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Greatest tribute to Musharraf


GDP growth of Pakistan over different periods (in dollars):

Pakistan economy in 1958 was around $3.6 billions

Pakistan economy in 1961 was $ 4.2 billions
Pakistan economy in 1969 was $ 9.7 billions
GDP Increase of $ 5.5 billions in 8 best years (1961-69) of Ayub Khan was @ 11.0 percent per year.

[Pakistan economy in 1958 was around $3.6 billions
Pakistan economy in 1969 was $9.7 billions
GDP Increase of around $ 6.1 billions during 11 years (1958-1969) of Ayub was around @ 9.4 percent per year.]

Pakistan economy in 1972 was $11.4 billions
Pakistan economy in 1977 was $15.8 billions
GDP Increase of $ 4.4 billions in 5 years of ZA Bhutto rule was @ 6.7 percent per year.

Pakistan economy in 1977 was $15.8 billions
Pakistan economy in 1988 was $40 billions
GDP Increase of $ 24.2 billions in 11 years of Zia rule was @ 8.8 percent per year.

Pakistan economy in 1988 was $40 billions
Pakistan economy in 1999 was $62.2 billions
GDP Increase of $ 22.2 billions in 11 years of corrupts duo (BB and NS) rule was @ 4.1 percent per year.

Pakistan economy in 1999 was $62.2 billions
Pakistan economy in 2007 was $146.3 billions
Increase of $ 84.1 billions in 8 years of Musharraf rule was @ 11.3 percent per year.

Once political government under President Musharraf came into being:
Pakistan economy in 2002 was $72.8 billions
Pakistan economy in 2007 was $146.3 billions
GDP Increase of $ 74.5 billions in 5 years of Musharraf rule was @ 15.0 percent per year. … What a thumping economical growth
Per Capita Income growth during different periods (in dollars):

Though there is huge difference between 15 percent average economical growth during Musharraf last 5 years of political rule (2002-2007) compared to BB and NS 4.1 percent average economical growth during 11 years of their corrupt rule, this difference becomes more shocking when population growth of country is taken into account (as population growth erode economical growth comparable to population growth, and in earlier years Pakistan population growth was very high, but today it is quite reasonable, still high).

This is how per capita income varied during various periods:

Pakistan per capita economy in 1961 was $ 91
Pakistan per capita economy in 1969 was $ 152
Per Capita Income Increase of $ 61 in per capita income during 8 best years (1961-69) of Ayub rule was @ 6.62 percent per year.

Pakistan per capita economy in 1972 was $ 184
Pakistan per capita economy in 1977 was $ 213
Per Capita Income Increase of $ 29 in per capita income during 5 years of Bhutto rule was @ 2.97 percent per year.

Pakistan economy in 1977 was $ 213
Pakistan economy in 1988 was $ 395
Per Capita Income Increase of $ 182 in per capita income during 11 years of Zia rule was @ 5.77 percent per year.

Pakistan economy in 1988 was $ 395
Pakistan economy in 1999 was $ 468
Per Capita Income Increase of $ 73 in per capita income during 11 years of corrupts duo (BB and NS) rule was @ 1.55 percent per year.

[Pakistan economy in 1999 was $ 468
Pakistan economy in 2007 was $ 925
Increase of $ 457 in per capita income during 8 years of Musharraf rule was @ 8.89 percent per year]

Once political government under President Musharraf came into being:
Pakistan economy in 2002 was $ 509
Pakistan economy in 2007 was $ 925
Per Capita Income Increase of $ 416 in per capita income during 5 years of Musharraf rule was @ 12.69 percent per year. … That’s call something to brag upon … incomparable with anything Pakistan has ever seen or expected to see
Summary: Pakistan ‘GDP’ and ‘Per capita income’ growth in US dollars.

Ayub (1961-1969): Average increase per year over 8 Years
GDP: 11 % per year … … Per capita income: 6.62 % per year

Bhutto (1972-1977): Average increase per year over 5 Years
GDP: 6.7 % per year … … Per capita income: 2.97 % per year

Zia (1077-1988): Average increase per year over 11 Years
GDP: 8.8 % per year … … Per capita income: 5.77 % per year

BB and NS (1988-1999): Average increase per year over 11 Years
GDP: 4.1 % per year … … Per capita income: 1.55 % per year

Musharraf (2002-2007): Average increase per year over 5 Years
GDP: 15 % per year … … Per capita income: 12.69 % per year

Totally incorrect information. Worlds largent growing economy China itself has not crossed 11 percent growth. I am not a fool to belive this crap.

Apart from this -how many suicide blasts were there when we were ruled by political parties ? And you know the numbers now!!

