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Is the game over for China?

The following points are from a Turkish journalist Ergun Diler from the Daily Takvim:
  • The US Secretary of State Pompeo met the top Chinese Deep State folks at the Bagram Air Base in Afganistan a couple of days back. The message from the US Deep State is clear: "We'll pull out the pin. Put your affairs in line with our expectations. Forget about your game plans concocted in collusion with Britain, France, Italy etc. And, forget about the help from the Families - Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc. All have been served with a "two weeks" notice."
  • Pompeo also didn't forget to mention the $ amount planned for the libel lawsuits to be tabled against China w.r.t. the coronavirus pandemic.
  • The British PM Johnson and Prince Charles are down. The Queen and the PM-in-attendance want to mend their differences with the US Deep State. A known enemy is better than an unknown friend.
  • The British establishment is now after the Chinese compensation too.
  • The Spanish PM has asked for another Marshal plan for the Europeans. The chicken are back to the Rooster, no matter how sadistic it is.
  • Coronavirus will induce big losers and great winners!! Let's see how it all pans out..

Gorelim Mevla neyler
Neylerse guzel eyler

Let's see what MEVLA has is store for us*
Whatever it is HE renders it auspicious

*Ehl-i Iman

Brother, you are very much repectable for me. But the thing you posted is not correct.
Its like, Pakistan made JF17, Indias days as Asia tiger are over.
India helped Europe for medicine, India is now super power.

Small events, like this one, was never, can never be an indicator of rise or decline. Nations never rise in days, neither they vanish in days. Its a gradual process. On the contrary, I think, Chinese speed of buying global assets will further be accelerated.
The following points are from a Turkish journalist Ergun Diler from the Daily Takvim:
  • The US Secretary of State Pompeo met the top Chinese Deep State folks at the Bagram Air Base in Afganistan a couple of days back. The message from the US Deep State is clear: "We'll pull out the pin. Put your affairs in line with our expectations. Forget about your game plans concocted in collusion with Britain, France, Italy etc. And, forget about the help from the Families - Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc. All have been served with a "two weeks" notice."
  • Pompeo also didn't forget to mention the $ amount planned for the libel lawsuits to be tabled against China w.r.t. the coronavirus pandemic.
  • The British PM Johnson and Prince Charles are down. The Queen and the PM-in-attendance want to mend their differences with the US Deep State. A known enemy is better than an unknown friend.
  • The British establishment is now after the Chinese compensation too.
  • The Spanish PM has asked for another Marshal plan for the Europeans. The chicken are back to the Rooster, no matter how sadistic it is.
  • Coronavirus will induce big losers and great winners!! Let's see how it all pans out..

Gorelim Mevla neyler
Neylerse guzel eyler

Let's see what MEVLA has is store for us*
Whatever it is HE renders it auspicious

*Ehl-i Iman

About these points:
  • The US Secretary of State Pompeo met the top Chinese Deep State folks at the Bagram Air Base in Afganistan a couple of days back. The message from the US Deep State is clear: "We'll pull out the pin. Put your affairs in line with our expectations. Forget about your game plans concocted in collusion with Britain, France, Italy etc. And, forget about the help from the Families - Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc. All have been served with a "two weeks" notice."
  • Pompeo also didn't forget to mention the $ amount planned for the libel lawsuits to be tabled against China w.r.t. the coronavirus pandemic.
Why would a meeting (if the meeting ever took place) between the U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo and the top of the Chinese Deep State be attended by a Turkish journalist?
I do not see how either the U.S. or China would benefit from this.

And if the journalist was not present but has retrieved this information from his 'sources', I do not think that they are Americans or Chinese. Maybe some Afghan source told him that there was a meeting between the U.S. and China. And if that is true, then I do not think that Afghans were allowed at this meeting. So, the Afghan source might only know about a meeting taking place, but I do not think that the source knows what was discussed during the meeting.

Therefore, I do not think that this is accurate.

About this point:
  • The British PM Johnson and Prince Charles are down. The Queen and the PM-in-attendance want to mend their differences with the US Deep State. A known enemy is better than an unknown friend.
Based on what does the journalist assume that the U.K. wants to mend their differences with the U.S. Deep State? Since when did they have any differences? And what are these differences then?
Does the journalist answer these questions (I do not understand Turkish) ?

About this point:
  • The British establishment is now after the Chinese compensation too.
There is one think tank from the U.K., The Henry Jackson Society, that has released a report named 'CORONAVIRUS COMPENSATION? ASSESSING CHINA’S POTENTIAL CULPABILITY AND AVENUES OF LEGAL RESPONSE' where the think tank identifies 'ten possible legal avenues by which the wider world can pursue China for the damages inflicted by its response (or lack of) to the COVID-19 outbreak. Policymakers may wish to pursue them for two reasons.'

Source of the report:

So, the think tank itself does not plan to sue China.
And one think tank that releases a report on the legal possibilities for policy makers IF they wish to sue China is not the same as the whole 'British establishment is now after Chinese compensation too' as was written in the original post.

About this point:

  • The Spanish PM has asked for another Marshal plan for the Europeans. The chicken are back to the Rooster, no matter how sadistic it is.
That Spain is asking for another Marshall Plan from the U.S. is not correct. Spain, however, does want a European Union wide Marshall Plan. It will not be paid by the U.S. but by the Member States of the European Union.
So, the chickens are not back to the rooster.
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Supply chain will adjust out of China and add to it the 2nd Great Depression on the way with mass unemployments = lower buying power. Western markets for China will become minimal over next few years.

