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Greatest tribute to Musharraf

isn't aitzaz ahsan the one who calls for pakistan to acknowledge supremacy of india? didn't he also give up the names of the people involved in khalistan movement? it's unfortunate how these scums are regarded as heroes in eyes of pakistani's.

you are so right man our fellow Pakistanis are just little too excited over this election. They should realize who gave them all this democracy, media, and take a chill pill. They are just little too excited thats all i can say i dont know if they have left their brains out in the voting boxes:taz: :angry:
Pakistan became the most wanting ally to washington after war on terror. One should ask what we have gain and lost being the front line state on WOT. How much our leaders made the best for Pakistan. If there was anyother Leader on pakistan other then Musharraff. how much he had benifited Pakistan. All these questions come to mind. After looking at this information you be the judge!!!

Top 10 U.S. Military Aid Recipients
Three Years After 9/11
Country Total
Israel $9,094,874,000
Egypt $6,025,456,540
Pakistan $4,682,808,397
Jordan $2,670,414,688
Afghanistan $2,663,783,836
Colombia $2,048,565,665
Turkey* $1,324,923,070
Peru $445,825,971
Bolivia $320,682,000
Poland $313,136,119

* The $1 billion grant made to Turkey through the Economic Support Fund for fiscal year 2003 was rescinded in 2005.

Country Profile

U.S. Military Aid Totals

Amount Rank
Three Years Before 9/11 ('99-'01) $9,075,000 56
Three Years After 9/11 ('02-'04) $4,682,808,397 3
Change in Dollars $4,673,733,397
Six-Year Total ('99-'04) $4,691,883,397 3

the link is Collateral Damage - The Center for Public Integrity
I would say one thing. This was Mushrraff who brought this to Pakistan. You know when we were young we used to cry over little little stuff. May be we were stubbarn but our dad used to Insiste us to do some stuff for our own good!!!! For example don't fight with our little brother or don't mess with a real tough guy until you are big yourself.. But we were crazy we wanted to mess with tough guy and got beat up at the end!!!:cheesy::azn::agree: SAME THING MUSH DID FOR US WE ARE LIKE KIDS WE WANT TO MESS WITH USA WE WANT TO FIGHT BUT HE TOLD US NO ITS NOT GOOD FOR US FIRST WE SHOULD GET STRONG. WE SHOULD BE TALL AND FEARFUL NATION THEN TAKE IT WHERE EVER WE WANT TO. BUT WE ARE LIKE NO WE DONT LIKE YOU MUSH WE HATE YOU. YOU ARE STUPID, A DICTATOR, WORST THING FOR US BECAUSE WE WANT TO DISTROY OURSELF AND YOU DON'T LET US. WE WANT TO BE LOOTED AGAIN BUT YOU DONT LET US, WE WANT TO BE RAPED BY THESE BASTERD CURRUPT POLITEITIONS BUT YOU STOP US. HOW DARE YOU GOT US OUT OF DEBT? HOW DARE YOU LET US STAND BY OUR OWN? !!!!!!!!!!!!!:taz:

Pakistan became the most wanting ally to washington after war on terror. One should ask what we have gain and lost being the front line state on WOT. How much our leaders made the best for Pakistan. If there was anyother Leader on pakistan other then Musharraff. how much he had benifited Pakistan. All these questions come to mind. After looking at this information you be the judge!!!

Top 10 U.S. Military Aid Recipients
Three Years After 9/11
Country Total
Israel $9,094,874,000
Egypt $6,025,456,540
Pakistan $4,682,808,397
Jordan $2,670,414,688
Afghanistan $2,663,783,836
Colombia $2,048,565,665
Turkey* $1,324,923,070
Peru $445,825,971
Bolivia $320,682,000
Poland $313,136,119

* The $1 billion grant made to Turkey through the Economic Support Fund for fiscal year 2003 was rescinded in 2005.

Country Profile

U.S. Military Aid Totals

Amount Rank
Three Years Before 9/11 ('99-'01) $9,075,000 56
Three Years After 9/11 ('02-'04) $4,682,808,397 3
Change in Dollars $4,673,733,397
Six-Year Total ('99-'04) $4,691,883,397 3

the link is Collateral Damage - The Center for Public Integrity
relax buddy.

Public opinion is like that. In any case they still don't have the two-thirds majority needed to oust Musharraf.
hahaha relaxe hahahah good one well you are right but you what WHEN something is ver dear to you meaing Pakistan you dont want it to go down. right ?? this is what i dont want i want somebody to tell me that we will do good and show us the same and i think that is mush!!!!!!! but as of your comment you are right i should relaxe lol;)
this is how democracy is.

Sometimes you get unfavorable people on the seats. You accept it, and work hard so that next time you win.
I'm shocked and saddened to have witnessed what has happened.:cry:

President Musharraf is a man of his word, honest and loyal.

He fought two wars for this country and is willing to fight for it even today.

