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Pakistan may enter terror financing list: 10 ways its economy will bleed

I deed.....when man can export his god and mother at the same time it's truly amazing

it is a lesson much lost on many countries who let their hate dictate and direct foreign policy.
had you been a baniya you could have done alot better as well.
but your foreign policy is based on ummahs chumma and this has lead you here.
it is a lesson much lost on many countries who let their hate dictate and direct foreign policy.
had you been a baniya you could have done alot better as well.
but your foreign policy is based on ummahs chumma and this has lead you here.

Looooool good keep putting yourself on the back
Pakistan is in the dock at the ongoing FATF meeting in Paris, with the sword of being put back on the grey list of terror financing countries hanging on its head. Interestingly, this is the FIRST TIME in the body's history that four nations have singled out another nation at the same time for censure.

Pakistan was on that list before, and being on it again will be no big deal. Pakistan pursued its national interests before, and it will continue to do so again, list or not list, for better or worse.
I think you are emotional and ballistic.

Read the fine print and you will realize Hafiz Saeed and other organizations are just allegations and reason for making a case to achieve a strategic goal.

Just like weapons of mass destruction for the invasion of Iraq, present situation of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya etc Heinous Snake of America is very adept at this.

And then What??????? the answer is nothing.if one thinks pakistan is ran by US aid or politicians he,s wrong.pakistan is only ran by ALLAH ALMIGHTY with Their MIGHTY WORDS "Innallaha alaa kulli shayin qadeer" and thats enough to understand for those who do.:coffee:
so the whole world is seeing Pakistan as terrorist state, but interestingly People of Pakistan think it's due to jealously concerning cpec, man this cpec should be something amazing and unprecedented something like which world has never seen before and hence everyone else is afraid.

LOL at the whole world. Apart from you and your daddy America no one bats an eye lid. You are in for a rude awakening. Keep begging Pakistan to do more.
Pakistan is in the dock at the ongoing FATF meeting in Paris, with the sword of being put back on the grey list of terror financing countries hanging on its head. Interestingly, this is the FIRST TIME in the body's history that four nations have singled out another nation at the same time for censure.

There seem to be many misconceptions about how being put on the list would hurt Pakistan's economy, with many members believing that it will have negligible impact. However, that may be far from the truth. The most significant impact could be that this time around, it could push Pakistan into a balance of payments crisis (Last time, according to reports, Pak was on the list when it neared a BoP but it was bailed out by the IMF. This time, with the US leading the motion at FATF and holding IMF's purse strings, this might not be so feasible).

Before discussing, please read the article and then debate on the salient points.

Click here to read the full article
Indian source. Show me a BBC or Al Jazeera article saying this about Pakistan. Then I will believe you.
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