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Maoists demand mosque at Babri site

I really don't know why I'm replying to you!

There's a difference between collateral damage and intentional damage.

Collateral damage: What drones do while eliminating the taliban or what security forces do while fighting maoists.

Intentional damage: what taliban do by blowing people up in mosques or what the maoists do by derailing the Jnaneshwari express.

If you still can't grasp the difference, only God can help you and your intelligence (or the lack of it). :rolleyes:
Its upto u to use term which ever suits to ur agenda interchangeably like the definition of "terrorists","militant","freedom fighter" etc....
Yeah what ever.....

@ajtr bro keep trying I am sure u will get some attention.......

ajtr is a she not a he, just came to know about that. If u want just go back and read in previous page a comment which clears that by a Pakistani member.
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Look i have read ur posts and they are intelligent every time, but what do u mean by that word "Brahminists" dezi?? I don't mind ajtr's rants because he may be Indian or not thats what he does. I am a Brahmin and i would like to know what u mean by that word.

:lol: Take it easy... it was meant to be a sarcasm to the people who believe that the whole of India is under Maoist threat...!
Well thats a good sign separatists and minorities are forming alliance against fascists hindu parties and indian army who broke all the records of Nazi army in operation green hunt against poor Maoists. :angry:

wow it seems u have all the details of oppression and attrocities.

maoists are as good as talibanis. i think u also use the term "poor talibanis" while describing them.

u forgot butchery of east pakistan and wat is happening in baluchistan?
You are right ... the map should be udpated with a red background with a few green or white pockets where the "brahminists" are still holding strong... but their fronts are being threatened every day and areas under their control are rapidly being wiped off from the map of Red India...

I can only sing "Cry me a river" now....
brahminist power of center like delhi etc must be colored saffron.
brahminist power of center like delhi etc must be colored saffron.

Some how time for you has stopped in early 1940s, we have been democracy since the last 60+ years and corrective measures (reservations in Eduction/Jobs) have been in place for the downtrodden one
may be map is old but present sitution is s worse when maoist are right up in indian cities and when 600 tonss of explosives goes missing in rajastan.Even delhi is not colored is that mean delhi has no maoist presence?

Delhi becoming hub of Maoists

Trucks carrying 600 tonnes of explosives missing from Rajasthan

do u have any proof that the explosives are stolen by maoists...if not stop assuming and state only facts.

as far as maoists in urban areas that is not some thing new to happen they always have informers and supporters in the form of HR activists. but that didnt help them achieve any thing in the past few decades. as i said all the jobless maoists who lost their cadres in AP went North to spread their BS as there are hardly any takers for their RED ideology here in south. they will be defeated for sure as the govt is using homeo medicine(works for sure but slowly building natural resistance) to reduce its side effects(loss of lives).:sniper:

Development plans in Maoist districts to be revised: Chidambaram

there were no hindu temple on the site of the ajodha babri mosque and the ram did not born here . it was created in the mind of hindu fanatic but dismissed by even the hindu scholar expert on this site . sitting on the myth the hindu extremist wants to get political benifit . now high time for india to build the mosque again in the same place and prove itself in world that india is a secular country proggracing toward became world leader keeping aside mythical matter.

I agree that you are from Bangladesh, But care to transalate this into English for our benefit ?:cheers:

I'm pretty sure ajtr is arundhati Roy..

Arundati (Joint Trainee) Roy.
Its upto u to use term which ever suits to ur agenda interchangeably like the definition of "terrorists","militant","freedom fighter" etc....

So you see no difference between Collateral damage and Intentional damage?:blink:
Ajtr, Delhi might serve as a Maoist transit hub. Hell it might even be a Maoist ideological hub given the number of leftists in JNU campus. But till date it hasn't seen a single Maoist attack. And thats how I'd define an areas as Maoist affected. Maoists might travel through Delhi, plan, meet but as long as no attack occurs I wouldnt call it affected. And this is true for almost all the urban areas which are included in Maoist affected areas.

Maoist attacks are overwhelmingly restricted to rural and forest areas. Why? Because thats where they draw their strengths from.

But that doesn't diminish the severity of the problem. We should address the root causes rather than just relying on police ops. Cancelling of POSCO's Niyamgiri mines license is a good step. Government needs to find a better system to exploit the natural resource wealth and funnel the benefits to the tribals in these areas.
Thats what its an ideological movement and you cant win unless u address the root cause.since 1967 its getting strong and spreading all over....
Indira gave "gareebi hatao" slogan and instead of gareebi hatao govt followed "gareebon ko hatao" policy.And pertaining to the resources looting by the imperial companies eg reddy mines...POSCO etc ...govt must share these resources with the people of the land.This example is same as what is happening in balochistan.govt dont share resources there hence u ve people's movement.
on 15th august india didnt get freedom.its just that power got transferred from british oppressor to political elites.maoits are voice of oppressed people and they are fighting for real freedom of india from corrupt political elites.

Why Don't you take the Gun?
Do you have any proof they weren't.?

I love how people throw this word "proof" all over this forum :lol:
thats the reason why i said stop assuming and state facts. u cannot come to logical conclusion if we start discussing our fantasies and conspiracies can we:sniper:
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