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Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

wait so according to you, a woman becomes a item for satisfying yourself after she has signed that contract? After signing the contract, she effectively looses her right to say no?

well no wonder marriage statistics are falling, because of people like you, who degrade this sacred relationship.
Lack of Islamic knowledge and stupid cultural male dominance in society. Think women are cattle for their own satisfaction and desire. Only if they know the status of a women is Islam.

If she had a boob job he gets one boob
wait so according to you, a woman becomes a item for satisfying yourself after she has signed that contract? After signing the contract, she effectively looses her right to say no?

well no wonder marriage statistics are falling, because of people like you, who degrade this sacred relationship.
Yes, she looses the right to say NO under "normal circumstances." Sickness is an exception.

What is the point of marriage once again? It does not work without compromises and implied consent. Only an entitled indoctrinated wife will deny her husband without a valid reason.

Marriage statistics are falling because societal laws are increasingly intrusive in the matters of marriage and rights of men in relation to marriage.

Educated men like me have greater awareness of their rights, the ability to make sound decisions and also in the position to speak against Feminist nonsense and indoctrination. Men like me do not degrade this relationship but make their marriage work and have good marriages in general. Sorry to burst your bubble.
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So if a husband cant shagg his wife what he is supposed to do?Go to prostitutes? Whats the purpose of a marriage? You tell me?
Modern day marriage.
Day one everyone happy.
Day 2 wife happy husband at work.
Day 3 onwards everyone happy except the husband.
Wife is a shopping machine and pregnant demands increasing
Husband is always working and now even cheating and stealing to ratify the insatiable appetite of the wife.
Baby arrive month 9 and still husband is working but even harder.
Now he is depressed and using food as a a comfort because the wife doesn't want him anywhere near him.
Eventually the husband dies but the wife is still going strong.
Sound familiar.

Lack of Islamic knowledge and stupid cultural male dominance in society. Think women are cattle for their own satisfaction and desire. Only if they know the status of a women is Islam.

Reported Why?
Lack of Islamic knowledge and stupid cultural male dominance in society. Think women are cattle for their own satisfaction and desire. Only if they know the status of a women is Islam.
And what is the status of women in Islam? As a practicing Muslim, I am aware.

In-case you forgot:

"Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand." (Surah An-Nisa, verse 34)

Sorry but marriage does not work with Feminist rules. In-fact, a number of Feminists perceive institution of marriage as an act of oppression; bunch of psychotic idiots.
WTF? How can a husband rape his wife? The utter absurdity of liberalism and feminism. Also its sad that there are some PAK posters (assuming they are muslim) defending this feminist lunacy. A muslim should know Islam's stance on an issue before opening his/her mouth. Its better to keep silent than showing one's ignorance.
Yes, she looses the right to say NO under "normal circumstances." Sickness is an exception.

What is the point of marriage once again? It does not work without compromises and implied consent.

Marriage statistics are falling because societal laws are increasingly intrusive in the matters of marriage and rights of men in relation to marriage.

Educated men like me have greater awareness of their rights and limitations and in the position to speak against Feminist nonsense and indoctrination. Men like me do not degrade this relationship but make their marriage work and have good marriages in general. Sorry to burst your bubble.
I just got reported for using the term boob

Talk to a moderator or administrator. Inform them that you did not meant it in a negative way.
To be honest I don't think the mods are so stupid as to take that seriously. But she needs to get off her Shetland pony
If husband [has to] s.
No its not correct. U make it sound like a marital relationship is all about physical relationship, physical relationship is just a part of whole equation , it is a lot about trust and love and mainly RESPECT , a forced phsyical relationship is insulting ur partner.

And i am so surprised to see ur statement that if a man refuses then it means he is suffering from depression, no many men dont feel attracted to their wives, or for sevral reasons deprive them of physical ties , some also use cutting physical ties to psychologically torture their wives.

And sorry this is another very sad statement from u "Wife should be willing under normal circumstances unless she is sick."

Women are not objects that u can easily pick and use and they should be ready for that usage almost all the time. She is a human with her own mind she should be free to decide when and what she wants just like a man.