Unnecessary Kargil war with India. How much did we lose? One more reason for economic figures is accepting money from USA like beggers and fighting the US war on terror with Pakistani blood and getting money for it. We will have to pay very dearly for this, in the form of terrorism, and sure RAW will make hey when the sun shines. What is the moral of our army now ? Money is not everything! Why are we controlled by the US. Look at India, they conducted nuclear test before us, still US is giving them nuclear deal. But what did we get ? We are spilling our blood. keeping all these factors in mind, I would suggest a govt that gradually distances itself from USA so that we start behaving like an Independent country and not like US colony.
I'm shocked and saddened to have witnessed what has happened.:cry:

President Musharraf is a man of his word, honest and loyal.

He fought two wars for this country and is willing to fight for it even today.

I would support him even if he decides to use 58,2(b) and dismiss the looter parliament. Long live President Musharraf!

Yeah, he is a man of word. For 8 years he is promising election and delaying it. Finally removing the uniform and conducting elections because of pressure created by international media.

He fought 2 wars, agreed, but did we win? We must understand that india is 3 times bigger in size and 6 times bigger in economy, we just cannot win India like India cannot win USA. We must learn to exist peacefully.
Imagine only 15% of Pak population participated in polls..
Totally incorrect information. Worlds largent growing economy China itself has not crossed 11 percent growth. I am not a fool to belive this crap.

Apart from this -how many suicide blasts were there when we were ruled by political parties ? And you know the numbers now!!

Unnecessary Kargil war with India. How much did we lose? One more reason for economic figures is accepting money from USA like beggers and fighting the US war on terror with Pakistani blood and getting money for it. We will have to pay very dearly for this, in the form of terrorism, and sure RAW will make hey when the sun shines. What is the moral of our army now ? Money is not everything! Why are we controlled by the US. Look at India, they conducted nuclear test before us, still US is giving them nuclear deal. But what did we get ? We are spilling our blood. keeping all these factors in mind, I would suggest a govt that gradually distances itself from USA so that we start behaving like an Independent country and not like US colony.

Yes as ever blame the west for all your woes.

I hope that they stop investing in such an ungrateful country and give it all to India.
Musharraf hopes to avoid clash with PM

By Masood Haider

NEW YORK, Feb 20: President Pervez Musharraf warned on Wednesday that any clash between himself and the next prime minister would undermine democracy, saying “the clash will be if the prime minister and president will be trying to get rid of each other. I only hope we avoid these clashes.”

In his first interview to a US paper after the parliamentary elections, Mr Musharraf told the Wall Street Journal he did not plan to step down.

Instead, he said, he wanted to help end internecine battles between presidents and prime ministers that have marred country’s political history and precipitated military interference in the government.

President Musharraf, the paper said, intended to stay in office to guide Pakistan’s democratic transition — even if it meant working with a man he believed once tried to kill him.

“We have to move forward in a way that we bring about a stable democratic government to Pakistan,” said Mr Musharraf.

The newspaper observed that “the strongman who brooked little opposition in the years after his 1999 coup now stands in a delicate spot, rejected by his own people and facing a government likely to be led by a party with reasons to despise him. He is seeking to hang on to power, even as his political base crumbles.”

Mr Musharraf asserted in the interview that “Pakistan now has the checks and balances in place to prevent any politician -- or the army — from usurping power.

“The prime minister runs the government. The president has his own position, but has no authority running the government,” he said.

The newspaper said that “one debate is already flaring up: whether to restore an independent judiciary, which could produce a Supreme Court that would call into doubt the legitimacy of Mr Musharraf’s re-election as president last year.”

Asked to comment on the demand of PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif to reinstate the judges he had removed, Mr Musharraf said that calling back the former chief justice and other top judges wasn’t a possibility.

He said he had not met either Mr Sharif or Mr Zardari since the election.

Musharraf hopes to avoid clash with PM -DAWN - Top Stories; February 21, 2008
He may not need to do the above, Pakistani politicians don't have a good track of sticking together.

They are all after the money. They know they have to remove President Musharraf to make that money. But you are right personal interest will take over, but honestly we should give the new government a chance, honestly if they can do better then the previous one then I am will to support them as I have supported President Mushrraf. The PPP must make "Roti, Kapra, Makaam" a reality and also their five E's and the PML-N must provide wheat for I think 6 rupees as they said. But I doubt the above will happen when we have people like Nawaz Sharif running the government, they only thing Sharif about him is his name and we cant forget Mr.10% who honestly needs no discription.
Totally incorrect information. Worlds largent growing economy China itself has not crossed 11 percent growth. I am not a fool to belive this crap.

Apart from this -how many suicide blasts were there when we were ruled by political parties ? And you know the numbers now!!

Unnecessary Kargil war with India. How much did we lose? One more reason for economic figures is accepting money from USA like beggers and fighting the US war on terror with Pakistani blood and getting money for it. We will have to pay very dearly for this, in the form of terrorism, and sure RAW will make hey when the sun shines. What is the moral of our army now ? Money is not everything! Why are we controlled by the US. Look at India, they conducted nuclear test before us, still US is giving them nuclear deal. But what did we get ? We are spilling our blood. keeping all these factors in mind, I would suggest a govt that gradually distances itself from USA so that we start behaving like an Independent country and not like US colony.