Moving supply chains out of china already means billions of dollars of investments by parent companies and logistic issues. Don't see that happening any time soon. Eggs will be moved to different baskets, but that's not gonna be over night! Neither the world economic conditions after covid-19 will allow this. All this will just drive the pricing high with mass unemployment and lower purchasing power, i don't think west would ever do that.

Totalitarian System with a new financial system is coming to West. China becoming a superpower is utterly unacceptable.

New global order will be structured, but china will be a party to it; at least for next few decades.
Nations never rise in days, neither they vanish in days. Its a gradual process.
But it has happened before. There is a precedence.

Till 1946 Britain was a superpower. Then there was a mutiny in the British Raj military triggered by INA trial (Red Fort trial). This military personnels mutiny was the reason for the end of the Raj. The foundations of the Raj were shaken. Within one year Britain went from being superpower to just another European country.

This coronavirus showed how vulnerable US is and how dependent they are on China, never imagined that US can be knocked out so easily.

US fed injected 1.5 trillion dollar in to economy. Saying that US can be knocked out so easily is quite an exaggeration. If US cease to exist today, so will china. There will be an economic collapse since global economic order is structured around US. It will stay that way unless there is an alternative financial system.
US fed injected 1.5 trillion dollar in to economy. Saying that US can be knocked out so easily is quite an exaggeration. If US cease to exist today, so will china. There will be an economic collapse since global economic order is structured around US. It will stay that way unless there is an alternative financial system.
US clearly shows it can't support itself, let alone others, US capabiliities will be in question in the future, this coronavirus revealed China's strengths and US weaknesses.
But it has happened before. There is a precedence.

Till 1946 Britain was a superpower. Then there was a mutiny in the British Raj military triggered by INA trial (Red Fort trial). This military personnels mutiny was the reason for the end of the Raj. The foundations of the Raj were shaken. Within one year Britain went from being superpower to just another European country.

Will you please consider two things, as well.
1) effects of 2 world wars
2) how come a mutiny in India compelled France and other nations to also leave their colonies around same 1947?
3) if Britain was super power in ww2, then why USA defeated Germany, not Britain?

I repeat, powers are never made or destroyed in days.
This is being debunked, they are not from China and in the video no one says they are from China.


“中国捐赠给法国的医用防护服薄如纸翼,一撕就碎,令网友看傻!”多家台湾媒体10日突然援引一名法国网友本月5日在社交媒体脸书上分享的视频,兴奋报道“中国制造不合格”,嘲讽“原来中国大陆赠送给法国的防疫品,这么的 Made in China !”。然而,《环球时报》记者10日调查发现,早在本月6日,视频中医护人员所在的医院就已经辟谣,否认这批防护服来自中国。
This is being debunked, they are not from China and in the video no one says they are from China.


“中国捐赠给法国的医用防护服薄如纸翼,一撕就碎,令网友看傻!”多家台湾媒体10日突然援引一名法国网友本月5日在社交媒体脸书上分享的视频,兴奋报道“中国制造不合格”,嘲讽“原来中国大陆赠送给法国的防疫品,这么的 Made in China !”。然而,《环球时报》记者10日调查发现,早在本月6日,视频中医护人员所在的医院就已经辟谣,否认这批防护服来自中国。
If the video is fake I will delete it of course but what about the claim about covid-19 on masks that were delivered to UK
US clearly shows it can't support itself, let alone others, US capabiliities will be in question in the future, this coronavirus revealed China's strengths and US weaknesses.

US has spent 6.4 Trillion USD in wars in middle east. Now, china's BRI project's infrastructure costs is estimated to be around 4-8 Trillion USD all over the participating countries. You see, there is huge discrepancy and contrast in enforcing global might by both countries. How it will evolve in future idk, i can only speculate, it won't be that easy for China, it's not gonna be walk in the park. And IMO china will diversify her markets further, with new alliances, hint: India @Mangus Ortus Novem

BRI so far is euro-centric with other epicenters being GCC, Turkey. Which anyway is, so far, part of US global power structure. Will china be able to dent it, yes it will, will it take over? I don't see that happening anytime soon.

World will restructure with new alliances after this catastrophe but china will be a party to it; atleast for next few decades. It will have to play along, i don't see any other option for both parties.
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If the video is fake I will delete it of course but what about the claim about covid-19 on masks that were delivered to UK
A lot of China smearing rumor being spreaded on the internet, but people with common sense should know if China doesn't provide quality PPE, the world won't fight to teeth to get a share of them and countries even throw morals in the wind and hijack them, countries accuse each other of stealing made in China PPE from their hands.
For our discussion to progress towards a few solid Thesises we need to have Framework first...otherwise, all these 'reactionary' thread are nothing but sappers of already depleted energies...


P.S. iN your own thread in Strategic n FA ... I did leave my post there... perhaps might be of some value???

I agree, you post was indeed of great value and insights. Lemme continue the discussion on that thread.
Moving supply chains out of china already means billions of dollars of investments by parent companies and logistic issues. Don't see that happening any time soon. Eggs will be moved to different baskets, but that's not gonna be over night! Neither the world economic conditions after covid-19 will allow this. All this will just drive the pricing high with mass unemployment and lower purchasing power, i don't think west would ever do that.

New global order will be structured, but china will be a party to it; at least for next few decades.

West will be going through a rapid change. A large number of small and medium sized businesses buying from China will be dying soon. We can already see some of this playing out.

Demand from China is going to dry up. Buying power in West is going to decline due to a rapid increase in unemployment.

As I said, this Great Depression will lead to mass "slavery"/ control. NWO will dictate what people can and can't get hold of/buy from China or countries who don't submit. This will be done under economic protectionism.

We need to see this beyond the current global system that's being scrapped.

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