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Jun 10, 2010
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- Each and every religious person is responsible for War and terrorism in this World. Because Religion leads to division, and division leads to conflict. And you are part of this religion.
- With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion.
- You dont have to be taught by a priest(or a religious book) to be good and do good. It just needs common sense.

I need a honest straight forward reply.
- I agree
- I do not agree(please state the reason)

Original post
I am pretty sure two of the biggest wars the world has ever seen - WW1 and WW2 - were not fought for religious reasons. Similarly many of the regional wars are not fought on religious grounds either. So I simply do not agree with your statement that "Each and every religious person is responsible for War and terrorism in this World"

It is inherent in human nature to fight and this nature is not exclusive to theists. If the world was suddenly to be free of religion, do you think there would be no wars or crime?

I do agree however that religion has led to lot of persecutions and wars in the past and will do so in the future. But that is due to misinterpretation of religious teachings by some people. I am pretty sure no religion out there recommend or endorse mass genocide.

With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion

Circumstances compels a person to commit a crime in most cases. However in case of religious nut jobs, extremists and terrorists, your assumption is true. Nevertheless we must remember that even here many (if not all) people are compelled into terrorism due to social or economic problems

-You dont have to be taught by a priest(or a religious book) to be good and do good. It just needs common sense.

Agreed! Even though religion has been a good source of morals, these morals are not exclusive to followers of the religion, otherwise atheists would be the most evil people in the world.
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Religion is simply a way to unite people. Unscrupulous leaders can use this unifying force for their own nefarious ends, but that's the fault of the leader, not religion.

Any charismatic leader will find a way to find followers. In their hands religion is a useful tool, but a smart leader will find another unifying force in the absence of religion (ethnicity, skin color, language, nationalism, ...).
I am pretty sure two of the biggest wars the world has ever seen - WW1 and WW2 - were not fought for religious reasons. Similarly many of the regional wars are not fought on religious grounds either. So I simply do not agree with your statement that "Each and every religious person is responsible for War and terrorism in this World"

It is inherent in human nature to fight and this nature is not exclusive to theists. If the world was suddenly to be free of religion, do you think there would be no wars or crime?

I do agree however that religion has led to lot of persecutions and wars in the past and will do so in the future. But that is due to misinterpretation of religious teachings by some people. I am pretty sure no religion out there recommend or endorse mass genocide.

- With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion.
Not all religions are equally instrumental to war. Some have more mischief built into them.

Some are openly imperialistic and declare a permanent unending war on everyone else till their fictitious god's law is everywhere :)

PS : all gods are fictitious.

I do not agree.

This is what you wrote:

Each and every religious person is responsible for War and terrorism in this World.

With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion.

You are contradicting in your statements.
Certainly religion is not not doing it, all the criminals, murderers and vice versa regardless or color creed, cast all over the world mostly likely are atheists and many educated.
And for God sake don't attach taliban with Islam (religion), the first thing the religion says is save the humanity, I just don't want to bring-in Islam and quotations.

How would you know what is right and what is wrong? You talk about common sense what if your common sense tell you to play with fire and burn your fella is good while the other one says the opposite.
Even there must be a guidance for the so called "common sense".

Pakistani atheist, cave man syndrome?

Religion is simply a way to unite people. Unscrupulous leaders can use this unifying force for their own nefarious ends, but that's the fault of the leader, not religion.

Any charismatic leader will find a way to find followers. In their hands religion is a useful tool, but a smart leader will find another unifying force in the absence of religion (ethnicity, skin color, language, nationalism, ...).

Which religion? o_O

Christianity? Like how Rome conquered the world "defensively"?
Islam? Shall I start talking about how you get all those women your right hand is supposed to possess.
Hinduism? Shall I start on Caste system?

But yea, in the absence of religion - people will find another way to fight.
If all atheists think like you, I'm afraid they've already started The Fight.
as Sam Harris says - 'show me the Jain suicide bomber'. beliefs matter and all religions are not the same when it comes to instigating violence.
- With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion.

I gave my opinion about this in my first post. However, lets look at some examples, shall we?

Take Hitler as an example. Did religion compel him to kill millions of Jews, disabled people, etc? Did religion compel him to invade Poland, Norway and Denmark? The answer my friend would be NO.

Of course this begs the question that, was he "good" to begin with as your assumption implies that religion compels "good people" to turn evil. Well I would say yes he was, as no one is born evil, but then again that is relative.

History is littered with such examples (Stalin is one)

But the biggest flaw in your assumption is saying that "good people can behave well and bad people can do evil". So are you implying that those who commit crime are born that way? That bad people are born evil? Perhaps it is in their genes to be bad?
This my friend is a major flaw in your argument and simply not true. Everyone is born into this world equal. It is the environment they grow in, the challenges that they face and how they respond to these challenges that makes them commit crimes.
whocares, you are such a loser, don't indirectly target a single religion. Certain elements spread violence don't correlate it with religions.
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