Valid points, however when the political parties ruled Pakistan, 9/11 had not happened and Pakistan did not stand accused of abetting the AQ types wreaking havoc in and around Pakistan.

Pakistan distancing itself away from anyone on the basis of an independent foreign policy is a positive thing, however there needs to be stability externally for a government to do this (essentially you need fiscal independence). In the case of Pakistan in 1998, we were bankrupt...forget about running an independent foreign policy, we did not even have money for 15 days of exports. So a lot of the issues that you mention were due to the geo-political situation around Pakistan.

Pakistan will always pay a cost for its actions today just like every single other country does.
Musharraf says is ready to work with new parliament

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Embattled Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf said in a column published on Friday that he was ready to work with the newly elected parliament to fight terrorism and build a stable democratic government to promote long-term economic growth.

"Because these goals are shared by the vast majority of Pakistanis, I am certain we can and will accomplish them, and I stand ready to work with the newly elected parliament to achieve these objectives," Musharraf wrote in a column printed in Friday's Washington Post.

Musharraf has been one of Washington's top Muslim allies in the battle against al Qaeda, but faces a hostile parliament after a stunning defeat in Monday's general election.

Leaders of the two parties that won the election, the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), or PML-N, vowed on Thursday to work together to form a government, raising the prospect of a government intent on forcing Musharraf out of power.

Musharraf said success in the efforts to build democracy and a strong economy and to fight extremism in Pakistan depend on continued support from the United States.

"I would ask Americans to remember that building democracy is difficult in the best of conditions," Musharraf wrote.

"Doing so in a complex country such as Pakistan -- with its uneasy political history, with its centuries-old regional and feudal cleavages, and with violent extremists dedicated to the defeat of democracy -- is even more challenging."

The United States had welcomed Monday's election as a step toward restoration of democracy and expressed hope for continued cooperation on counterterrorism.

While Washington has considered Musharraf a bulwark against al Qaeda, it has also pressured him for tougher action against the Islamist group behind the Sept. 11 attacks. (Reporting by Donna Smith)
The problem is not whether Mush wants to work or not.

Whether the new Parliament wants to work with a 58 2B president or not!!!

When they will have the power after joining INDs(2/3) to impeach him.

and they would like it toooo.

Sacking of Musharraf would destroy the Q league and all their members except may be Chauhdries of Gujrat will jump into PPP and PML N.
The problem is not whether Mush wants to work or not.

Whether the new Parliament wants to work with a 58 2B president or not!!!

When they will have the power after joining INDs(2/3) to impeach him.

and they would like it toooo.

Sacking of Musharraf would destroy the Q league and all their members except may be Chauhdries of Gujrat will jump into PPP and PML N.

I'll ask you one thing. Why do you as a Citizen of Pakistan want the 58-2b removed? You want to bring a Prime Minister that can NEVER be removed except with a military coup?
When the Sentae has a majority of Q, how the hell are they going to undertake a motion to remove 58 2(b)?
I'll ask you one thing. Why do you as a Citizen of Pakistan want the 58-2b removed? You want to bring a Prime Minister that can NEVER be removed except with a military coup?

Asim, the problem of these type of people is, that they are so much brainwashed by media and political parties against Musharraf, that they are just interested whether Musharraf has done something consitutionally or not.
Espeically when the same laws and constitution have been broken before as well, by the so-called democrats.
I dont say that 2 wrong's make a right, but try to understand that whether, Musharraf being in power is good for our country or not. I think, yes, he's the best person to lead us, and therefore im not interested in the matter of him being in power unconstitutionally or not.

They dont want to look the development given to us by this so called dictator, and development which happened in just 8years, and which coudnt take place in all the years before 1999.
These guys will carry on finding little faults where ever they can, knowingly that the same problems have occured before too. But wat they will never try to understand is that these little problems have become far less than before and these problems are slowly and gradually dissappearing.

And due to this jihalat and hatredness, we have yet again elected the looters, which made our country into a failed state.
Well done people, u have just shown that ur not worthy of having a good leader. Sleep with the looters.
i feel there is alot of latent racism with the anti musharraf groups as he is urdu speaking.
that is why no rational discussion can placate certain people who would follow the self ascribed lion, ns who ran like a cat or the thief of larkana.

musharraf had and has the courage to stand up for his country even if the sons of the soil want to bow down to the east india co., like they did and always do.
Musharraf should throw in a curve ball. I'm dissolving the assemblies if anyone even tries to remove 58-2b :)

It'll be the parliament's version of an old western showdown. Let's see if they can remove 58-2b faster than he can dissolve the assemblies.

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