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anti-China rally

Ahem, remember to tread such that the "Miyazaki Totens" are not hindered. Think how the KMT is being strengthened at the expense of the PanGreenies. That is the game plan for Japan.
To add, the Song dynasty was really peace loving (they were very anti military, and had no military draft). An all volunteer army in the 12th century is just incredible. The Song people were sea farers, traders, artists, architects, etc. Cruel corporal punishments were mostly banned. The emperor ruled by consensus, not despotism. The mongols ruined everything.

The Mongols laid bare the weakness of the Song. Smoking gun power weak.
Of course it does not drive me into a fit. I expect that all of the apologists for the PRC here are atheists. After all, it is how your mothers and fathers raised you. Glory to Chairman Mao, after all .....

I'm just saying that is why the PRC is amoral and cannot be trusted.

No but seriously, organised Christianity sucks. Though Orthodoxy sucks a lot less than its elder and younger brothers and the later reactionary movements.
One interesting about India is that the south part of India was never conquered by Ashoka nor by the Mughals. And the Tamils point out how the sufis attempted to influence the vedic tradition in the north while their tradition remain untainted.
China's dislike of Japan has a long history. China NEVER send any soldier to attack Japan, but Japan has been raiding Chinese land for the last ... 1000 years.

China has been a VICTIM of Japanese aggression but yet the Japanese Media and the Western Media always picture China as the bad guy !!!
One interesting about India is that the south part of India was never conquered by Ashoka nor by the Mughals. And the Tamils point out how the sufis attempted to influence the vedic tradition in the north while their tradition remain untainted.

They were Tributaries for some time, but that didnt last long.



Tamils never liked being subordinates to Northern Indians. Try to force Tamils to speak Hindi as their first language, all hell we break loss lol.
Although I am no Atheist I find your idea of "atheists = amoral" troubling. If we want to discuss the morality of Western Christianity I could bring up the glories of the Inquisition, suppression of science during the Renaissance, and the killing of "infidels" in both the Old and New Worlds. A man's morality is not determined by his religion.

As for the religious policies of the PRC all I can say is that contrary to popular opinion religions, including Christianity, is practiced relatively freely there. The most prominent building next to a park in Quezhou (where my grandparents live) is a Catholic Church building and the people there donated a great deal to refurnish a Buddhist temple the last time I visited. Things are definitely improving. On the plus side there has been no textbook controversy in China regarding the teaching of Darwinian Evolution. If that is not the separation of Church and State I don't know what is.

Are you surprised? Remember Chogy's belief that Atheists are inherently immoral and that all charity is done by religious people. A good person will be a good person regardless of them being religious or not, but it takes a religion instill intolerance and hate in otherwise normal people.
Believe it or not, but American people are actually human beings with their own individual opinions.

Yeah we should round up those non-human, collectivized Chinese into some kind of work camp or send them to prison. That'll show them for being different and intolerant of our views.
Yeah we should round up those damn brainless, evil doing Chinese into some kind of camp.

We would do that but the camp would have to be waaaaaaay too big. We are broke and don't have enough room here in the USA for a Chinese internment camp. Maybe we should conquer Canada and turn that into a Chinese camp? Canada has lot's of unused space. Anyway, the CPC does it's own great job at rounding up "evil" Chinese and putting them in camps ...
Believe it or not, but American people are actually human beings with their own individual opinions.

You were the one stereotyping about my parents. :azn:

I'll say it again, both my parents are Buddhist. I chose to be an atheist.

As usual, your stereotypes were wrong.
Mr. CardSharp,

Thank you for not arguing with "senior" citizens. It shows that your upbringing was not a total waste. Your parents are to be congratulated. :azn:


China breaks up anti-Japan protests

By Maxim Duncan

LANZHOU, China | Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:12am EDT

LANZHOU, China (Reuters) - Chinese police on Sunday broke up protests against Japan in the northwestern city of Lanzhou over a territorial dispute that has stoked tensions between Asia's two biggest economies.

The protest, by about 200 people who were calling for a tougher line by their government against Japan, followed similar demonstrations by thousands of Chinese and Japanese last week that centered around the status of islands claimed by both nations.

In a sign that the two governments are to a certain extent trying to defuse tensions, their foreign ministries exchanged statements encouraging cooperation over the past two days.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu noted a statement by Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara that they should strive to improve ties.

"We expect Japan to work with us in joint efforts to maintain and advance the strategic bilateral relationship of mutual benefit," Ma said in a statement posted on the ministry's website on Saturday.

Along with a long-standing dispute over a chain of islands in the East China Sea, Japan is also worried that China has started holding back shipments of rare earth metals, vital in the manufacturing for electronic goods and auto parts.

Japanese Trade Minister Akihiro Ohata on Sunday told Jiang Yaoping, a Chinese vice commerce minister in Tokyo for a forum, to stop restricting rare earth exports, Japan's Kyodo news agency reported.

China has denied cutting shipments to Japan for political reasons, and says it restricts overall production and exports of rare earths to avoid depleting its reserves and causing harm to the environment.

In the demonstration in Lanzhou, the crowd of mainly students gathered in the city's central square and marched about two kms (1.2 miles), unfurling banners and demanding a boycott of Japanese products, before police in riot gear halted them. There was no violence.

"We want to boycott Japan. Little Japan, return our China, return our Diaoyu islands," a university student surnamed Li said.

Sino-Japanese relations have been on edge since last month after Japan detained a Chinese trawler captain whose boat collided with Japanese patrol ships near the disputed islands -- called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.

A smaller group of about 100 people reassembled for a second protest in Lanzhou after the first was broken up.

Students dragged the Japanese national flag through the mud and stamped on it. A young woman ripped another flag with her teeth to the cheers of onlookers.

Dozens of police soon arrived and dispersed the crowd.

In a separate demonstration in Baoji, Shaanxi province, anti-Japan protesters also turned their anger against the Chinese government, Kyodo reported. It said that marchers carried banners decrying corruption and high housing prices.

China breaks up anti-Japan protests | Reuters
So what do you want lol? The students to protest or not protest?

Protest: "Chinese racism!"
No protest: "Chinese dictatorship!"

can't satisfy americans. why try.

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