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Uighur Jihadis in Syria Could Pose Threat

Those are mostly seeking asylum in Turkey. As they claim, in China they are being victimized.

Kazakhstan is the country that most Uyghurs moved to for various reasons, why China never ever had any problems with Kazakhstan?

Regions with significant populations
11,303,355 - 15,000,000+ (Uyghur American Association)
223,100 (2009)
55,220 (2008)
49,000 (2009)
45,800 (2010)
anything that hurt your propaganda is nonsense for you and it's quite understandable.
My English doesn't make sense to you, but than same English make sense to you when it's subtle.
Again, i don't want to comment on your sectarian rhetoric... but it's obvious you carry sectarian grudge.
Imran is no body... i consider him as much a trash as any trash would be. There's plenty of evidence and history to support my PoV.
Actually i believe it's you who crap behind my back and mislead public with usual baseless allegations.
Once more regarding English... that may be your inferiority complex, not mine.
Alas... you managed to drag me to this, by replying out of context.

I don't post 'propaganda' here, and virtually everyone would agree with me on that. However you do, hence why when I have called you out on it in the past, which has led to you holding a grudge, and you continue to take cheap shots.
Sectarian! Me? Lol, ok Mr anti-Shia
Imran is far better than you and will achieve more than you will ever do.
Listen, is there is something wrong with you? Why are you literally repeating the same things I wrote to you in my previous reply? You are obviously guilty of all the above hence why you just sling your sins back at me and accuse me of the same thing!
Oh and your English does make my head hurt.
As for dragging you in, read post 32, don't lie on an open forum.
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@WebMaster your staff engaged me with trolling first... He is accusing and blaming and than can't handle the reply.
This is actually regular behavior of your various staff members.
When they are speechless they resort to misuse of their moderation.
Not to mention the bogey accounts, which are used to level score by resorting to the abusive language.

ok Mr anti-Shia
SHUT UP and screw the target killers you tribe sent my way.
@BATMAN You're one of the biggest Shia haters on this forum, you call people sectarian when they confront you regarding your clear sectarian bias. Your brain works very similar to Lashkare Jahngvi members. Also its quite ironic that you use Qaid's picture, you're a disgrace and do not deserve to use his picture as your display, do you know that Qaide Azam was a Shia Ismaili? If he was alive your kind would be trying to kill him.

You going to make me shut up? Target killers, you have truly lost the plot on here!
Sure let's tag @WebMaster and he can see for himself, you attack even moderators on here.

@BATMAN You're one of the biggest Shia haters on this forum, you call people sectarian when they confront you regarding your clear sectarian bias. Your brain works very similar to Lashkare Jahngvi members. Also its quite ironic that you use Qaid's picture, you're a disgrace and do not deserve to use his picture as your display, do you know that Qaide Azam was a Shia Ismaili? If he was alive your kind would be trying to kill him.

He's the worst, I'm surprised he has lasted here this long, but most of that is to do with him making snide remarks. Take a look at his negative ratings, and they were mostly from Pakistani members.
I'm glad you pointed out the irony he has the father Qaid(Allah bless him) in his profile.
He's the worst, I'm surprised he has lasted here this long, but most of that is to do with him making snide remarks. Take a look at his negative ratings, and they were mostly from Pakistani members.
I'm glad you pointed out the irony he has the father Quaid(Allah bless him) in his profile.

He was always like this but since his favourite buddy Nawaz Sharrif lost the election he seems to be in a fit, he seems to find weird connections between events in Pakistan that ultimately lead to Iran or Shias. Frankly I think he is either a member or a sympathiser of some sectarian terrorist group from Punjab.
He was always like this but since his favourite buddy Nawaz Sharrif lost the election he seems to be in a fit, he seems to find weird connections between events in Pakistan that ultimately lead to Iran or Shias. Frankly I think he is either a member or a sympathiser of some sectarian terrorist group from Punjab.

Lol! Yep that has a lot to do with it. I bet he's going to blame his burnt paratah on a Shia plot.
Lol! Yep that has a lot to do with it. I bet he's going to blame his burnt paratah on a Shia plot.

I noticed it because since the thread when Imran Khan became PM he just went crazy after that.
could be ? you still thinking it could be ? they will be 1000% sure a threat . they are threat of today . china must use spy agencies and special forces to hunt them down before they reach china .
These Chinese trolls keep pulling realities out of their Asian *** meanwhile Uyghurs affiliated with Jihadist groups are involved in terror attacks across Turkey but we are supposedly somehow training them.

Trying to post stupid state propaganda on this forum about how Uyghurs live happily while putting over a million people in Nazi-style concentration camps to brainwash them.

Chinese are awfully spoiled and full of themselves thinking they have the right to accuse Turkey of anything here.
These Chinese trolls keep pulling realities out of their Asian *** meanwhile Uyghurs affiliated with Jihadist groups are involved in terror attacks across Turkey but we are supposedly somehow training them.

Trying to post stupid state propaganda on this forum about how Uyghurs live happily while putting over a million people in Nazi-style concentration camps to brainwash them.

Chinese are awfully spoiled and full of themselves thinking they have the right to accuse Turkey of anything here.
Next time you can claim 10 million, and why China only accused Turkey for Uyghur problems but never another Muslim country?
Whats the Chinese word for garbage? Because this thread's title should be changed to that. Firstly, serious members of the intelligentsia know there is no such thing as what you have claimed.

If China is all high and mighty, why don't you physically go to Syria?

Send your troops physically to Syria. Start physical airstrikes. Put Chinese soldiers on the ground.

I dare you.

Arrested Uyghur Terrorist Recalls Dark Days in Syria

They can mass kill in Syria, Afghnistan or Iraq, but like this guy in the video, once they come back to China, they get captured in no time. We keep Xinjiang zero terrorist crimes for many years already.

Torture is routinely committed for the purposes of forcing an accused person into confessing, or providing information. The use of such information, obtained through unlawful forms of coercion, is therefore one of the root causes of torture. In many countries around the world today, such as China, state officials in continue to torture and otherwise ill-treat detainees into giving them information.

Art.15 of the UN Convention against Torture requires that any statement made as a result of torture is inadmissible as evidence.

Fu ck yeah, got problem with that?

You think you're Captain America? lol
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