 years.

May 23, 2018, 4:58 p.m.



While this vividly colored hammerhead worm may have once only startled people in Borneo, it can now be found on four continents. (Photo: Simon Shim/Shutterstock)

They came. We squirmed. They conquered.

It may sound like the kind of sci-fi fare you’ll find at a 1950s drive-in theater, but giant predatory worms from Asia have made it all the way to France. And their invasion is well underway.

In fact, the menace from these worms, also called bipaliines, is so great, biologists from the French National Museum of Natural History say everything from wildlife to gardens are at stake.

The research team just published the results of a five-year study on predator worms, compiling sightings not only from France, but tropical territories like Guadeloupe and Martinique.

In all, biologists identified five species of alien worms, including the distinctive hammerhead variety.

"At the beginning of our study, we were intrigued by the almost total absence of published information about the presence of bipaliines in France," the researchers wrote.

But here’s the catch: The critters have been in France — gobbling up earthworms, wreaking havoc on local wildlife and scaring the bejesus out of unsuspecting gardeners — for at least the last 20 years.

And no one thought to sound the alarm.

"We were amazed that these long and brightly coloured worms could escape the attention of scientists and authorities in a European developed country for such a long time," the study notes.

It’s even more surprising considering the invader’s utter lack of subtlety. At 10 inches long, the hammerhead worm is considered the world's biggest flatworm. When fully elongated, like when it glides through the soil, it can reach more than three feet in length.

Not only that, but some species are conspicuously colored bright blue-green. And others, like the hammerhead worm, very obviously live up their name.

Did we mention the giant flatworms are armed with a bioweapon called tetrodotoxin, allowing it to immobilize prey and ensure a horrifyingly smooth digestion?

A early warning, scorned


The hammerhead worm can stretch out to more than three feet, and it comes by its name honestly. (Photo: Gypsytwitcher/Shutterstock)

At least one person did try to warn France back in 2013. That’s when naturalist Pierre Gros snapped an image of the hammerhead worm in his garden.

"This photograph was sent from email to email to email and finally it came to me," Jean-Lou Justine, the biologist who led the recent study, told The Independent.

But even Justine initially dismissed the worm as a relatively random foreign visitor.

"I looked at it and said 'Well, this is not possible – we don’t have this kind of animal in France'," he explained to the newspaper.

But Justine eventually came around to the threat, launching a study that would gather citizen sightings from as far back as 1999.

Some of those sighting were squirm-worthy, to say the least. Like kindergarten students stumbling upon what they thought were snakes weaving through the grass. Or a cat with a hammerhead worm stuck in his fur.

Only one official record, published in 2005, noted the presence of the giant worms. But, the research team notes, "since it was published in a rather obscure mycological journal, it certainly did not receive national nor international attention."


The hammerhead flatworm immobilizes prey with its own special neurotoxin. (Photo: Pong Wira/Shutterstock)

Justine’s team soon realized this wasn’t so much an invertebrate invasion as a fully established occupation — and the scientific community had been caught flat-footed.

The hammerheads, along with four other worm species, were found just about everywhere in France, while species like the New Guinea flatworm had long established themselves far from their native habitat in Asia.

While the ecological impact of these voracious worms has yet to be determined, their taste for earthworms makes them a likely threat to soil ecology, as well as biodiversity.

It is, of course, not the giant worm’s fault for eating what it eats. The real villain here, the researchers suggest, may lie in globalization, which has allowed these tentacles to hitch rides on imported goods — and boldly wriggle where no worm has wriggled before.

Well, it is funny that so many Muslims are running to the "evil" West.

The thing is when Muslims are a minority they are all like we want peace, we are misunderstood etc.

As soon as they start breeding like cockroaches they start their demands and start their violence against the country they ran away to.

Muslims should just live in their fantastic, peaceful, rich, and morally good Muslim countries.
Well, it is funny that so many Muslims are running to the "evil" West.

The thing is when Muslims are a minority they are all like we want peace, we are misunderstood etc.

As soon as they start breeding like cockroaches they start their demands and start their violence against the country they ran away to.

Muslims should just live in their fantastic, peaceful, rich, and morally good Muslim countries.
By The Way, it's not just about any religion. The Hindu and Sikh populations are also growing in Anglo-Saxon countries, slowly but surely. Have you noticed?
By The Way, it's not just about any religion. The Hindu and Sikh populations are also growing in Anglo-Saxon countries, slowly but surely. Have you noticed?

We are talking about Muslims here, if you want to start another thread on Hindus etc then go ahead.

And you are an idiot, I have seen some of the shit threads you have created.
A silent conspiracy to change demography of US, UK, Canada and other Anglo-Saxon countries…

It seems slowly, steadily but surely South Asians are moving in large numbers to all Anglo-Saxon countries like US, UK, Canada and Australia to outdo the whites in terms of numbers.

I think this change of demographics was a deliberate strategy by intelligence agencies of South Asian countries to preempt the colonial designs (plans to reestablish colonial rule in South Asia) of Western countries.

What do Westerners have to say about this?
If that was a deliberate plan by the intelligence agencies of South Asia, they wouldn't send their best and brightest minds. Rather, they would try sending the uneducated lot with criminal backdrop. Just look at the bunch of lazy morons in most PSUs like HAL, OFBs, and even BARC. They do nothing but sit & chat all day while drinking gallons of tea. Why do you think they're protesting when GoI puts forward a proposal to privatize them?

Most South Asians in the US and Europe who moved in the past decade are among the cream of their respective countries when it comes to intellectual capabilities. I'm not saying this applies for all the expats but to a significant portion

Your own words corroborate my view. That the Indian space and missile programmes are not indeginious. Why call it Indian then?

@KapitaanAli @Nilgiri
I don't give a damn about the views of a false flagger and I can see you're arse is on :flame:ever since we had successful missile and space programs. Do you even have the slightest idea of the population of India? It's 1.3 freaking billion with a "B" and our expats account to under 10% of the entire population.

I said OFB and HAL in particular because they aren't researchers but they are like manufacturers. I criticized BARC only because 3-4 research institutes of BARC are making the significant research in their field while rest are overemployed
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The South Asian intelligence agencies must also be sponsoring and aggressively encouraging interracial marriages on a massive scale by setting the example of famous celebrities. Till 1970s interracial marriages were virtually nonexistent. Suddenly the spurt in interracial marriages began in 1980s.

The agencies must be doing this to dilute the standards of White community.

A silent conspiracy to change demography of US, UK, Canada and other Anglo-Saxon countries…

It seems slowly, steadily but surely South Asians are moving in large numbers to all Anglo-Saxon countries like US, UK, Canada and Australia to outdo the whites in terms of numbers.

I think this change of demographics was a deliberate strategy by intelligence agencies of South Asian countries to preempt the colonial designs (plans to reestablish colonial rule in South Asia) of Western countries.

What do Westerners have to say about this?
@Philip the Arab


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