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Pak Army Lt.Col Abducted and Reportedly Martyred by BLA in Balochistan

What cosmetic? That after so many years, the military fails to protect its own within its own territory in peacetime forget about any bloody civilian? That the military is involved in matters beyond its jurisdiction and constantly meddling in them while negating this core duty of actually safeguarding the territorial integrity of Pakistan? I can much more but I am controlling myself!

Col sb was operating in DHA. Pray tell me what official work is that? Official in what sense? Go read about high court Judgement and army's continued involvement in business ventures which is outside its domain and only happens in Pakistan. Please!

Didn't our army chief say to bury the hatchet? Time to move on? It's his words, not mine. On whose authority was the army chief dictating policy matters? His job is to remain ready to fight and let politicians decide whether or not they want to bury the hatchet or not. Only in Pakistan, an army chief gives such open dictation on policy matters which is beyond his scope of work and people ask where actually this so-called pleasing is going? And this by the way hasnt happened the first time. In 62 While India was engaged with China, Pakistan had the perfect opportunity to take Kashmir, yeh Ayub decided to remain committed to US promises which were not worth a dime. In 65 he launched an ill-prepared operation resulting not only in the loss of an entire SSG unit but an open war with India. Don't try to reinvent history to suit your flavor when we know what the saviors are actually worth?

Stun or disgusted all you want, the reality is that Bajwa has single handily destroyed the reputation of the armed forces of Pakistan. Whether it's flawed or not is another debate but the army's reputation is hitting rock bottom. What I am suggesting isn't mutiny. Core commanders can actually ask COAS to resign under circumstances when the entire institution is at stake because of one man. That man is neither above the army, certainly not above Pakistan.

Obviously, the breaking of East Pakistan did not register with you either. Otherwise, you would have the decency to call spade a spade and not turn a blind eye to all that is happening in this country for the past 70 plus year and the army's role in it.
You're wasting your breath unfortunately. People who still can't see that our army is the main culprit for the state of our country are beyond hopeless. I mean the army's incompetence has literally brought the country to it's knees, likely heading for bankruptcy, but no no no, it was IK who was incompetent! These dimwits will only learn after the army repeats 71, but by then it will be too late.
Because when we are proactive then the propaganda for Baloch rights subjugation starts against FC/Army. There is only so much that can be done militarily to what is essentially a political problem.

Yeah, it's a political problem, so, why aren't the generals solving it.
You're wasting your breath unfortunately. People who still can't see that our army is the main culprit for the state of our country are beyond hopeless. I mean the army's incompetence has literally brought the country to it's knees, likely heading for bankruptcy, but no no no, it was IK who was incompetent! These dimwits will only learn after the army repeats 71, but by then it will be too late.
Many of us do not enjoy the luxury of leaving Pakistan, hence we will continue to fight for it whether it's against the corrupt system, the politicians, or their handlers who call themselves neutrals.
Many of us do not enjoy the luxury of leaving Pakistan, hence we will continue to fight for it whether it's against the corrupt system, the politicians, or their handlers who call themselves neutrals.
I understand, and I want Pakistan to win no matter what, so keep fighting and never give up!
How was the army responsible for 1971 I would like to hear your eccentric knowledge on this am all ears.
WHO was in leadership role during and before 1971. Bengalis didnt just woke up one day and said we are going to dissent.
It was due to policies of our beloved Field Marshall.
You say it is due to army that Pakistan has survived for 70 years. Well WHO brought Nawaz, Bhutto, Altaf on Pakistan political scene. And everybody knows that these leaders have looted and have played hand in decline of Pakistan growth so i ask How is that by stunting natural political growth and bringing incompetent leaders at helm army has benefited Pakistan?
Every country has deep state that protects its interest with unconventional means, problem is our deep state has alot of things to learn yet, to put it lighthly.
I don't recall PTI making much headway either. At least grant this much.

What would be better is to realize this is a problem for all of Pakistan. Not one government, including IK's, has been successful in pacifying this threat so let's not bother pointing fingers.