As of is "Why husband has to seek her consent every time he wants s-ex? Doesn't makes sense"

Another wrong statement , both partners need to seek each others consent , getting married does not mean anyone loses right to their bodies. Mind it in islam marriage means a legit route to form physical relationship, in so sense it ever means that a man or a woman have to be ever ready for ***ual ties and they hold no control on their bodies.

7 year does sound a long and harsh term they could have done with 3-4 years but then they udnerstand their laws better. He also lied to her shamelessly instead of admitting it
And what is the status of women in Islam? As a practicing Muslim, I am aware.

In-case you forgot:

"Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand." (Surah An-Nisa, verse 34)

Sorry but marriage does not work with Feminist rules. In-fact, a number of Feminists perceive institution of marriage as an act of oppression; bunch of psychotic idiots.

This ayah is not about the right of sexual intimacy and please don't quote verses out of context. You are no scholar and neither am I.
And what is the status of women in Islam? As a practicing Muslim, I am aware.

In-case you forgot:

"Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand." (Surah An-Nisa, verse 34)

Sorry but marriage does not work with Feminist rules. In-fact, a number of Feminists perceive institution of marriage as an act of oppression; bunch of psychotic idiots.

Feel free to show me anywhere in The Noble Quran where are you given permission to force your self upon your wife, above surah clearly talks about wife that cheats on you and its given you choices how to deal with the situation, please stop using what The Noble Quran is saying out of context to make your invalid point valid.

The Islamic Shari’ah advised that the sexual intercourse between man and wife should be conducted with intimacy and love

God mentioned in the Quran when He says, “Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth…”4:34

The Almighty God is telling you to treat her fair
Don't know whether to bang my head on the wall or laugh at the responses. Khuda ka khauf karo tum log.

How can a husband rape his wife? Very easily if he forces himself upon his wife. How do you guys not get that?

Are you all literally saying that it's OK to force yourself upon your wives. That when she says no, you guys grab her by the hair, rip her clothes and rape her as she screams openly that she doesn't want to and after that ask her to heat you some water for a bath.

This scenario is OK with you guys bcz if not then when that scenario happens between a husband and wife what would you all call it? Abuse, rape, forced sex right. So either you endorse the above and say there is no rape between a husband and wife or you say the above is rape and it can happen.

Marriage is indeed consent between two adults for sexual relations but consent is required every step of the way. You can't say once signed now its party forever. Good God what is wrong with you people.

Sorry but you ask your wife for sex, she says no and you force is rape. You intoxicate her and have sex with her, that's rape. This isnt feminism. This is simply humanism.

You people twist everything in Islam and show complete ignorance of Pakistan law and then you have the audacity to call yourself educated.

Hadd hogaye hain. Very disappointed with the responses.

There are multiple cases in kocheri where this happens and proceedings are ongoing and you have those piece of shits making the same shit excuses that marriage takes away the wife's right to say no.

@Zibago @Hell hound @django yar I am going to end up taking a break from this rubbish.
Feel free to show me anywhere in The Noble Quran where are you given permission to force your self upon your wife, above surah clearly talks about wife that cheats on you and its given you choices how to deal with the situation, please stop using what The Noble Quran is saying out of context to make your invalid point valid.

The Islamic Shari’ah advised that the sexual intercourse between man and wife should be conducted with intimacy and love

God mentioned in the Quran when He says, “Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth…”4:34

The Almighty God is telling you to treat her fair
These men forget that in the last sermon of the Prophet PBUH, the message was clear...treat your women with kindness.
No its not correct. U make it sound like a marital relationship is all about physical relationship, physical relationship is just a part of whole equation , it is a lot about trust and love and mainly RESPECT , a forced phsyical relationship is insulting ur partner.
I am [happily] married and fully understand the obligations and responsibilities in relation to a marriage.

In the absence of mental bonding (and physical relations), a marriage will falter irrespective of how good you are to your wife. Both husband and wife have romantic expectations from each other that are supposed to be fulfilled.

