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He is already banned.
Thanks for banning him Webby.. but I also support @Dubious suggestion that anyone who insults prophet Muhammad PBUH should be banned permanently.

According to some posters, he kept repeating his insults but was only warned. When this happens, a reaction is almost always expected, and that is justified too.

Banning the reaction and not taking solid action against the perpetrator who initiated insulting prophet pbuh first, creates a sense in members that insulting prophet is somewhat allowed on this forum, and people start questioning the religious affiliation of a forum called "Pakistan Defense" and it's moderators. Pakistan is actually an Islamic Republic and many people spend a lot of time here because they feel they will not be offended like are on Twitter and Facebook and other forums.

There are very few social media spaces available for Muslims in General and Pakistanis in particular, and Pakistanis and other Muslims think that PDF is one of them that's why we see Arabs, Turks and Bangladeshis here.

Please don't take away this sense of security on this forum as well. As a policy, insulting prophet Muhammad, Islam, or any other Islamic figure should result in immediate permanent ban. You can enforce same policy on insulting other religions but must take into account the reactive nature of tweets. After all, Pakistan is trying to tell the same thing that all that is happening is the reaction of Muslims. In Kashmir too, our stance is that when Indian army abuses Kashmiris, they pick up guns. If we justify Muslims' reaction all over the world, why can't we do it here?

And yes, you can ban anyone who insults any other religion first.
And yes, you can ban anyone who insults any other religion first.

The basic issue remains of respecting all personal religious beliefs equally, when one point of view is opposed to another. Preferring one set of beliefs by force enshrined in policy never works as well as expected, not in the real country and not in any microcosm of it.

The only enduring solution is to say clear of such issues completely.
The basic issue remains of respecting all personal religious beliefs equally, when one point of view is opposed to another. Preferring one set of beliefs by force enshrined in policy never works as well as expected, not in the real country and not in any microcosm of it.

The only enduring solution is to say clear of such issues completely.
I am in favor of banning anyone who insults any other religion. But my point is that either forum management should be proactive, or if it's not, it shouldn't just block the reactive posts and ban the reacting members.

And we all know that we, specially south asians, can't stay clear of such issues completely. Issue was that the individual @Menace2Society was insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) repeatedly.. and he identified himself as a Qadiani in one of his posts.. but his insulting posts were just being deleted, and no moderator banned him from posting.

Had he been banned earlier, a reaction wouldn't have occurred for sure.. So I will hold management of this forum equally responsible for this situation.

Naturally, if someone is identifying himself as a Qadiani, and then insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and then getting away with it repeatedly, people will start saying that such people are being protected by the management, and rightly so.

What's your opinion?
I am in favor of banning anyone who insults any other religion. But my point is that either forum management should be proactive, or if it's not, it shouldn't just block the reactive posts and ban the reacting members.

And we all know that we, specially south asians, can't stay clear of such issues completely. Issue was that the individual @Menace2Society was insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) repeatedly.. and he identified himself as a Qadiani in one of his posts.. but his insulting posts were just being deleted, and no moderator banned him from posting.

Had he been banned earlier, a reaction wouldn't have occurred for sure.. So I will hold management of this forum equally responsible for this situation.

Naturally, if someone is identifying himself as a Qadiani, and then insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and then getting away with it repeatedly, people will start saying that such people are being protected by the management, and rightly so.

What's your opinion?

We have GHQ available to elevate issues. The GHQ method usually surpasses junior mods and allows senior management to take action if the case is worth any value. This method was ignored in this case. Anytime a user goes public in accusing the management or insulting any member thereof, he/she will get banned appropriately.

As far as Menace is concerned, i am not aware of his past history/posts. Dubious is more informed to take proper decision i believe, and she did it.

Fazal-ur-Rehman has reallu gone quiet along with his mendate. Even the media guys who were backing him like their lives were dependent on him has been silent.

Am I missing something???
We have GHQ available to elevate issues. The GHQ method usually surpasses junior mods and allows senior management to take action if the case is worth any value. This method was ignored in this case. Anytime a user goes public in accusing the management or insulting any member thereof, he/she will get banned appropriately.

As far as Menace is concerned, i am not aware of his past history/posts. Dubious is more informed to take proper decision i believe, and she did it.

@The Eagle @Dubious @Horus
Respectfully ...

The fact that the member Menace was not banned before @Khafee signifies that challenging forum authority seems to be a higher level infringement than being disrespectful to the beloved Holy Prophet SAW in as much as you become aware of @Khafee Sb's infraction but remain inexplicably unaware of those made by Menace?

This whole issue is food for thought and retrospection.
@The Eagle @Dubious @Horus
Respectfully ...

The fact that the member Menace was not banned before @Khafee signifies that challenging forum authority seems to be a higher level infringement than being disrespectful to the beloved Holy Prophet SAW in as much as you become aware of @Khafee Sb's infraction but remain inexplicably unaware of those made by Menace?

This whole issue is food for thought and retrospection.

My friend, what a member does, is the matter to report to Mods and team will take action but dealing by yourself and acting as authority is not appropriate.
My friend, what a member does, is the matter to report to Mods and team will take action but dealing by yourself and acting as authority is not appropriate.
Esteemed Sir, think for a moment and isolate everything else. Consider whether @Khafee Sahib's infraction comprise a bigger infringement than being disrespectful to our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam?

I will leave it to your conscience and cognizance.
Esteemed Sir, think for a moment and isolate everything else. Consider whether @Khafee Sahib's infraction comprise a bigger infringement than being disrespectful to our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam?

I will leave it to your conscience and cognizance.

The blasphemy matter is different than the case of Khafee. Religious insults are not tolerated at all. ..by any means or there is no other thought ..... however, can't say about the post which may have gone unchecked. Let's admin deal with it. None should imagine to disrespect Prophet Muhammad (SAWW).

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