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Great Hymn to the Aten- Was Akhenaton a prophet of Allah?


Dec 14, 2008
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United Kingdom
This Egyptian Hymn really does put a lot of things into context and as I have mentioned before there is a connection between the Israelites to the Egyptians and followers of Akhenaton (1353BCE - 1336BCE). Israelites are Egyptian followers of Akhenaton who were persecuted and fled after the demise of Akhenaton either immediately or in the following years after Akhenaton's death. Akhenaton had introduced the Sun God Ra to the Egyptians and gradually replaced all the idol worshipping with the worshipping of Ra. Akhenaton asserted and preached the one God religion and went about to dismantle all the idols and temples. The old guard priests were enraged and conspired to reverse this. Once Akhenaton died (or was assassinated) the old guard priests inveigled or forced Akhenaton's son Tutankhamun to reintroduce and revert to idol worshipping and went about systematically erasing all evidence of the Sun worshipping and Akhenaton and his follower's records. Akhenaton's follower's religion was spread by his followers to what is now Palestine and established strong foothold there and was passed from prophet to prophet.

The earliest recorded evidence of people by the name of Israel appears in the Merneptah Stele of ancient Egypt, dated to about 1200 BCE which is approx 64 years after the death of Akhenaton the Sun worshipper. It appears the Israelites are followers of Akhenaton or people who adopted his religion in that region. This is the missing and key part of the jigsaw and predates all other recorded religious history. This should be taught in the history books in all schools around the world. The Egyptian Pharoe Akhenaton could have been a prophet as it is mentioned in the Quran there were many prophets before. If this link is indeed true then Jews and Christians should upgrade to Islam if they believe in truth. Archaeologists, historians and religious scholars should investigate this further. It is a pity that European historians taint their work with conjectured references to Israelites and Judaism without any historical physical proof or records.

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@khansaheeb, your words make sense. However, we must move from even One God to simple Nature Is Supreme.
School Religious education and religious history should include Akhenaton for completeness sake:-

"Comparison to Psalm 104​

In his 1958 book Reflections on the Psalms, C.S. Lewis compared Akhnaten's Hymn to the Psalms of the Judaeo-Christian canon. James Henry Breasted noted the similarity to Psalm 104,[10] which he believed was inspired by the Hymn.[11] Arthur Weigall compared the two texts side by side and commented that "In face of this remarkable similarity one can hardly doubt that there is a direct connection between the two compositions; and it becomes necessary to ask whether both Akhnaton's hymn and this Hebrew psalm were derived from a common Syrian source, or whether Psalm CIV. is derived from this Pharaoh's original poem. Both views are admissible."[12] Lichtheim, however, said that the resemblances are "more likely to be the result of the generic similarity between Egyptian hymns and biblical psalms. A specific literary interdependence is not probable."[13] Biblical scholar Mark S. Smith has commented that "Despite enduring support for the comparison of the two texts, enthusiasm for even indirect influence has been tempered in recent decades. In some quarters, the argument for any form of influence is simply rejected outright. Still some Egyptologists, such as Jan Assmann and Donald Redford, argue for Egyptian influence on both the Amarna correspondence (especially in EA 147) and on Psalm 104."[14]"
The Sun God Ra was a minor God before Akhanaten and his wife had Him alleviated as the Almighty God in what is considered as a rebellion to the Priestly ways.

It is one of the first documented variation of monotheism in human history.

@khansaheeb, your words make sense. However, we must move from even One God to simple Nature Is Supreme.

Polytheism and Monotheism are as natural concept as any one might argue.
The Sun God Ra was a minor God before Akhanaten and his wife had Him alleviated as the Almighty God in what is considered as a rebellion to the Priestly ways.

It is one of the first documented variation of monotheism in human history.

Polytheism and Monotheism are as natural concept as any one might argue.
My key point is that there was no record of Israelites until after Akhenaton and the Israelite religion was a copy of Akhenaton's text and that Jews are really Egyptians. These are the facts of the matter and historically proven through hard records.
No we shouldn't move to "simple nature is supreme", that is Hindu ideology and not Islamic.