A marriage will never reach the point of 'rape' when both partners are committed to each other's needs and not being selfish. Personally, I do not see the point of raping [wife] if she keeps denying; better to throw her out of the home instead.

And i am so surprised to see ur statement that if a man refuses then it means he is suffering from depression, no many men dont feel attracted to their wives, or for sevral reasons deprive them of physical ties , some also use cutting physical ties to psychologically torture their wives.
Depression (and stress) are the fundamental causes of decline in libido, specially in men. In current times, men experience lot of stress at work (and in managing their homes) because competition is cutthroat and opportunities for a decent earning are limited. Their libido can decline as a consequence.

The wife should try to maintain herself and look attractive at home, if the husband is not finding her attractive. Chances are that he will pay attention. Otherwise, no point in sticking with a partner who does not satiate your desires and is being selfish. People who are expecting Hollywood-level beauty in women, haven't seen Hollywood actresses without make-up and should be made aware that they have unrealistic expectations in this regard.

And sorry this is another very sad statement from u "Wife should be willing under normal circumstances unless she is sick."

Women are not objects that u can easily pick and use and they should be ready for that usage almost all the time. She is a human with her own mind she should be free to decide when and what she wants just like a man.
I disagree with this Feminist rubbish.

When (and where) have I asserted that women are objects that I can easily pick and use and they should be ready for usage all the time? I am a human being, not a sex-bot; I have limitations like a normal human being. And I would not touch a single woman because this act is forbidden in Islam; never did.

However, I have 'expectations' from my wife and she understand this very well. Allah Almighty have instructed a wife to be obedient to her husband (see the verse from Surah An-Nisa in one of my earlier posts). I also understand that [wife] has her sexual highs and lows, depending upon her medical condition and other factors. However, denying your partner [for long-term] is SELFISH and EMOTIONAL ABUSE.

If you are single; you get to dictate the terms of your romance [forbidden in Islam]

If you are married; your partner have expectations from you and you should not deny without a valid reason [Obedience]

As of is "Why husband has to seek her consent every time he wants s-ex? Doesn't makes sense"

Another wrong statement , both partners need to seek each others consent , getting married does not mean anyone loses right to their bodies. Mind it in islam marriage means a legit route to form physical relationship, in so sense it ever means that a man or a woman have to be ever ready for ***ual ties and they hold no control on their bodies.

7 year does sound a long and harsh term they could have done with 3-4 years but then they udnerstand their laws better. He also lied to her shamelessly instead of admitting it
Do you understand the concept of implied consent in marriage or "conjugal rights" to be precise?

Husband can initiate romance without feeling the need to request his wife beforehand, if she is near. This may not be norm but happens at times. If the wife is perfectly healthy and able, she [should] oblige. If wife is sick or having a period, husband should refrain.

No point in requesting [wife] for romance "every time" unless there are insecurities and/or problems in the relationship. It gets boring.

You conveniently overlooked the element of "obedience" in the context of marriage in Islam. Do your homework.

Western notion of marriage is f**ked. This is why a large proportion of men are not choosing to marry over there.

This ayah is not about the right of sexual intimacy and please don't quote verses out of context. You are no scholar and neither am I.
I am not an Islamic scholar but a scholar nonetheless and have the mental capacity to understand different things.

That verse entails all aspects of a marriage. Concentrate and learn:

So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard.

Translation: a decent wife is not only obedient but abstains from extra-marital relations.
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We are talking about rape, not consented intimacy. And for your information, in Islam it is a sin and punishable in court if the wife opens a court case against the husband.
A marriage is consent for sex by default. If woman doesn't want to have sex with the man, don't marry him m or get a divorce.
There is no concept of consensual sex in Islam. Two consenting adults cannot have sex if they are unmarried. Likewise a wife or husband can have sex with each other without consent as Nikaah is consent of sex by default. That's why Islam as bound the man and woman not to have sex outside marriage as they are free to have it inside marriage. We don't want these rubbish ultra feminist western concepts in put society.
It's simple,if you marry someone,b better fuk him or her. If you don't want,get divorced.
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