I would support him even if he decides to use 58,2(b) and dismiss the looter parliament. Long live President Musharraf!
‘President to be lame duck — or jobless’

* Analysts say Musharraf will have to make deals with parliament for survival

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf will become a powerless leader at best — and could lose his job — after his parliamentary supporters conceded defeat in elections, analysts said on Tuesday.y.

The Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q), which backed Musharraf for the past five and a half years, conceded defeat on Tuesday following parliamentary polls a day earlier.

Deal: After holding a firm grip on power for eight years, the former general and key US ally in the fight against Al Qaeda will have to make frantic deals with a hostile parliament that could in theory call for his impeachment, the analysts said.

“Musharraf has become a lame duck president,” said Hasan Askari, a political analyst teaching at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, DC.

Survival: “For him the most crucial issue will be his political survival rather than fighting the war against terrorism.”

Askari said Musharraf will “find it difficult to work with the opposition that wants to undo most of the steps taken by him after the suspension of the constitution in November” under a state of emergency.

The president’s influence had already been eroded by his November resignation as army chief after months of political turmoil, a move that robbed him of his main source of power, Askari added.

Strategic Forecasting, private Washington-based analysts, called the election results a “disastrous outcome” for the president’s allies. “It appears that Musharraf was no longer able to make use of the state machinery (especially the intelligence agencies) to rig the vote,” they said.

Nawaz, whom Musharraf ousted in a 1999 coup, has been uncompromising in his calls for the man he calls “dictator” to step down. Benazir’s Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) still mistrusts Musharraf after the death of its leader in a gun-and-suicide attack at a rally in Rawalpindi on December 27.

With neither party likely able to form a government on their own, the analysts said, Musharraf might try to split the PPP from Nawaz with the promise of the prime minister’s post if they join with independent parliamentarians who are loyal to him (Musharraf).

“President Musharraf would be under great pressure because his position has been greatly weakened, because it’s an indictment against his policy,” Talat Masood, a former general who is now a defence and political analyst, told AFP.

The opposition could unite to get the two-thirds majority they need to seek Musharraf’s ouster through impeachment, although analysts see this as unlikely because Musharraf retains the power to dissolve the government.

“The situation is extremely troublesome for him. He may try to undermine the internal coherence of the opposition but it is such a landslide that he may find it difficult to stay at the helm of the affairs,” Askari said.

Shafqat Mahmood, a political analyst, said any attempt at manipulating the opposition would fail. “If Musharraf thinks that he can still survive by manipulating the PPP or a faction of the PPP to join him he is seriously mistaken.”

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
One thing is for sure if he dissolves gov then it would be the most unfortunate event in the history of pakistan.

And believe me if he does so than he wont be able to stand for a long time .

there would be protest,civil disobedience.

He is not able to dissolve it.

The first thing OPP would do is to remove him or remove his 58 2 b teeth.

Zardari has already said that he would prefer opposition over a gov wihtout power.

this means he wants powerful PM with pres without 58 2B teeth.
Hey guys, new here,

This is a tribute thread and i want to keep it like it is.
President Musharraf is the best person to lead Pakistan in any circumstances.
His honesty and courage is too good. Since taking power he has done so much develepoment which we have not seen in the past 60 years.

Some people wont see it as development becoz their eyes are covered with the smoke of dishonesty and lack of national interest, and they have forced a common man in Pakistan into this smoke as well.

InshAllah, Pakisthan will rise to its potential, and i hope Pervez Musharraf remains as President long as possible, and carries on his services which he has done so nicely throughout.:tup:
I have just one problem with you statement. I agree with you when you say President Musharraf is honest, but I think we have had more honest martial law administrators. Another President Musharraf has never been Chief Martial Law administrator, well atleast in a legal sense. I think a person better then President Musharraf was probably Field Marshall Ayub Khan(This does not include Quaid-I-Azam, Laiquat Ali Khan and Nazimuddin because they have no parallel). If you ask anyone around the time of when Field Marshall Ayub Khan they will say he was far better then President Musharraf. But then again I was not around back then, I am just relying on the accounts of people and accounts 40 years ago when we had different needs and a different situation.

My friend, the list of honest military men who have led Pakistan include i) Yahya Khan, ii) Musharraf, iii) Zia and then Ayub Khan. Both Zia and Ayub Khan stand accused of letting their kin make money and overlooking these acts, however personally none of the above individuals have hoarded and put away Pakistan's money.

Ayub Khan was probably one of the better Army Chiefs of the Pakistan Army and he had one thing going for him when he took over, the nation had never seen an Army rule...so given the times and this new development, his rule is considered to be decent until 66. Admittedly, those were stable, internally peaceful times for Pakistan.
‘President to be lame duck — or jobless’

Shafqat Mahmood, a political analyst, said any attempt at manipulating the opposition would fail. “If Musharraf thinks that he can still survive by manipulating the PPP or a faction of the PPP to join him he is seriously mistaken.”

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

He may not need to do the above, Pakistani politicians don't have a good track of sticking together.

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