You are totally mistaken. Hinduism / Hindutva is the most theist, complicated and priesthood-forwarding ideology ever in history. Hinduism has 330 million gods. Does that sound to you like "Nature is supreme" ?

Additionally, Hinduism in India is about 3000 years old and came with the Brahmans from Iran in that period. The Brahmans established the caste system, extreme Capitalism, utter misogyny and feudalism that we see now among many Indians.

Before the Hindus in India had come the Indus Valley Civilization people who are supposed to have come from what is now Iraq. However, nothing is known of their language, writing and daily life.

Before the IVC, who lived in India but the indigenous tribals who the Brahmans forcibly assimilated into Hinduism but didn't give equal status. They became subdued in the caste system. But the tribals have recently taken to calling themselves under the label "Sarna Dharma" and are demanding that the Indian establishment recognize as another official religion of India. They protest and wish disassociation with Hinduism and say that they respect Nature and never had idol worship in their beliefs :



Lastly, about Islam, had Hazrat Muhammad and his comrades lived on now for 1400 years they would have agreed with the modern progressives including abolition of money, abolition of family, abolition of private property, abolition of nation states and militaries and propagation of the idea that "Nature is supreme". They would asked, how is that Hindus return in a helicopter from praying to Shiva in the Himalayas, praying for long life and money wealth but that same god Shiva isn't able to prevent the helicopter from crashing in the mountains and the pray'ers getting killed ? Hazrat Muhammad would have asked, how is it that pray'ers to God in Indonesia and Iran aren't able to prevent the ground from shaking the mosque violently and bringing the mosque down on the bodies of the "pious" pray'ers and killing and injuring them ?


Polytheism and Monotheism are as natural concept as any one might argue.

How ? Read above about Sarna Dharma.
My key point is that there was no record of Israelites until after Akhenaton and the Israelite religion was a copy of Akhenaton's text and that Jews are really Egyptians. These are the facts of the matter and historically proven through hard records.

Egyptian texts do refer the people of Israeli as a fringe societal phenomenon. However not in context that history now remembers them by or for.

How ? Read above about Sarna Dharma.

How not? There is no need to discuss the 5th world here.
@khansaheeb Hope this research does not lead to Jewish claim on Egypt as their ancestral homeland.

You are totally mistaken. Hinduism / Hindutva is the most theist, complicated and priesthood-forwarding ideology ever in history. Hinduism has 330 million gods. Does that sound to you like "Nature is supreme" ?

Additionally, Hinduism in India is about 3000 years old and came with the Brahmans from Iran in that period. The Brahmans established the caste system, extreme Capitalism, utter misogyny and feudalism that we see now among many Indians.

Before the Hindus in India had come the Indus Valley Civilization people who are supposed to have come from what is now Iraq. However, nothing is known of their language, writing and daily life.

Before the IVC, who lived in India but the indigenous tribals who the Brahmans forcibly assimilated into Hinduism but didn't give equal status. They became subdued in the caste system. But the tribals have recently taken to calling themselves under the label "Sarna Dharma" and are demanding that the Indian establishment recognize as another official religion of India. They protest and wish disassociation with Hinduism and say that they respect Nature and never had idol worship in their beliefs :



Lastly, about Islam, had Hazrat Muhammad and his comrades lived on now for 1400 years they would have agreed with the modern progressives including abolition of money, abolition of family, abolition of private property, abolition of nation states and militaries and propagation of the idea that "Nature is supreme". They would asked, how is that Hindus return in a helicopter from praying to Shiva in the Himalayas, praying for long life and money wealth but that same god Shiva isn't able to prevent the helicopter from crashing in the mountains and the pray'ers getting killed ? Hazrat Muhammad would have asked, how is it that pray'ers to God in Indonesia and Iran aren't able to prevent the ground from shaking the mosque violently and bringing the mosque down on the bodies of the "pious" pray'ers and killing and injuring them ?


