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Featured DG ISPR says yesterday’s statement was attempt to disfigure Abhinandan issue

I said it before and I'm saying again ... Pakistani Muslim League (Nawaz) should be banned!
Pmln is from Central Punjab and blue eyed creation of establishment. They are untouchable.
Some countries derive their strength from their people and some from their army.
And some from fake news media such as India
Rana Sanaullah came forward to endorse Ayaz Sadiq statement. PMLn should ban in Pakistan. They are now openly breaching national security issues.
Establishment loves pmln because they are from Central Punjab
total bs by 2 rs traitor politician who we had as our ex-speaker..
he wasn't mis-quoted..having heard his statement multiple times today itself..he definitely said it in a way that could be taken to be alluding to COAS Bajwa...the words were juxtapositioned between mention of COAS Bajwa and SMQ coming and telling something.. just like politicians..he said it in such a manner that he could later retract and say that i was alluding to him and not him..

Also the clarification is BS..when IK wasn't even in the meeting..how did Ayaz Sadiq deduce his state..
exactly this SOB played dirty with calculated words so he can be pull them back at time . one thing is proven Pakistani politicians can sale their mothers for kursi
Pmln is from Central Punjab and blue eyed creation of establishment. They are untouchable.

And some from fake news media such as India

Establishment loves pmln because they are from Central Punjab
Not just about creation - more about support within and relationships.
Same reason why Malik Riaz is NEVER going to be in trouble - too many brass made millions in cohorts with him.

At the end of the day -the whole population is dishonest as a whole and hence deserves its rotting predicament.
While shooting down two Indian planes, General Bajwa was not scared but one Indian pilot scared him while catching him. Patwari Logic .RAW software in this PDM requires a new OS. Indian and Noon league are just talking champions. India has always beaten us and subdued us with words. The same is true of the Noon League. They say we made this atomic bomb and missiles. But if they can't make it, they can't make receipts for their properties. It's called humiliation. It's called a disgrace, which they earned.
By the way India can try to celebrate Ayaz's statement for a day or two but in reality, he poured salt on Indian wounds while scratching them back as fresh...... reminding the whole world as what really happened on 27th Feb, 2019. Soon, Indians will be cursing him silently for rubbing salt while they were about to heal through forgetting about it. At-least, it will be discussed in mainstream once again.

You people really lives in wonder land.
India break nuclear bluff of Pakistan on that very day.
If our own copper was not shoot down by our own SAM, even your forces know that your fighters can't get back safely.

I realy hope India never face any such Islamic terrorist attack again but if unfortunately that happens in any case. Your entire establishment will face sleepless nights.
You people really lives in wonder land.
India break nuclear bluff of Pakistan on that very day.
If our own copper was not shoot down by our own SAM, even your forces know that your fighters can't get back safely.

I realy hope India never face any such Islamic terrorist attack again but if unfortunately that happens in any case. Your entire establishment will face sleepless nights.
A Hero once Said: "We will Surprise You"

Now His successor Said: "We Gave them a Bloody Nose, and it is still Hurting".
is it hurting you, right?
DG sab, clarification ki zrorat hai, ACTION ki zrorat hai. What Ayaz did is un-forgivable. I know opposition is trying to rile up establishment and establishment doesnt want to play into their hands. But yesterdays statement was going too far, action needs to be taken against Ayaz sadiq.
Absolutely but how
exactly this SOB played dirty with calculated words so he can be pull them back at time . one thing is proven Pakistani politicians can sale their mothers for kursi
Just mother sir
You people really lives in wonder land.
India break nuclear bluff of Pakistan on that very day.
If our own copper was not shoot down by our own SAM, even your forces know that your fighters can't get back safely.

I realy hope India never face any such Islamic terrorist attack again but if unfortunately that happens in any case. Your entire establishment will face sleepless nights.

Leave what been said, know what been happened in reality. Abhinandan beaten badly blood on face, captured and then given tea and given back to india. Whole world seen that.
Buddy even Billo Rani keeps on barking against so called Selectors on a daily basis has anything been done about him and his minions??

Mate it's no way slip of tongue, he said it loud and clear and that too live on national TV, unfortunately Pakistan is acting like a banana republic where traitors and criminals get away with anything.

Nah Wrong Analogy. Even Banana Republic are way better than what Pakistan is for over a decade.
Since Kiyani has sorted out a political and a financial "NROs" for these criminals , they have embolden and now blackmailing the State of Pakistan almost daily.

Banana Republics have Banana skin on which they make "Criminals" slip and end up in the dustbin.

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