PDM does not try, does want to try and doesnt care to try...

there is a difference... it is another matter you dont want to know.
The main problem is Allowing Some of the Azad Markists Sympathisers in the Govt Jobs via quota. And some idiots have told them that in a Pushtoon and Seraiki dominated province they will somehow Free it via Force. Without the external Support and Large scale weapons infiltrated by the Hostile Agencies they can't achieve shit. And then their is a policy of Pakistan to do the same to the Adversary if it is Crossing the red line means activating similar Operations in the Adversary backyard. At the peak of RAW operations in 2006 to 2010 we activated their backside in Assam and forced them to Draw down the aggressive support to the Terrorists operating from Iran and Afghanistan.

There have been countless blasts killings of both civilians and military. Yet the most **** generals does isbopenly say is that RAW is doing all this! What are they doing in response? anything in mainland India? nothing, they are now not even able repel in their own place. Just shows the competence of nucleared powered self declared no 1 army and Intel.
Isrealis are about to deploy those on Golan Heights.
View attachment 862044
Will it work in the terrain of Baluchistan?? I suppose it should. A high flying blimp, fixed in place and equipped with high resolution electro-optical and night vision capabilities would instantly pinpoint suspicious movements over a vast area. That is all the info we need for our defensive/offensive ops. A very cost effective solution.Do we have anything of sorts??

July 15, 2022

havildar khan muhammad was martyred during the rescue operation photo ispr

Havildar Khan Muhammad was martyred during the rescue operation.
WHO was in leadership role during and before 1971. Bengalis didnt just woke up one day and said we are going to dissent.
It was due to policies of our beloved Field Marshall.
You say it is due to army that Pakistan has survived for 70 years. Well WHO brought Nawaz, Bhutto, Altaf on Pakistan political scene. And everybody knows that these leaders have looted and have played hand in decline of Pakistan growth so i ask How is that by stunting natural political growth and bringing incompetent leaders at helm army has benefited Pakistan?
Every country has deep state that protects its interest with unconventional means, problem is our deep state has alot of things to learn yet, to put it lighthly.
the deep in our deep state is a chulo bhar pani. eik coas change ho. and 180 degree hawa tabdeel. democrats/repubs does anyone become antagnostic towards israel. Similarly change the shape of icing patterns of the cake on opposing china, but the cake is still baked and its still the same flavor. the only established part of the establishment is on how to occupy pakistanis. the rest changes more than a model's clothes on a cat walk.

July 15, 2022

havildar khan muhammad was martyred during the rescue operation photo ispr

Havildar Khan Muhammad was martyred during the rescue operation.
CT ISI they were the first to be activated after the Abduction sadly was hit by a sniper while near the recovery site. Served 22 years in Intel setup.
May Allah Accept his Shadat against the Pagan backed Murtadeen.
Yeah, it's a political problem, so, why aren't the generals solving it.
Ask them. Since all of you are such experts on the thinking, mindset of the generals and know them so well to pass judgements all the time.

PDM does not try, does want to try and doesnt care to try...

there is a difference... it is another matter you dont want to know.
That is as partisan as one can get. I don' care for either party but I know there are people in PML-N who have been trying to address this problem for not years but decades. Senator Mushahid Hussain is one such person, there are many others.

This is not about what I want to or don't want to know because I have no dog in this fight between PDM and PTI. Today they are fighting and cursing each other, tomorrow they will be butt-buddies (case in point PPP and PML who for decades were at each other's throats). Always keep in mind that politics make for strange bedfellows.
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Would be more costly though, but I would personally like one such QRF to be IN AIR in all cities, that way we can further cut the time required for the helicopters to be pulled out, cold start etc....

This way, several more minutes can be saved and much more speedy response be guaranteed.
Or - For scenarios not involving a hostage have a battery of loitering munitions that can be fired instant and used to pick targets out.

Could be as simple as a trailer sitting in the middle of town or fortification.

Distributed operators that can then if nothing else rain down 100lb HE on the technicals these militants may be using.

May not stop them but having one vehicle blow up or even damaged from an explosion disorients you and puts the fear of god in there

How generous of them
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