How ? Read above about Sarna Dharma.
By observing nature one can find signs leading to God.
You are totally mistaken. Hinduism / Hindutva is the most theist, complicated and priesthood-forwarding ideology ever in history. Hinduism has 330 million gods. Does that sound to you like "Nature is supreme" ?

Additionally, Hinduism in India is about 3000 years old and came with the Brahmans from Iran in that period. The Brahmans established the caste system, extreme Capitalism, utter misogyny and feudalism that we see now among many Indians.

Before the Hindus in India had come the Indus Valley Civilization people who are supposed to have come from what is now Iraq. However, nothing is known of their language, writing and daily life.

Before the IVC, who lived in India but the indigenous tribals who the Brahmans forcibly assimilated into Hinduism but didn't give equal status. They became subdued in the caste system. But the tribals have recently taken to calling themselves under the label "Sarna Dharma" and are demanding that the Indian establishment recognize as another official religion of India. They protest and wish disassociation with Hinduism and say that they respect Nature and never had idol worship in their beliefs :



Lastly, about Islam, had Hazrat Muhammad and his comrades lived on now for 1400 years they would have agreed with the modern progressives including abolition of money, abolition of family, abolition of private property, abolition of nation states and militaries and propagation of the idea that "Nature is supreme". They would asked, how is that Hindus return in a helicopter from praying to Shiva in the Himalayas, praying for long life and money wealth but that same god Shiva isn't able to prevent the helicopter from crashing in the mountains and the pray'ers getting killed ? Hazrat Muhammad would have asked, how is it that pray'ers to God in Indonesia and Iran aren't able to prevent the ground from shaking the mosque violently and bringing the mosque down on the bodies of the "pious" pray'ers and killing and injuring them ?


How ? Read above about Sarna Dharma.
Are you a Communist ? This drivel was started by that lot, to confuse people in this country.
Every new ideology needs to demonize the existing one, so they make up such stuff. Half truths and conspiracies, gel together well.

How can you spout this BS, even after the DNA of all in this land being found to be same and that there is no such influx of Aryans or whatever into these lands?

It's people like you, who keep up this cauldron burning to heat your roti. Always talking of oppression, but when in power murdering anyone from opposite side. You communist lot are leeches and biggest hypocrites on this planet.
Are you a Communist ? This drivel was started by that lot, to confuse people in this country.
Every new ideology needs to demonize the existing one, so they make up such stuff. Half truths and conspiracies, gel together well.

Yes, I am a Communist and I just state facts.

How can you spout this BS, even after the DNA of all in this land being found to be same and that there is no such influx of Aryans or whatever into these lands?

1. How are a archetypal Kashmiri, a true Maratha and a tribal from Jharkhand the same genetically ? :)



2. About age of Aryan influx into India from Iran being 3000 years ago please read this article from Velivada.com which is a website of Shudra and Dalit writings.

It's people like you, who keep up this cauldron burning to heat your roti. Always talking of oppression, but when in power murdering anyone from opposite side. You communist lot are leeches and biggest hypocrites on this planet.

Murder ? Genocide ? Oppression ? Irrationalism ? Isn't that the specialty of the Bhagwas ?

You communist lot are leeches and biggest hypocrites on this planet.

You bhagwas are actually the biggest leaches in history. Using technology made by others but insulting them at every turn. You insult Communism here but your bhagwa hero Rakesh Sharma was mistakenly made a guest by Communist USSR on its space station in 1984 when all your bhagwa "science" could not produce a sewing needle but instead of being acknowledging of Communist USSR's achievements including making you a guest in space you come here and insult Communism ???? But the world has turned against you bhagwa parasites. Here is an American touring Poland telling you that very thing :
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It is history being discussed not how to pray.

How not? There is no need to discuss the 5th world here.

But they are the original inhabitants of the places you live in Pakistan and I in India.

By observing nature one can find signs leading to God.

Examples. :)

@khansaheeb Hope this research does not lead to Jewish claim on Egypt as their ancestral homeland.

Unfortunate that many humans still form themselves into nations. Nation is an artificial concept not found in Nature. But many humans still in 2023 form themselves into nations and keep militaries to defend them even if the governing system is oppressive and anti-human.

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